Monday, November 1, 2010

Guys, It's November. Yeps.

It is. Check your calendars (or your clock if you're awake ike RIGHT NOW). Time's screwing us over again.

As promised, here is the November 1 post, people, to officially announce the beginning of NaNoWriMo. But I think I remember reading about some kind of time difference issue because it's a worldwide thing. Oh well.

You all ready for this? 'Cause I'm no way in hell ready for this. But I'm jumping in anyway. If you're cool, check it out:

But before you do, be kind enough to listen to my female-teenager-not-really-a-rant-but-close.

First of all, I'd like to say that Kendall's Homecoming blog totally owns mine last year which was so pathetic it needs to be blasted into Internet oblivion forever and ever.

Secondly, I proofread and edited it just for you. If you just read his Homecoming blog just now, you're welcome.

Thirdly, oh, KENDALL's mad? Then what does that make me? FREAKING PISSED, that's what. So much that I don't even wanna talk about it right now. So I'm gonna go write a sonnet (yes, I just said I am going to sonnetize) and come back when it's actually November 1 (which is in an hour because it is now 11:02 as I'm writing this) so that I can actually post this thing up, but not talk about it. 'Cause it should just be forgotten and not talked about and just shouldn't even exist and anyone who brings it up again will die a painful death in my hands.

And what makes it worse is how I hate being mad at him and wanting to rip his head off, yell at him, and ignore him because I know I can't because I just can't. It's just not possible.

BUT this is actually a good thing because for once, he knows that I'm mad at him (I think, pretty sure. If not, then that totally ruins the whole purpose of the "good thing" part) because if there's anything in the world that I hate, it's when I'm super mad at someone and that someone doesn't have a clue. So HA.

Fourth...crap. I forgot what fourth was. Darn. Whatever. I'll remember later.


I remembered the fourth one! HA, it's Sunday night, which means I'm pulling an all-nighter as usual so I DID read that tonight. Okay, back to the sonnet...


Still not done with my sonnet. Along with a bunch of other things. So I guess I have to do them all tomorrow morning. Or try to anyway. Phys homework has to be pushed back to lunch and period 6. Study for Spanish quiz and APUSH essay test (first period of the day, shucks) in the morning and long homeroom. Print everything I need to print in the morning, too. Aw shucks, no confrontation...? Ah, to be honest, I'm kinda scared. But still mad. So scared-mad.
And my sonnet. Ok, I'm not gonna sleep until I finish this darn sonnet. Fourteen lines of rhyming iambic pentameter...what else could I ask for? Naaahhhttt.






P.S. I really liked that honey. LIKE, REALLY LIKED IT. All over my granola.

P.P.S. Here's the picture that Kendall couldn't find:


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