Monday, April 4, 2011


Day 4! The day we got ads! Yes, we have ads now.
 Anyway, I just read Kendall's two posts for yesterday and today and I feel the need to react:
I don't support Gale-Katniss--I'm on the baker's side (he makes awesome cakes!)--but Gale is a fine young man who doesn't deserve this treatment! I approve of the choice for dear Peeta Mellark. And Katniss Everdeen? Hmmm, she seems a bit old to me but dyeing her hair would solve that problem.

The Malta post was great. It really was. Green-worthy, even. 

Moving on, I felt like I should tell you about something I witnessed today. I have a free period 8 (second period of the day this week) and I went to W-Lab to type up a Spanish composition. There was an English 9 class inside but there were a couple of computers free so I sat down at a computer and logged on. Other older students were also in there working papers or whatever. Just as I opened a new Word document, however, two more freshmen that belong to the class that was officially using the lab that period came in and there was only one computer left. The teacher kindly asked for one of the students not in her class to give up a computer for her student.

There was a pause. Not a short one, not really, but one of those that seem to be longer than it really was. All the older students inside the computer lab slowly looked over their shoulders at their fellow upperclassmen, including myself, waiting, even daring, the others to move from their seats. No one would look at the teacher. No one spoke. And to my surprise, every single head slowly turned back toward the computer screens, confident that someone else would stand up and give up their computer. I admit, I thought the same thing, too. But it was quickly followed by another thought: If we all thought to ourselves, "Hey I'm working on something important so I'm not leaving. Someone's bound to leave, right, but it won't be me," then no one would leave.

I also turned back toward my computer screen, just like the others. But I logged off. 

"I'll go," I said.

I'm sure I heard the faintest of sighs from behind me as I said that. And I walked out of the W-Lab with the greatest disappointment that I have ever felt for my school peers.

School is hard. And we all have homework that require the use of a computer. It's great to see students so keen on working, putting so much effort, thought and, most importantly, value into their papers and projects. As students, we should value the products we turn in to our teachers because of the amount of time and effort we put into them. And these upperclassmen, I understand, had every right to feel "protective" about their free time spent on working. 

What we forget, however, is that school is also a community. And in a community where everyone believes that someone else will do it eventually, what gets done? Who ends up doing everything or anything at all? We have to somehow stop that reflex in our minds that say, "I don't have to do it 'cause I'm sure someone else will do it." How are you so sure? Who is this "someone else" that everyone seems to trust will do everything in due time? Because, let me tell you, that "someone else" doesn't exist. That "someone else" should be you.

Taking pride in your work and making sure that you do all of it to the best of your ability isn't considered selfishness. But when your doing so affects someone else's efforts to do their best, it might as well be.

I really loved...JAW.
I smiled because...I did better than I expected on my Physics test.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
" sweet, sweet Madeline. Every time I look into your eyes, I feel like I'm alive..."
(Hello by Hawk Nelson)
Hours of sleep last night: 5 hours, 20 minutes
Times it got COLD today: 5 (that's a record?)
Friend(s) of the day: Winney and Adrienne (tie!)

--Jen :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it got super cold! Hope you had a fur coat!

    FRIEND OF THE DAY! Half-win! Watch out girl scout. lol jk jk :)

    -the W in JAWss
