So right now, I am in the CCO (College Counciling Office) after school because I won't have time to blog later on today, so I am blogging right now.

This happened on April Fool's day last year. Yup. I was fooled. It was a great prank. Especially for me, because I freak out about all these little things that a normal person should not be freaking out about. Yeah, I've never been good about April Fool's pranks, like, ever. I'm pretty sure I already talked about this during this year's April Fool's day. This was such a good prank.
Okay, I don't really have anything else to say about this. Right now, I am surrounded by Kekoa, Shannon, Rachel, Jaime, Rebecca, and Kelsey. It's bascially a party in here. Also, I love this computer. It's so cool. Ha ha Kekoa makes super weird hand gestures. I love him. Kind of. Ope. This blog post has officailly become awkward. But, it usually is, so it doesn't matter. So, I think I'm gonna go now, this has been fun. We should hang out sometime.
Awkward Moments: 17
Pages Read: 479
Why Today Was Awesome: Captain pulled a prank on us. :O
Pages Read: 479
Why Today Was Awesome: Captain pulled a prank on us. :O
Something I Learned: How to use the CCO!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: I Wish I Were an Oscar Mayer Weiner as performed by Rebecca Ogi
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