Friday, April 8, 2011

First Day Without A Weird Post Title

Day 8!

Cole is watching me type my post right now. I am in The Physics Room, and it's lunch time. I have to write this post now because I won't be home until late tonight. 

Cole told me to remind myself in this post to bring My List sometime maybe after next week. If you're a constant stalker of this blog, you know that  we love lists (This blog is based on The List!). Anyway, this list is a list of books that I want to read basically before I die. Um. There is a good number of books on this list and I have been chipping away at this since I was in fourth grade. I really worked on it during middle school and I got a lot of it done, mostly the classics. I feel very proud of myself when I get references to classics all of the time, unlike some people (littered with these? I don't know, maybe). I also read a lot of Stephen King. And the Shannara series made up most of my seventh grade year. 

Usually, Kendall and I read the same books and I try to get him to read the books that I've read before but he's a very stubborn person when it comes to crazy fantasy stuff that don't make a good first impression. I really wanted him to read the Shannara series, but he wouldn't. Elfstone was the best. Except for the fact that the girl turns into a tree! Come on, Terry Brooks, be more creative in your solutions. But I really liked Scions and Wishsong. This is probably the closest I'd ever get to sci-fi/fantasy.

I also went through a phase for historical fiction, specifically on slavery and African-Americans. And Native Americans. YOU SHOULD READ PANTHER IN THE SKY. NOW. GET UP RIGHT NOW AND GO BUY IT OR GO TO THE LIBRARY OR SOMETHING. JUST READ IT. It's about Tecumseh's life.

Cole says I should make a list of movies to watch. When will I ever have the time to watch movies? I don't have free time!

So, Cole sat next to me as I wrote this, making endless suggestions and comments so forgive me (and him, I guess) if the post has responses to invisible comments and such.

I really loved..."Cole and his suggestions" (Cole)
I smiled because..."of Cole" (Cole)
Hours of sleep last night: 4 hours and 45 minutes
Times it got COLD today: 1 (but I think that number will increase.......I'm kind-of-maybe-not-really-oh-wait-I'm-kidding-I-mean-REALLY-REALLY COLD right now...FREEZING...because I'm always cold in The Physics Room)

--Jen :)