Sunday, April 17, 2011

Shaved Sheep

Day 17!

I'm about to rewatch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1. I think this is an exemption from posting? Nah, I might be able to come back and finish this post later on.

So come back later. But just in case I'm too stunned at the end of it (again), here's my post. (No worries, I think I'll be back later.)

--Jen :)


11:25 add-on!

Okay, we finished the movie. Still blew my mind, but cleaning up the brain bits from the walls was a lot quicker than before. I started getting teary-eyed when Fred rushed up to George when George hurt his ear just because I know that Fred's going to die in the next movie. Sadness.

Anyway, let's move on.

I am ashamed of Kendall's last couple of posts. Sorry, I'm pretty sure he doesn't proofread. But even if he did, I don't think it would make a difference because he has an innate problem with spelling. *SIGH* He also doesn't like to italicize titles or use quotation marks when necessary.

So my debate weekend is over. And we're going back to school on Tuesday. Which means that I have to do a truck load of homework tomorrow (because I refuse to do it now). I will, however, complete my To-Do List for tomorrow which is an accomplishment in and of itself!

So, now that the Hell Weeks are over, I have more time to do more insightful and meaningful posts. Yayyy! I do have AP tests coming up (three of them--APUSH, AP Phys B, and AP English), but I promised that I would fully resume my blogging duties after States, and I will definitely see to it that I do. More yayyy!

Which leads me to the meat of today's post. States. It's over. But it's not over yet. We're going to Nationals, man. :)

On Friday, I wrote about being happy and sad that debate was ending. I also talked about unexpected things. Talk about UNEXPECTED! Rachel and I went up on stage thinking we'd get the 4th place trophies, and we came out on top. See what I meant with my April 16th post? (And I wrote that BEFORE the awards assembly!).

So this is definitely not the end. Ahh, it was a great season. I liked it. I had fun, I worked a lot, Rachel is amazing and so is everyone on the team this year! Can't say anything else.

Overall, my weekend = magical. In more ways than one. But there were also some unmagical things that are maybe too embarrassing and/or too terrible to say, so I'll save those for my essay to Kendall. Which I should start now. So I'll go and do that.

I really loved...the Palm Sunday service.
I smiled because...of broiled double lamb chops.
Lyrics playing a this very moment as I type this blog:
"...I've lost my place and he's to blame, and I can't stand it when I'm staring in his eyes, and he's not looking back..."
("Sami" [not really] by Darren Criss)
Hours of sleep last night: 8 hours
Times it got COLD today: 0 (of course)
Friend of the day: Dobby


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