Thursday, September 1, 2011



I can't believe I'm ending BEDA like this.....with a 30-minute late blog post. You have no idea how DISAPPOINTED with myself I am right now!!!! To make matters worse, Kendall congratulated me on doing 100% of BEDA this month on his last post..... 

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There should be no excuses, so I won't waste time telling you any....

My thoughts on this year's BEDA? I think we did fine. It was definitely challenging to do BEDA for two blogs, but I think it was well worth it. I came up with some really good writing, if I do say so myself, in the past month just because I knew I had to write. It was really fun--having to scramble for interesting topics and embellish our boring lives so as not to make any of you fall asleep while reading our posts. Looking forward to April!

For now, though, we are going back to Blogging Every Week Throughout the Year (or BEWTY for short), which will definitely be less stressful. Our problem, however, is that when we're forced to write every day during BEDA, we often have nothing important or exciting to share but during BEWTY, we just can't wait to write our once a week blog posts! We are weird.

School is still school--getting a bit more stressful? I'm sure you can tell because it's 12:37 and I'm still up. I had just finished an English essay when I realized that I hadn't BEDAed it up on the very last day of BEDA. Again, I am disappointed. I should administer the Seven Cuts of Shame before I sleep.

Anyway, I think some "thanks" are in order....
-To those of you who are relatively new, welcome and thank you for not dismissing our blog so quickly! We hope that you stay for more awesomeness and craziness! Tell your friends about us!
-To those of you who have been with us for quite a while, thank you for your continued support! Although we cannot fathom how you can possibly find us so interesting, we hope you stay with us. If you do, you can have a cookie...and we promise to try harder to keep you entertained!
-And, finally, to those of you who consider yourselves weird and professional creepers, well, what can we say? Gras. Keep on creepin'...creep, creep, creep.

OH WAIT! Let's not forget a very important person in all of our lives (yes, all of OUR lives): Kendall, without whom this blog would not exist. He has actually done BEDA successfully THREE TIMES--no tardies, no absences--so he's pretty much a pro BEDA-er. 
Gras, Kerms, gras.

I really loved...eating a boiled egg as part of my lunch.
I smiled because...of that graduated cylinder and the thermometer.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
Hours of sleep last night: 4.5
Hugs: 4
*Risks taken: 1

*ongoing tally


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