Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Wanna Be Scared of How Strongly I Feel For You

Hi there! I had a pretty good week compared to last week's Dementor fiasco. Maybe not as sweet as I wanted it to be, but definitely sweeter than the last time. 

I broke a record on Thursday night--I slept at 4:15am and woke up 35 minutes later at 4:50am. *sigh* I ignored all of my other homework in order to do two things and two things only: 1) my bio lab report, and 2) the SAO "Meet the Prefects" board.

1) My bio lab report
I should not have procrastinated. And yet I did. *sigh* Anyway, I wasn't freaking out that much about it. Bio lab reports are always easier to write than English papers since they're so straightforward. There's always a right and wrong answer, none of the abstract and ambiguous things in English that require me to think critically (which is great and all, but can't be done very well when there's only 4-5 hours to do it). I've decided to time myself when writing my bio lab reports throughout the year (of course, I have to pause the stopwatch whenever I get up and take breaks and stuff). The first time I had to write one this year, I was doing it in another time-crunch because I had had a busy weekend that first time. I completed that Osmosis lab report in 5 hours, 21 minutes and 27 seconds. This most recent bio lab report on Enzymes, however, took me 3 hours, 12 minutes, and 27 seconds. I'm feeling math-y right now (I'm about to do my Calculus homework after this post), so I think I will plot out the relationship between the time I take to write each lab report and the final grade that I receive on each one in a graph. Not today, though, let's wait until the end of the first quarter to see if there is a relationship or not. That's something to watch out for. Yay.

Oh and here's what my laptop looked like before I dove in that fated Thursday night:

Lovin' the post-it detail? Yeah, me too.

2) The SAO's "Meet the Prefects" board
I was in charge of putting up the Senior Prefects' mini bios and pictures on the SAO bulletin board so that everyone in the school can "meet" all 22 of us senior prefects all week, next week. I sent out questions to the Pres and took their pictures and I had everything ready on Wednesday. The only thing I had to do was put everything together. But, of course, I procrastinated. *sigh* (SOMETHING MUST BE DONE ABOUT THIS PROBLEM!) Anyway, this task required some photo editing and lots and lots of heavy, mindless, and repetitive formatting for the most part. Nevertheless, I got it done. And I'm quite proud of the work we put up there. Does it exceed expectations? I think so. Thanks to all the Prefects for being so awesome, of course, and to everyone who helped me out: Win for joining my therapeutic cutting of the miniscule musical notes, Stratty for keeping us company and focused throughout that ordeal, Ging and Jas for being the Tape Masters, Boy-Alex for being the Tape Monster and Official Bio Carrier, Britt and Girl-Alex for lending us their nimble fingers in The Great Stapling of the Board's Title. And, of course, Kendall, for finding and installing the font I insisted on using for the title, creating and printing out the first board title, giving up his free period to cut out the mini bios, masterfully stapling everything that needed stapling LIKE A BAMFing STAPLING BOSS (despite the fact that the stapler we used wasn't PaperPro--I felt like we were cheating on someone we both loved!), and, as always, for telling me to "CALM THE FRICKIN' HELL DOWN" when I freaked out about paper measurements, crooked staplers, folding paper edges the right way, and different sizes of rectangles, and when things were too much for my over-stressed and sleep-deprived brain. Thank you, Kerms.

So, it was also Midquarter week, so I now have a better idea of where I stand in all of my classes. I definitely think I can do better--I want to do better. SO MUCH BETTER. The stress is definitely here and here to stay, but I think I'm dealing. Which means that the next four weeks are gonna be BOOM-BOOM-BOOM WEEKS--focus, work, no distractions! Let's get 'er done, guys, and let's get 'er done right

I really loved...singing the song "We Remember" at Church. It's my favorite church song.
I smiled...because my mom and Shayne went to see The Lion King in 3D today after church. The Lion King was Shayne's first ever movie as an infant, and my mom remembered being amazed at the fact that little Shayne understood what was going on in the movie. How did she know that her baby daughter could understand the movie? Shayne started crying when Simba was trying to wake up his dead father, Mufasa. *tear* Anyway, it seemed fitting that now that she's a college girl, the two of them watch it together. 
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog: 
"My heart is waiting for your love, my hand is waiting for your touch..."
(B-E-A-U-Tiful by Megan Nicole)
Hours of sleep last night: 8 (On Friday night, the night after my sleepless all-nighter, I slept at 7:30pm and woke up at 9:50am on Saturday morning--ALL YOU PANDAS OF THE WORLD GOT NOTHING ON ME. Pandas only average 4-6 hours of sleep, I believe, and I did for FOURTEEN GLORIOUS HOURS! The average sloth sleeps 15-18 hours a day. SLOTHS OF THE WORLD, I BOW DOWN TO YOU.)
Hugs: 3
Risks taken: 5 (nothing new)


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