Sunday, September 18, 2011

Me Gustaría Darte el Mar

If it makes anyone feel better, I had a decent week! 

Today on the other hand... This weekend, I had to write four papers. Four. Papers. I must have had freaking easy classes in years past because I've written more in the past four weeks than I did all last year. Although I did manage to finish all of it. Well, almost all of it. I finished everything but half of my Bio lab report, so pretty decent I guess. That's all I did today though. I literally sat at my desk the whole time, working/procrastinating. I did play some fun flash games though. 

Yesterday, I watched Doctor Who and freaking oh my freaking god. a;lksdgj;laksgj. That's all that can be said. 

It's 9 'o clock and I still have stuff that I want to do, so I think that I'm gonna be lame and cut it off short. Have fun in whatever it is life spits at you. 

Awkward Moments: *Sigh* I'm not gonna be able to keep track of this one....
Books Read: 18
Why Today Was Awesome: Today wasn't particularly awesome, but I guess I would have to say flash games in general.  
Something I Learned: Ahhh boring Kendall is boring.  
Song Stuck in My Head: "Me Gustas Tú" by Iskander 


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