Sunday, September 11, 2011

Now or Never?

¿Cómo estás? ¿Bien? Bien. 

It's been like, almost two freaking weeks since I last saw you! I missed you.... Not really. Kind of. 

So in that blank void of nothingness that has been my September so far, some things that I did include: going to the awesome Prefect Sleepover with Jen, finishing The Lost Hero, watching the new X-Men movie, reading a small child's picture book, holding the hands of small children (so freaking small), and much much more. 

This weekend, to be more exact, I worked on our AP Bio project with Jen and company, decided to get sick, and procrastinated all day, preventing myself from doing my Shakespeare essay. I recently ordered something online and I am really excited to show you guys, but I won't be able to until next week, so get excited. 

My life hasn't been too exciting though, just the normal-ness of school and homework and such.  I'm really trying to enjoy it as much as I can. With all this college stuff going on recently, talking to my counselor about it, going to college presentations, it's really starting to freak me out. I find myself thinking about it more and more. I mean, I am excited for college and what's next in the future, but even the smallest of changes can freak me out, and this is the biggest change we will go through at this point. I am really anxious about what's to come and there is no way of stopping it, so the only thing that we can do is enjoy what we have left and try to make the most out of what we have. We have to go beyond what we normally do, push our limits and boundaries, and instead of backing out and going back down the ladder, make that one final jump off the diving board before it's time to leave the pool. 

And as one of my new favorite YouTubers says, 
Later days.

Awkward Moments: 0 (Starting righhhhtttt NOW!)
Books Read: 18
Why Today Was Awesome: Chocolate Chip Pancakes 
Something I Learned: I have been procrastinating too much. 
Song Stuck in My Head: "Next to You" Luke, Alex, and Tiffany 


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