Wednesday, August 31, 2011

BEDA, I'll Miss You!

Here comes another end to another BEDA. After doing it for a third time, I must say that it is always a fun and good experience and I can't wait to do it again in the future. When I try to look back on this month of BEDA and talk about how it all went by so fast, it really didn't. The beginning of this month seemed like ages ago. That might be because so much has happened since then, I mean, it seems like it's been a month since school started. 

Overall though, this month has been a good one. I started my senior year of high school, that in itself is enough for a crazy month, but there were still some crazy shenanigans that ensued throughout the rest of it. I know that coming into this BEDA I had trouble keeping up with blogging everyday, I was so out of it. I think something similar is gonna happen now, I am gonna want to blog everyday, but no! Every week from now on (and whenever else I feel so inclined to do so.) By the way, weeks start on Monday and end on Sunday. This week is already completed!

Jen, good job!!! This is the first time EVER that you 100% completed a BEDA, and on two separate blogs nonetheless! (I'm not counting your little flub the other day.) 

That reminds me, I have been thinking about NaNoWriMo for this year. I know that I really wanted to do it again and actually try to win, but I don't think that that is going to be possible, therefore, I came up with a compromise. I am going to finish my original NaNo novel that month, instead of starting a brand new one. I think it's a good idea, right? 

Today, I finally got a legit calculator because I only have a wimpy baby one. I'm so excited. I'm having A LOT of fun with it. I know that I am overusing the phrase, but in this case it actually fits, using that calculator is a party. 

Although I hate to say it, I think that it's time to say goodbye. I may have started the month off with a fort, but I don't think that I'll be able to go out the same way, unfortunately. Although, it won't be goodbye, not really. 

Awkward Moments: 23
Books Read: 17
Why Today Was Awesome: CALCULATOR!!!
Something I Learned: That I want to but myself a Pandeeb one day 
Song Stuck in My Head: "Wizard Love" by Luke and Whitney 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Penultimate Ponies

Wait, Jen, you think that we did last summer BEDA better? I respectfully disagree. Last summer, I spent most of my blogs saying "I don't know what to say" and other lamenesses. I think we were stilling learning how to do it back then. I think that our true peak was in April BEDA, that's where I think we shone (as indicated by our stats). Nonetheless, BEDA leaves us soon, and we must return to the mundane ways of BEWTY (Blog Every Week Throughout the Year). (Hey, reminder to Jen, don't forget to do the John scavenger hunt stuff--if you need help, I'm here.)

Today, I actually did homework during a free for the first time this year. I want to make that somewhat of a habit, that would probably prove to be helpful. I'm one potion away in Pottermore from having all 6!!! Almost there!

Oh and one more thing to Jen (Geez, this entire post has been about Jen, what is this?) you found your "Great Perhaps" INTERROBANG I would like to know! I didn't know that everyone had their own, I thought it was more of a universal kind of thing. 

Anyway, I should be off. Until tomorrow for the last day of BEDA!!!!!!

Awkward Moments: 22
Books Read: 17
Why Today Was Awesome: Life is awesome, right? 
Something I Learned: Our Table Was Dirty
Song Stuck in My Head: "Best Thing I Never Had" By Luke and Jimmy (Although it keeps switching with all the others) 

Nearing the End

Yes, BEDA's almost over. But I think that we did a much better job on BEDA last summer.

[PAUSE] GAHHHH, I'm listening to Luke Conard's new CD right now (courtesy of Kendall) and his cover of MoM's "Accio Love" just came on. I love this song.... [UNPAUSE]

Anyway, yesterday Kendall and I were talking a lot about our senior yearbook things. I'm trying to cut down the senior message I started over the summer from 500+ characters to 400 characters max. It's a bit hard since I have my heart set on two specific quotes and I don't want to have to compromise the gratitude for special people I would like to express within my message. No worries, though, I will get 'er done.

As for the signature card, I'm still mulling over some ideas. I kinda know the direction I want to take, but nothing's official yet. But there's no rush!

Shayne is finally in Pottermore. She's in Ravenclaw...which means she's currently beating us for the House Cup. I'm brewing again, but Potions has some glitches because I'm pretty sure that I'm doing everything correctly and yet it won't let me brew the Sleeping Draught potion.

I'm really interested in the Third Eye Chakra thing now.......

I really loved....mushroom chicken!
I smiled because...I figured out what my "Great Perhaps" is.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...down in Hogsmeade. Feeling so high, snitch in the sky, Neville told me he'll brin gillyweed..." 
(Slythering Night / Tonight Tonight by Luke, Joey, Brittany, Tessa)
Hours of sleep last night: 5
Hugs: 3

Monday, August 29, 2011

Everyday I'm BREWIN'

Still brewing potions....

Normal day was normal. Boring blog will be boring. Why is there a spatula on my desk INTERROBANG. Kidding, there isn't one--I just thought there was one. I'm so tired, my mind is playing tricks on me.

It's Cycle 7 yay? Yeah, I guess we can yay to that.

I gots to goes ands reads nows. And check on my potion of course...

---"SHH! Don't bother me while I'm stirring my potion!"
---"Sloooowllyyy, Jen....okay, breathe. Caaaaarreeeefuuullll with that flobberworm mucus now. GAH! NO! I PUT ONE TOO MANY BLOBS INTO MY CAULDRON!!!! FRICK MY LIFE!!!!"
---"No, no, no, noooooooo---GOSH DARN IT MY CAULDRON EXPLODED. That cost me 10 galleons!"

I'm not alone when I say that I'm currently hooked on this thing.

BEDA's almost over. Simultaneous "awwwww"s all around!

I really loved...not having to take the AP Gov quiz today.
I smiled because...of Kirsten's nerdy joke.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"I can't get to sleep. I think about the implications..."
(Overkill by Colin Hay)
Hours of sleep last night: 5
Hugs: 2

Not Dying is a Party

Not like this is awkward or anything. 
Cycle 7 is a party. 
Filled with scary trucks, awkward libraries, 3D modeling, partying (of course), Chris Brown 
and Justin Bieber (not really though), awesome rain, socks, roots, and Pottermore. 

I want to read. I am about half way through with The Lost Hero already. Hopefully I can finish it soon and start on Brisingr or something, since that one is gonna be a beastly beast. 

I have a PCH test tomorrow, but it should be easy. (Even though I got an 85 on the quiz.... it was a dumb mistake!!!) 

Skimps post is skimps. But that's okay. Kind of. Right? Right. Bye...

Awkward Moments: 22
Books Read: 17
Why Today Was Awesome: Library Poses with Rachel
Something I Learned: Third Eye Chakra
Song Stuck in My Head: Next To You by Luke Conard (Alex Goot and Tiffany Alvord)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Higher than the Moon

"Had another dream today, I gotta let it out..."

That's a lie. I haven't had a dream in a while. Since summer. Anyway, I think my "mini novella" can get me out of having to write a lengthy post tonight, right?

All you really need to know is...

1) I'm a potion brewing streak on Pottermore.
What? The Claws overtook us, but we're catching up. Oh yeah, we're gonna catch up. And I'm contributing! So I'm making my, I think, FIFTH successful potion right now. Also, I hear that the Hufflepuffs are partying pretty hard over by the kitchens and that's why they're not in the lead in terms of House points. I'VE BEEN HEARING SO MUCH ABOUT THEIR CUSTARD AND FOAM PARTIES AND HOW FUN THEY ARE!!! Hoping for an invite next time.....please? I'm a nice Slytherin, I promise. Another thing: I don't have any Slytherin friends. Yet? What if I'm the ONLY Slytherin I know INTERROBANG.

2) While I'm waiting for my potions to brew, I'm trying to finish all of my homework. But I'm kinda freaking out because I still haven't finished my summer reading for Gov (and I think we have Summer Reading Test #2 tomorrow), and I still have to read for Bio and a bunch of other's gonna be a crazy week...

3)...BUT IT WILL BE WORTH IT BECAUSE I THINK I'M GOING TO THE SLEEPOVER NEXT WEEKEND!!!! I'm excited and I really, really, really hope that nothing changes my parents' minds.

I really loved...having fun with Ferb and Erica in Shayne's dorm.
I smiled...because of that fact that I've made THREE potions today! And I'm working on more!
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...Honest, promise, you will be missed. Honest, promise, you will be missed..."
(Long and Lonely Road by Hawk Nelson)
Hours of sleep last night: 6
Hugs: 6

P.S. I talk about my schedule over at Dance With Me.


Schedule discussing time!! W00T!!!!!!!


Now this was the class that I was most excited for because I liked Bio back in the day and I heard about this class before and let me just say that I am enjoying it. There are a lot of reasons why I enjoy it, one of which being that for the most part, it is only our grade, which is rather refreshing since the majority of the people in my Bio and Chem classes were all in the grade below us. I really want to do well in this class, and I plan on doing so.

Now, English is my worst/most hated subject of all time. With that being said, I really like this class because I think Dr. Webb is amazing. It is a really fun class that I want to do well in, but I know that I won't because I just am terrible at English. I mean, I already got a D on the quiz that we took. *Sigh* English....

There isn't really much to say about this one. I mean, it's photo, nothing new...

Okay, I lied. Kind of. This class is tied for the class that I am most excited for. First of all, Mr. Park is a BAMF. It was a little intimidating at first because he expects us to know a lot and he goes a little fast (not that I can't keep up or anything). For example, I was scared for our first quiz because I thought it was going to be really hard, but when I got it, it was ridiculously easy. Like, too easy. So I'm hoping things continue to go that way. Also, there are 25 people in my class. That is the BIGGEST class I have EVER had in the past 3 years. EVER. I think he said that there are 73 people taking PCH this year. WHY IS THE GRADE BELLOW US SO FREAKING SMART INTERROBANG GET OUT OF HERE!!! 

Double Party.

Meh. I took this class because I knew it would be easy. It is. 

Hmm... I don't really know what to say about this class. Profe is cool, I like her, but she does seem intimidating. I can understand what she is saying, but when she asks me to speak, I pretty much can't. Oh well. We watched a really funny video in her class, that was fun. I guess I'll see how this one goes.

As for Jen's post on taking risks. I totally agree with everything she said in her mini novella. I mean, I feel like there were some deep, underlying motives in there somewhere that I didn't get, but for the literal, outside layer of what she said, I agree. 

Want to read 15 lines of blank verse that I had to write for Shakespeare? Too bad, you have to hear it anyway. (I apologize for the terribleness of it, remember, I'm no good at English.)

I watch as time proceeds to drift away,
the soul of my dear friend is leaving us.
He may have lived a good life filled with love,
but like all other beings, his page turns.
I want to read ahead, the very end,
does hold the truth I am seeking for now.
While it may hold the truth of all to come, 
I stop myself since the ending still looms.
I do not want to have to say goodbye,
but if he stays nothing will ever change.  
And if we do not change, we do not grow,
without said growth, there is no point at all.
Goodbye to thee, at last you must now go,
sweet youth I will miss you and what we had,
but now it’s time for life and what it brings. 

Awkward Moments: 21
Books Read: 17
Why Today Was Awesome: Lazy Sunday
Something I Learned: Too much learning so far
Song Stuck in My Head: My head is kind of empty right now 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Taking that Leap

Yes, I said I was gonna talk about my schedule here, but I wanted to talk about something else. However, my schedule and my first week of school will be up on Dance in a little bit. I should probably be sleeping right now. I haven't done anything all day...hmmm, I just wanted to relax a  bit for the weekend. Anyway, on to today's topic: risk-taking.

This painting is called "High Dive" by Norman Rockwell. It actually hangs in the office of Steven Spielberg. It is also the picture that Mr. U gave the new 9th grade students earlier this month, as mentioned by Kendall in his lengthy sleepover post.

When you look at it, you just know, you can just feel that the kid is terrified, that he knows he has no choice but to jump, and that he has no idea what will happen next.

This is called "taking a risk." Now, what exactly does that mean? A risk is "a situation involving exposure to danger." Whenever you think something terrible will happen as a consequence of your actions, or even when you have no idea what will happen after, you are taking a risk. And it's ALWAYS a scary thing.

Some people pride themselves for being "risk takers." What does that really mean? Are they brave, fearless, afraid of nothing? Or do they mean that they don't really mind the consequences of their actions? Or maybe that they embrace the consequences of their actions, both bad and good?

Of course, nothing will ever "happen" in your life unless you try new things, explore unanswered questions, discover hidden answers, and embrace the unknown. And I get that. There are times when I wish I could be so fearless about the decisions I make, times when I wish I was more of a risk taker. Sadly (or is it?), I'm more of a "calculated risk" taker so my life isn't exactly boring. Safer, more sheltered, but not altogether boring. I think about the consequences, and if they're not all that bad, or if I realize that the outcome will most likely be very satisfying despite the awkwardness and suffering and icky stuff I will go through to get to that destination, I push myself to do it. If not, then I don't. But because I know that it's such a hard thing for me to do most of the time, I feel so awesome on the rare occasion when I do actually do something that I never would have believed I could do.

There was this one particular moment at a school dance a loooooooong time ago that I know will forever stay in my mind. Right in the middle of the night, the dj started playing a slow song when everyone least expected it. I didn't have a boyfriend at the time--well, I still don't--so, of course, there was that terribly awkward moment where everyone just freezes and thinks, "OH CRAP NOW WHAT?!" And the next thing you know, it's like that time the teacher said, "Partner up!" all over again. I wasn't the only one stuck in this dilemma (thankfully), but I knew that if I didn't act quickly and grab someone, I was going to be the only one stuck in this dilemma. But I said to myself, "Well, you can also just sit this song out and just get back on the dance floor once the slow song finishes." Immediately, however, I thought, "NO, DON'T BE A CHICKEN. ONE NIGHT, ONE RISK. THERE'S NO HARM IN THAT." Plus, this boy I was crushing on at the time was also at the same dance. And, what's more, the girl with whom said boy was currently almost-dating-but-not-really-because-they're-still-flirting-and-no-one's-asked-anyone-out-yet was not in attendance. I saw him walk away from the dance floor to go stand or sit by the wall. After a couple of nudges and pointed looks from a certain friend of mine (who had also noticed said boy walking away from the dance floor, and who was already dancing with one of said boy's friends so that it wouldn't be weird if I asked said boy to dance), I finally started walking in the general direction of said boy. I was really glad that it was super dark so that no one could see me blushing. I almost fainted when I just saw him sitting down, a little off to my left, in that "Yeah, I don't care" kind of way, alone and looking into the slow-dancing crowd. The following specific moment is my clearest memory of the night: me, frozen, about six to eight feet away from him, arguing with myself inside my head. GO, just GO. ASK HIM. RIGHT NOW. STOP BEING SO SCARED. I slowly took a step to my left, then froze. No, it'll be awkward. WHAT AM I DOING?! I turned to my right, then froze again. NO, STOP. YOU WANT TO DO THIS. MOVE YOUR FEET. TURN LEFT NOW. I turned left again, took a couple of steps, and then realized that I was already only two feet away from him. I stopped. He didn't see me. IF YOU DON'T DO IT NOW, YOU WILL PROBABLY NEVER EVER GET TO DANCE WITH HIM YOUR WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE. YOU'RE TWO FEET AWAY FROM HIM--IF YOU WALK AWAY NOW, YOU WILL LOOK INCREDIBLY DUMB. JUST. DO. IT. NOW.

So I did. 

And it was amazing. The best night of my life. Yeah, it was amazing because I got to dance with the awesome said boy, but it was also amazing because, inside, I just felt so accomplished. I was so full of pride for myself and what I had done. Happiness isn't even the right word to describe it because what I felt that night was so much more powerful. Every time I think about that night, I just feel like I can do anything. And that is what "taking a risk" (and having everything going the way you want it to) feels like.

BUUUUTTTT (yep, there's a big rear end here!), that's the only and biggest risk I've ever "blindly" taken. I don't remember thinking about what would happen if, or even considering that he would say no (for the record, he was really nice and sweet about it, and we were kinda friends so it wasn't totally awkward). If I did, I probably would've turned right. Definitely. Why? Because that would've hurthurthurt (like, you have no idea) and I'm no masochist. And that's why I was scared in the first place. That's why I'm always scared of taking risks--fear of, what was it again? "Exposure to danger."


Today, I watched that episode of Bones where Booth and Brennan read Sweets' new non-fiction book about their relationship with each other. Sweets comes to the conclusion that Booth and Brennan are in love with each other and bases his findings on their first case. However, he finds out the Booth and Brennan actually worked together for the very first time on a totally different case so he demands that Booth and Brennan tell him about their real meeting and first case together. In the end, Sweets tells Booth, "You're the gambler. For once, make it work for you" (or something similar to that effect) and Booth just takes a chance and kisses Bones and tells her that he wants to try it out, that he wants to see if he and Brennan would work. 

Way to take a gamble, Booth. Right?

Then Brennan says no because she's not sure, because she's a scientist and firmly believes in cold hard facts. Booth's face literally tears me apart and, in no time, my tears mirror his. But he regains his composure which makes me cry even more because DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH THAT MUST HAVE HURT AND THEN TO SEE HIM TRYING TO HOLD IT IN SO HE CAN PUT ON A BRAVE FACE?!?! DO YOU KNOW THAT FEELING INTERROBANG.

That's what sucks about taking risks. You never know because, well, there's no way of knowing. Sometimes you think that you can just freeze up and peer over the edge of the diving board forever, but you can't because you know you want to go in the water. It's just the matter of getting there that's the problem. It's that jump. 

Sometimes, you think that asking yourself, "Is it really worth it? Is it really worth risking everything that exists now for something that only could be better after I jump? Will I still feel like it was worth it after I jump?" will be enough to make yourself close your eyes, hold your breath and take that giant leap. For Booth, it was; he really thought it was all worth it. And sometimes that is enough. But other times, it's only enough to help you overcome your fears only for a little bit. Because nothing can ever prepare you for that painful blow at the bottom when you hit the water. Booth took a gamble and jumped, but he hit the bottom pretty hard.

Brennan was different. She felt comfortable and happy with the present. She felt doubtful about whether it was worth it to take all the present and exchange it, possibly, for something better, but less stable and less guaranteed. She didn't know. She didn't trust.

Sometimes, I'm like Brennan. But sometimes I'm like Booth. Either way, though, you can still get hurt. In Let It Snow, John Green wrote, "“I always had this idea that you should never give up a happy middle in the hopes of a happy ending, because there is no such thing as a happy ending. There is so much to lose.” 

Can you just taste the truth in those last monosyllabic words? 

So, how willing are you to give up the happy middle for the happier ending when you know for sure that there is so much to lose but can only guess and hope that there is so much more to gain?

I think it usually comes down to two things: 1) How much do you want that happier ending? and 2) Are you strong enough?

Then, regardless of your answers, you close your eyes, take a deep breath, and jump in anyway because you know you'll never find out if you never try and that a question cannot be answered it it is not asked. 

I smiled...because of Hitler getting locked up in the cupboard.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"Then you went away. I couldn't get you out of my mind. I was broken down for you..."
( (500) Days by AJ Rafael)
Hugs: 3

P.S. I lied. I didn't post about my week and/or my schedule on Dance. Sorry. :(

Birth of the Baffled

Too much today. TOO freaking much. Let's start with D&L

So today I FINALLY finished Dash & Lily's Book of Dares. Let me just say to begin, I really liked and enjoyed it. I thought that it was a really good book. I liked the overall plot of the book and I thought it was really interesting. There are some things that I didn't like though, and that would be Lily. I didn't really like her in the beginning because she was annoying and too innocent. Then as the book went on she began to grow a bit and embrace the "danger." But then after her little Sexcapade, I felt like she became the same old Lily. I feel like in the end she didn't learn anything from this experience, that the way she originally was was too innocent and the way that she was at the pub was too dangeruous. I don't feel like she found any middle ground in this and therefore I wanted to punch her in the face. Dash, on the other hand, I feel like didn't have that much character development he was pretty much the same way that he was in the beginning as in the end. (Just so you know, these are extremely general opinions and I am probably wrong, this is just the impression that I got from the book.) Also, regarding the way he speaks. Now I do like that witty and clever tongue that a lot of these books have, but there comes a point when it seems unrealistic. I feel like no teenager in the world would be able to come up with all that witty dialogue. But, oh well. Last thing, I felt like a lot of the book lacked structure. Like they didn't plan anything out in the beginning and they just passed the chapters back and forth. It seemed like there was a lot of random things that happened that one author wanted to make into a theme but the other one just ignored. Okay, it may seem like I'm bashing the book a lot, but I did genuinely like it. I love the concept of the Moleskin Notebook and I love how it was executed. I did enjoy it, but Jen definitely enjoyed the book much more than I did.  

Since I finished that, I decided that I am going to start on "The Lost Hero" already since "The Son of Neptune" is coming out in a little bit. I hope to finish it quickly so I can read all of the new books that are coming out in the order that they come out and quickly. 

After that, it was time for Doctor Freaking Who. As you may have known, I have been freaking excited for Doctor Who returning and can I just say that it was NOT a disappointment. Everything about it was SOOO good. I don't want to say too much about it because of spoilers, but it was such a good episode. And such a Moffat episode for that 
matter. Anyway, I am extremely excited for next week.  

Okay, it actually wasn't that much, but still. I will talk about my week tomorrow, I promise!
Awkward Moments: 21
Books Read: 17
Why Today Was Awesome: Killing Hitler
Something I Learned: How to NOT order food at KFC
Song Stuck in My Head: "Keep Holding On" by Avril Lavigne

Friday, August 26, 2011

Waiting For the Sky to Fall

So I said that I would give you a thorough explanation of all my classes at the end of the week. However, I really don't feel like doing that, so I have other things to talk about. 

So first, tonight I watched the third to last episode of Torchwood. Oh. Eme. Freaking Ge. ;lkqjknklklnblknaklqwpojqj'aakl;jk SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate them so much for just doing this to me!!!! I love everything about it!!!! GAH! Can't form correct words. 

Then after that, I watched a movie with my family. "Something Borrowed". Can I just say that I kind of love romedies? I can't? Too bad. I do. And the thing that I loved about this one was that it didn't follow the regular plot progression that a normal movie will follow. It was constantly changing directions and I never really knew what to expect next. I'm pissed about who she ended up with, but oh well. Life goes on right? Right....

Okay, I'm tired. Also, I only have till the 31st to finish Dash and Lily. BYE!

Awkward Moments: 20
Books Read: 16 
Why Today Was Awesome: I Scream
Something I Learned: PCH quiz was a LOT easier than I expected. 
Song Stuck in My Head: "Sarah Smiles" by Panic! at the Disco

I Demand that You Stop

I am so tired and sleepy that I was literally falling asleep at dinner time. I promise to post my full breakdown of my schedule tomorrow. 

Our neighbors are singing karaoke...VERY LOUDLY. But I'm so tired that I can probably sleep through it all.

I really loved...scooping out free vanilla ice cream for the masses.
I smiled because...stuff happens.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this very portion of the blog:
Hours of sleep last night: 5
Hugs: 4

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Best Friends for the Rest of Their Lives

Okay, I apologize in advance that this is gonna be a short one. I am actually really busy because I haven't been able to start on my homework in the longest time. So in lieu of my lameness, I am going to share with you four very depressing lines of poetry in Blank Verse:

My guilt exceeds that of your faith in me.
After the act in which I did to you,
I hope that things can still return to Us.
If not, then I hope you remain content.
For you deserve to have much more than me. 


Ummm here's one more for funsies:

While at the Zoo the lions got out. Run!


Awkward Moments: 20
Books Read: 16 
Why Today Was Awesome: Toy Story/Phineous (SP, I know) and Ferb Band-Aids
Something I Learned: The lady next door is Preggers INTERROBANG
Song Stuck in My Head: "Endless Roads" by Skyward Flyer

Hey Soul Sisters [and Brothers, too]!

Hola y'all...

FOURTH DAY! And it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...haha. No, I'm kidding, it's beginning to settle in--the year and seniority and all that.

Kendall and I are working on a project for Spirit: Smalls right now, but maybe I should hold off on telling you about it because 1) we don't want any leaks (not that YOU would tell anyone, really, right?) and 2) I want to wait and see what their reactions will be. 

Homework is still homework. It never changes...

I'm in the SAO right now because I have a free. Why do I suddenly have a free for period 8? Well, our group did our biology lab in the morning so that we would have frees instead of class today. And I guess I'll talk about that--working in groups.

I've worked in a lot of groups, and I usually pride myself in being able to work with a lot of different people. But sometimes, things don't work out so well. I've been in groups where only one person would be working and I've also been in groups where everyone just worked so well together. 

Every time I work in a group, I always have this picture of a perfect group in my head. Well, when I was in 8th grade, I was the captain of one of our school's Lego League team (it's a robotics thing) and I was lucky enough to have such hardworking team members. We didn't start off so well, though; not everyone liked each other much, and we had problems communicating. But we eventually worked out the kinks and one of our mantras throughout the season was "SNAPPY, SNAPPY, SNAPPY!" We believed that, in order to succeed and reach our goals, we had to work hard, communicate and mesh so well that everything we did should happen "like a snap, in a snap"--clean, quick, clear and efficient. We applied it to everything we did and we ended up having the best year of our lives working together. We were pretty much a family by the end of it all that it didn't really matter that we didn't make it past the State level. The picture in my head? It's a snapshot of what we did after we found out we were not advancing to the next competition: all of us, sitting on a blue tarp, surrounded by other teams in McKinley's cafeteria, munching on pretzels and raisins, talking and laughing at each other.

At the same time, however, I don't think that you need many people in a group in order to demonstrate awesome teamwork. I think Kendall and I have pretty good teamwork in everything we do. We know our strengths, our weaknesses, our limits and abilities--and how to work with what we're given. We compromise sometimes, we try to understand each other, we communicate, and most importantly, we are both willing to work hard to reach the same goal.

What else do you really need?

Our bio lab group, though big (I think there were six of us), I think, worked so well together this morning. We made a mistake in the beginning but we caught it and didn't let it faze us--we just kept on working. "Snappy, snappy, snappy!" 

I really loved....working on the bio lab with our Mafia.
I smiled felt good working hard to make others smile. We'll see what happens tomorrow...!
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"I was so young, you should have known better than to lean on me..." (I know this is by Kelly Clarkson, but I don't know what it's cal--OH! BECAUSE OF YOU!)
Hours of sleep last night: 6
Hugs: 4

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

There's An App for That!

After two days of MEHs, BLECHs and GRRs, the third day was AMAZING. Kendall already told you about the awesomeness of our four senior class officers but I feel like I have to add my own thoughts about it:

First of all, the "awards," if you think about it, were just simple pieces of paper and the officers had written maybe 3-5 sentences for each person. See how tiny that seems? But you can't even imagine how  HUGE of an impact they made on our whole grade today! Come on. It's the small things, guys, it's the SMALL THINGS.

Secondly, how thoughtful was that? Every person had a unique and special note. Can you just feel the awesomeness?!?!

Thirdly, it was very much an INTERROBANG moment because of how unbelievable it seemed: like Kendall said, 4 officers and 200+ students. Do I hear a whistle?

So, my note made my WEEK. It's such an awesome way to set the tone for the rest of the year. At first, I didn't feel like we were seniors at all; this felt like just another year. But the notes just woke me up and said, "HEY YOU, YOU'RE A SENIOR AND YOU'RE AWESOME BECAUSE YOU'LL MAKE THIS YEAR AMAZING."

I really loved...getting my "award" from the officers in homeroom!
I smiled because...people are just plain awesome.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...I kinda feel like it don't make sense 'cause you're bringing me in and then you're kicking me out again..." (Love Like Woe by The Ready Set)
Hours of sleep last night: 6
Hugs: 4