So it's the last day of BEDA and it also happens to be ten minutes away from Doctor Who, so let's see how far I get with this post.
Like my title? I love it! It's something that my awesome math teacher says. We are doing trig things right now, and the answers are really ugly and weird and un-rationalized. So whenever he comes to the end of a problem and the answer is ugly, he kind of looks at it says "Box it and RUN!!!!" and then he promptly boxes the answer. I love that.
Right now I'm watching BBC America and "The Impossible Astronaut" is playing. I would be more focused on it if I didn't already re-watch the episode this morning. Guess what else I did today? I went to Jamba Juice and got an original Cold Buster because I am still sick, and then for lunch I got a pepperoni pizza Lunchable and some Jello. Good times man.
5 minutes.
Prom is tonight. That's exciting, right?
Ahh, Amy's face after she realizes what she's done, when she shoots the little girl. Okay, I'll see you during the next commercial.
(P.S. Jen, if you haven't watched it yet, do not read this.)
At first I was like "CANTON YOU BITCH!!!!" But then I was like, "OH MY GOD THEY SO CLEVAH!!!"
Okay, I just finished the episode and I must say, WHAT THE EFFING HELL!!!!!!!!!!!! A BABY FREAKING TIME LORD!?!?!?!?!? WHAT THE HELLLLLL!!!!!!!! I DON'T GET IT!!!!! So is it Amy's kid??? Why the heck would she have a time lord baby????? And they didn't explain the whole dead doctor thing!!!! And that was so sad with River and the kiss. Also, I love Rory. Okay, I don't get it.............
Anyway, it's been fun. Kay bye.
Awkward Moments: 20
Pages Read: 511
Why Today Was Awesome: DOCTOR!!!!!!!
Something I Learned: Prom is in about an hour....
Song Stuck in My Head: All Doctor Who music
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Las cifras secretas
The beginning of awesome posts sequence starts.....NOW!
I had a really good day today.
I think it started off last night, actually. I had a really good night--productive, organized, efficient, and peppered with a couple of awesome songs here and there. And it was a pretty chilly night. Perfect. I finished my British Literature paper, studied for APUSH, and studied for Spanish. After my failure the night before, this was an AWESOME night.
Score: 3 points
Then my morning kicked off with a practice multiple choice test for APUSH. At 7:30 (so we missed homeroom)! And I felt good about it. It wasn't one of those APUSH-y moments when I'm like, "WHAT THE--HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THE ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION?!"
Score: 2 points
SUBTOTAL: 5 points
Then I had a free period and I had my meeting with our college counselor, Mr. Fleming. I got my college list and it's meh. It's really short and random. But it didn't unmake my day so far at that point. Plus, I studied Spanish culture for my Spanish test the next period.
Score: 1 point
SUBTOTAL: 6 points
I had my last test of the quarter for Spanish today. Before, I excelled in the subject but now I'm just so-so. Because of AP Phys B and APUSH, I put Spanish in the second level of my priority list this year which is a shame because Level 3H should have been easier than 2H was last year. Anyway, I haven't been doing my best or even my regular in quizzes and previous tests, so I really needed to pull off an amazing grade with this test (hence all the studying the night before). And, again, I felt good about. Thankfully there was no translation, but there was a full page of culture. I knew all of the answers except for one, I think. ¿Cómo se dice "in a jiffy" en español?
Score: 2 points
SUBTOTAL: 7 points
I was on time for Dr. Webb's class today! I bested that daily trek from N-208 all the way to W-301 like it was one of Shakespeare's sonnets. I'm late to Dr. Webb's class 99.96% of the time. So this isn't just a WIN, it's a WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN!
Score: 3 points ( minus 1 for that failed analogy...)
SUBTOTAL: 9 points
At this point, I thought that Physics class would ruin my awesome streak because
1) We had a Physics quiz today,
2) I didn't study for said Physics quiz,
3) another review worksheet was due today, and
4) I hadn't even started said review worksheet yet.
But everything turned out well because:
1 and 2) Physics quiz today = collaborative = happiness!
3 and 4) Lunch, free period, scholarship period = lots of time to do HW.
Bonus 5) 100% on yesterday's quiz! Justice... :)
Score: 5 points
SUBTOTAL: 14 points
I didn't really have any more classes after this--just Physics craziness as usual over lunch and the period after that. Then I had scholarship period, and I had a talk with Mrs. Ohira. I love our talks--I always feel so relieved and happy after.
Score: 3 points
SUBTOTAL: 17 points
Precalculus? I relearned stuff. Great and fun proving trigonometric identities stuff.
Score: 1 point
SUBTOTAL: 18 points
After school? I turned in Physics HW (yes!) and finished Precalc HW for the weekend by my locker (another yes!). I love productivity.
Score: 2 points
SUBTOTAL: 20 points
20 points?! I expected a lot more--hmmm, I guess I exaggerated earlier. But I really do feel good about today!
On another note...the new trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 came out this week. Shayne and Josh have watched it and they've been very careful around me, just whispering to each other. Kendall was dying to talk about it yesterday and in one of his previous posts--but I just turned up the volume on my iPod. Try as hard as I might, however, I've already heard bits and pieces about it--*sigh*--really now, people. I don't want spoilers!
I am determined not to watch any previews or sneak peeks or trailers of HPDH, Part 2 at all. When I watch the movie this summer, I want it to be the first time that I see everything. Technically, I've already seen parts of it because one of the first ever trailers of HPDH before Part 1 came out was for both parts. But NO MORE! :)
Let's move on to another topic, shall we? What to talk about...hmmm...
So everyone's been doing this status on Facebook where you like the status and the "status-poster" answers a series of questions about the "liker." It's pretty crazy how everyone's doing it, really, but I ended up putting it as my status just because I actually wanted to write those things to people. I'm sure others just put it as their status...just because. Am I still a conformist? Oh well, a little conformism here and there isn't bad.
We have prom tomorrow. I'm not sure if I should be excited as I don't really know what to expect. I'm just all meh about it.
Um, I'm going to school tomorrow for a Physics help session. Yeah. Um.
This is really awkward now because I have nothing else to talk about. Oh, wait, I have that draft here online that has a list of my ideas...wait, let me check it.
Okay, scenario-making. I ask myself "What if?" so many times in a day. I don't think it's possible to be a terrible imaginator (let's pretend that that's a real word and that it means "someone who imagines or uses his/her imagination), but I think it's definitely possible (and encouraged!) to strive to be a better one! And the only way you can do that is through practice and risk-taking. Your imagination gets better as you live through specific experiences and learn lessons along the way. But all of that is useless if you don't ask yourself "What if?" and constantly create alternate scenarios in your head every single day. It's actually more fun if you stay within the bounds of reason and practicality because you're forced to find actual solutions to actual problems in your scenarios. But never be afraid to ignore that boundary once in a while!
Anyway, I've always had a really good imagination; it's both a blessing and a curse. Writing stories becomes easier when you're a really good imaginator (I'm talking first class top level imagining here) and I've always used my alternate scenarios as either actual scenes for my stories or source of inspirations. It gets pretty crazy up in my head because I would constantly re-imagine and re-imagine a scene until I get it right, kind of like how I'm so paranoid when I write that I constantly go back and reread my work and edit and revise instead of getting everything our of me and onto the page (which is why I never finish a story that I start--grr!). I get pretty distracted and ADHD sometimes because of this, too.
The scenario-making in my head is nonstop, and I guess it has its negative consequences, but I'm still learning to control it and to not let it detrimentally affect my motor skills (I wouldn't wanna walk into a wall or anything...). But it's a party--it's supposed to be a party! And as you get older, the parties you go to and/or those you throw yourself seems like they're getting boring, but they're actually only getting more controlled and more mature. Which is good--supposed to be good.
But for now, I like this party, I like the song that the DJ's playing, and I'm just letting it all out.
I really loved...that traffic westbound was bad, but the rain made it awesome.
I smiled because...
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...every page we took was from a fairy tale picture book. I'd forgotten how happy we'd looked..."
(Mirror Song by Alan Lastufka, Luke Conard, and Kristina Horner)
Hours of sleep last night: 3 (slept exactly at 1am...)
Times it got COLD today: 5 short moments
Friend of the day: iPod (second time now...)
--Jen :)
I had a really good day today.
I think it started off last night, actually. I had a really good night--productive, organized, efficient, and peppered with a couple of awesome songs here and there. And it was a pretty chilly night. Perfect. I finished my British Literature paper, studied for APUSH, and studied for Spanish. After my failure the night before, this was an AWESOME night.
Score: 3 points
Then my morning kicked off with a practice multiple choice test for APUSH. At 7:30 (so we missed homeroom)! And I felt good about it. It wasn't one of those APUSH-y moments when I'm like, "WHAT THE--HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THE ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION?!"
Score: 2 points
SUBTOTAL: 5 points
Then I had a free period and I had my meeting with our college counselor, Mr. Fleming. I got my college list and it's meh. It's really short and random. But it didn't unmake my day so far at that point. Plus, I studied Spanish culture for my Spanish test the next period.
Score: 1 point
SUBTOTAL: 6 points
I had my last test of the quarter for Spanish today. Before, I excelled in the subject but now I'm just so-so. Because of AP Phys B and APUSH, I put Spanish in the second level of my priority list this year which is a shame because Level 3H should have been easier than 2H was last year. Anyway, I haven't been doing my best or even my regular in quizzes and previous tests, so I really needed to pull off an amazing grade with this test (hence all the studying the night before). And, again, I felt good about. Thankfully there was no translation, but there was a full page of culture. I knew all of the answers except for one, I think. ¿Cómo se dice "in a jiffy" en español?
Score: 2 points
SUBTOTAL: 7 points
I was on time for Dr. Webb's class today! I bested that daily trek from N-208 all the way to W-301 like it was one of Shakespeare's sonnets. I'm late to Dr. Webb's class 99.96% of the time. So this isn't just a WIN, it's a WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN!
Score: 3 points ( minus 1 for that failed analogy...)
SUBTOTAL: 9 points
At this point, I thought that Physics class would ruin my awesome streak because
1) We had a Physics quiz today,
2) I didn't study for said Physics quiz,
3) another review worksheet was due today, and
4) I hadn't even started said review worksheet yet.
But everything turned out well because:
1 and 2) Physics quiz today = collaborative = happiness!
3 and 4) Lunch, free period, scholarship period = lots of time to do HW.
Bonus 5) 100% on yesterday's quiz! Justice... :)
Score: 5 points
SUBTOTAL: 14 points
I didn't really have any more classes after this--just Physics craziness as usual over lunch and the period after that. Then I had scholarship period, and I had a talk with Mrs. Ohira. I love our talks--I always feel so relieved and happy after.
Score: 3 points
SUBTOTAL: 17 points
Precalculus? I relearned stuff. Great and fun proving trigonometric identities stuff.
Score: 1 point
SUBTOTAL: 18 points
After school? I turned in Physics HW (yes!) and finished Precalc HW for the weekend by my locker (another yes!). I love productivity.
Score: 2 points
SUBTOTAL: 20 points
20 points?! I expected a lot more--hmmm, I guess I exaggerated earlier. But I really do feel good about today!
On another note...the new trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 came out this week. Shayne and Josh have watched it and they've been very careful around me, just whispering to each other. Kendall was dying to talk about it yesterday and in one of his previous posts--but I just turned up the volume on my iPod. Try as hard as I might, however, I've already heard bits and pieces about it--*sigh*--really now, people. I don't want spoilers!
I am determined not to watch any previews or sneak peeks or trailers of HPDH, Part 2 at all. When I watch the movie this summer, I want it to be the first time that I see everything. Technically, I've already seen parts of it because one of the first ever trailers of HPDH before Part 1 came out was for both parts. But NO MORE! :)
Let's move on to another topic, shall we? What to talk about...hmmm...
So everyone's been doing this status on Facebook where you like the status and the "status-poster" answers a series of questions about the "liker." It's pretty crazy how everyone's doing it, really, but I ended up putting it as my status just because I actually wanted to write those things to people. I'm sure others just put it as their status...just because. Am I still a conformist? Oh well, a little conformism here and there isn't bad.
We have prom tomorrow. I'm not sure if I should be excited as I don't really know what to expect. I'm just all meh about it.
Um, I'm going to school tomorrow for a Physics help session. Yeah. Um.
This is really awkward now because I have nothing else to talk about. Oh, wait, I have that draft here online that has a list of my ideas...wait, let me check it.
Okay, scenario-making. I ask myself "What if?" so many times in a day. I don't think it's possible to be a terrible imaginator (let's pretend that that's a real word and that it means "someone who imagines or uses his/her imagination), but I think it's definitely possible (and encouraged!) to strive to be a better one! And the only way you can do that is through practice and risk-taking. Your imagination gets better as you live through specific experiences and learn lessons along the way. But all of that is useless if you don't ask yourself "What if?" and constantly create alternate scenarios in your head every single day. It's actually more fun if you stay within the bounds of reason and practicality because you're forced to find actual solutions to actual problems in your scenarios. But never be afraid to ignore that boundary once in a while!
Anyway, I've always had a really good imagination; it's both a blessing and a curse. Writing stories becomes easier when you're a really good imaginator (I'm talking first class top level imagining here) and I've always used my alternate scenarios as either actual scenes for my stories or source of inspirations. It gets pretty crazy up in my head because I would constantly re-imagine and re-imagine a scene until I get it right, kind of like how I'm so paranoid when I write that I constantly go back and reread my work and edit and revise instead of getting everything our of me and onto the page (which is why I never finish a story that I start--grr!). I get pretty distracted and ADHD sometimes because of this, too.
The scenario-making in my head is nonstop, and I guess it has its negative consequences, but I'm still learning to control it and to not let it detrimentally affect my motor skills (I wouldn't wanna walk into a wall or anything...). But it's a party--it's supposed to be a party! And as you get older, the parties you go to and/or those you throw yourself seems like they're getting boring, but they're actually only getting more controlled and more mature. Which is good--supposed to be good.
But for now, I like this party, I like the song that the DJ's playing, and I'm just letting it all out.
I really loved...that traffic westbound was bad, but the rain made it awesome.
I smiled because...
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...every page we took was from a fairy tale picture book. I'd forgotten how happy we'd looked..."
(Mirror Song by Alan Lastufka, Luke Conard, and Kristina Horner)
Hours of sleep last night: 3 (slept exactly at 1am...)
Times it got COLD today: 5 short moments
Friend of the day: iPod (second time now...)
--Jen :)
Enjoy these random tags:
awesome post sequence by jen,
yay day
It's the second to last day of BEDA, and I think that I did a lot better this time around than last time. I think that my posts were better thought out, more fun to read, and just overall better. I'm glad that we have done this twice and I want to do it again come August.
Anyway, I'm sick today so I am probably gonna cut this off short soon because I want to go to bed.
Meh, sorry, short post is short.
Awkward Moments: 20
Pages Read: 511
Why Today Was Awesome: I took sickly naps
Something I Learned: I'm sick
Song Stuck in My Head: Born This Way by Lady Gaga ..........
Email Subject of the Day: "so fail" (April 29, 2010)
Anyway, I'm sick today so I am probably gonna cut this off short soon because I want to go to bed.
Meh, sorry, short post is short.
Awkward Moments: 20
Pages Read: 511
Why Today Was Awesome: I took sickly naps
Something I Learned: I'm sick
Song Stuck in My Head: Born This Way by Lady Gaga ..........
Email Subject of the Day: "so fail" (April 29, 2010)
Enjoy these random tags:
Thursday, April 28, 2011
I Always Forget to Put a Title!
Again, Jen and I said that decided on what I was going to talk about in today's post, but I forgot what that was so I am going to talk about The Office because I like that show a lot and there is a very important episode on tonight.
So, for those of you who don't watch The Office, it's basically about an office, that is crazy. Yup, that's about it. It's been on for a great seven seasons, but today, the almost-former-main character is leaving the show. Steve Carrell (I saw him when I was on the Big Island!!!), who plays Michael Scott, is leaving the show. They are still going to continue it, which could work out okay because there are so many other great characters, but it will be hard for them to keep it going without him.
Anyway, the reason why it is so important to me is because, like I said before, I respond emotionally to reactions. How people react to certain situations are the things that get to me personally. For example, when Harry is holding Dobby and he says "Help me!" And Ron and Hermione just kind of look at him. Another example, the Doctor's expression when Rose loses grip and is falling into the void in the season 2 finale. And this relates to The Office how?
Well in the past few episodes, there have been moments like this. First, when he first tells the rest of the office that he is leaving, they all just have a shocked look on their faces. Ahhh, goose pimples!! Then, in last weeks episode, they all sing a song that they wrote for him, and he starts crying. Ahhhhhhh.
Okay, well, I saw a preview and it showed Jim saying "You know, you turned out to be a really great boss." (Not an exact quote) a;kljsdf;lksadjfl;kj I love that type of stuff.
Okay, moving on.
Right now. Like, right now.
Watched it? Good.
1) I loved this one.
2) LOL. I love this one, especially Hank's face in the end.
3) Ha ha good one Hank.
4) Ha ha ha I seriously laughed out loud at this one.
5) Ha ha, good one.
6) Meh.
7) Woah HANK! Dirty nerd jokes!!?!?!?!? Calm down!
8) Ha ha Hank, you are a funny one.
9) I don't get it.
10) I don't get it, but it sounds dirty.
11) Ha ha I love math.
12) Ha ha do it Hank!
13) Ha ha ha ha I love how they purposely named those things for that joke.
14) Meh.
15) Heard it, but still good.
17) Ha ha ha ha <3
18) Meh.
19) Ha ha
20) Meh. (Keep in mind that all the meh's mean that I don't really get it.)
21) Meh.
22) Meh.
23) Ha ha ha I like this one.
24) I don't get it!!!
25) Ha ha what!!?!?!?
27) Don't get it.
28) Would help if I knew what extrapolate means...
29) Ha ha I like duct tape.
30) Ha ha I get it.
31) What?
31 is a prime number!!!!!!
Awkward Moments: 20
Pages Read: 511
Why Today Was Awesome: Alex (Carps) is funny.
Something I Learned: I'm not very good at tutoring
Song Stuck in My Head: Lovegood by MoM
Email Subject of the Day: "SHAYNEEEEEE!!!!!!" (From April 28, 2010 sent to Shayne)
Pages Read: 511
Why Today Was Awesome: Alex (Carps) is funny.
Something I Learned: I'm not very good at tutoring
Song Stuck in My Head: Lovegood by MoM
Email Subject of the Day: "SHAYNEEEEEE!!!!!!" (From April 28, 2010 sent to Shayne)
Enjoy these random tags:
nerdy jokes,
The office,
yeah man
"Quiet Yourself, Remus!"
Yeah, okay. So I'm a failure. And huge one at that.
Yep, It's official. JEN = FAILURE.
But please, don't throw rotten tomatoes at your computer screen and yell, "[Jen], you're an embarrassment to the Wizarding world, all of [you]!!"
(See what I did there? No? Well, click here, and start at 0:39!)
Not yet, at least.
Last night, I was working on my British Literature paper. I was really tired so, at 10pm, I decided to take a little power nap. I set my cell phone's alarm clock for 10:15pm, confident in its abilities to ring shrilly when programmed. The next thing I knew, I heard my mom hiss, "Jen! Did you just go to sleep?" Startled, I shot up and mumbled, "WhatwaithuhnoIdon'tknow?"
The lights were still on. My mom nodded, turned the lights off and closed the door. That's when I looked at my phone. It was 2:10am. BIGGEST FML MOMENT OF MY LIFE.
I sense your anger subsiding. I also sense you beginning to understand my reason for failure. Good, good, let's build on that. Yeah, focus on that feeling for now until you're sure that you really understand where I'm coming from and all that negative energy is gone.
Ready? Well, um, yeah, I'm kinda-maybe-not-really-ish not going to post a legit post tonight to make up for it. Hold it! Before you throw anything, let me explain the deal. Tonight is a REALLY bad night. I won't go into details because I'll sound all complain-y (which I'm determined not to do despite tonight's load!), but trust me that it is.
So this means that Friday's post will be AWESOME. My Saturday post will also be AWESOME (but it will be posted early in the day because of prom). My Sunday post (wait, Sunday post? Sunday is MAY 1!) will also be AWESOME (with updates on The List) and (there's an "and"???) my Monday, May 2nd post will also be AWESOME.
I will stay on for Official BEDA(pril) Make-Up Posts and promise you AWESOME posts. And if I don't meet your expectations, let me know and we'll make some sort of deal so I can make it up to you.
I really loved...donut run!
I smiled because...I got a Fair shirt in homeroom today but I didn't order one! I guess they had extras.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...even now you're undressed in your dreams with me. I'm only here for this moment..."
(Everybody Here Wants You by Jeff Buckley)
Hours of sleep last night: 6--I got 2 hours extra because of The Incident.
Times it got COLD today: 2-ish-slash-3-ish
Friend of the day: Kei :)
--Jen (no smiley face tonight because, remember, I'm a failure!)
Yep, It's official. JEN = FAILURE.
But please, don't throw rotten tomatoes at your computer screen and yell, "[Jen], you're an embarrassment to the Wizarding world, all of [you]!!"
(See what I did there? No? Well, click here, and start at 0:39!)
Not yet, at least.
Last night, I was working on my British Literature paper. I was really tired so, at 10pm, I decided to take a little power nap. I set my cell phone's alarm clock for 10:15pm, confident in its abilities to ring shrilly when programmed. The next thing I knew, I heard my mom hiss, "Jen! Did you just go to sleep?" Startled, I shot up and mumbled, "WhatwaithuhnoIdon'tknow?"
The lights were still on. My mom nodded, turned the lights off and closed the door. That's when I looked at my phone. It was 2:10am. BIGGEST FML MOMENT OF MY LIFE.
I sense your anger subsiding. I also sense you beginning to understand my reason for failure. Good, good, let's build on that. Yeah, focus on that feeling for now until you're sure that you really understand where I'm coming from and all that negative energy is gone.
Ready? Well, um, yeah, I'm kinda-maybe-not-really-ish not going to post a legit post tonight to make up for it. Hold it! Before you throw anything, let me explain the deal. Tonight is a REALLY bad night. I won't go into details because I'll sound all complain-y (which I'm determined not to do despite tonight's load!), but trust me that it is.
So this means that Friday's post will be AWESOME. My Saturday post will also be AWESOME (but it will be posted early in the day because of prom). My Sunday post (wait, Sunday post? Sunday is MAY 1!) will also be AWESOME (with updates on The List) and (there's an "and"???) my Monday, May 2nd post will also be AWESOME.
I will stay on for Official BEDA(pril) Make-Up Posts and promise you AWESOME posts. And if I don't meet your expectations, let me know and we'll make some sort of deal so I can make it up to you.
I really loved...donut run!
I smiled because...I got a Fair shirt in homeroom today but I didn't order one! I guess they had extras.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...even now you're undressed in your dreams with me. I'm only here for this moment..."
(Everybody Here Wants You by Jeff Buckley)
Hours of sleep last night: 6--I got 2 hours extra because of The Incident.
Times it got COLD today: 2-ish-slash-3-ish
Friend of the day: Kei :)
--Jen (no smiley face tonight because, remember, I'm a failure!)
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
The Chronic-WHAT!-Cles of Narnia!
The Chronicles of Narnia. I read them way back in the day, you know, like middle school kine. I do really like this series. For those of you who don't know, there are two ways orders in which the books can go. The written order, and the chronological order. The written order being The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair, The Horse and His Boy, The Magicians Nephew, and The Last Battle. This is also the order in which the movies are going (or at least for now they are.)
However the chronological order, and possibly better order, is the way that I read them. It goes like The Magician's Nephew, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, The Horse and His Boy, Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair, and The Last Battle. Now let's talk about each one, shall we?
The Magician's Nephew. I actually LOVED this one. (Sorry, I lied, I think I read this one after The Lion...... but that was the only one out of order) It was a great start to the whole story of Narnia. The whole ring thing and how they get to Narnia and how they see it created is just really fun and interesting to see. I also love the references to the rest of the series, such as the White Witch, the guy who adopts Perter, Susan, them, and how the Wardrobe was created.
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Well, yeah. I mean, it's the classic one. Not much else to say about it.
The Horse and His Boy. Crap. 'Nuff said.
Prince Caspian. I think that this was my favorite movie out of them (although that's probably because I loved the song at the end [The Call]). I remember, though, long boring backstories from the Telmarines. Meh, but it was still really good.
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It was sad that they had to not include Peter and Susan, but I understand. I hate Eustace. In this one at least. I hate him. Yup. I also thought that the ending as very thought provoking.
The Silver Chair. I'm gonna be honest. I can't even remember this one. But I do remember that Eustace was in it and I liked him in this one.
The Last Battle. I loved how he wraps up the entire series. It's such a great way to do this since there were so many characters that we met and loved then we get to see them all again and move on together. But here comes my biggest problem with the series. The fact that Susan doesn't get to go to Aslan's country too. The exact words are that she was now interested in only "Nylons and lipstick and invitations" It's basically saying that she became interested in sex. Which, I mean, could be a bad thing if she was like a prostitute or something, but the line is so vague that you don't really know the extent of the situation. The worst part about it though was that Peter, Lucy, and Edmond don't even really care. Think about it, if you were about to go to "Heaven" and your'e sibling wasn't going to come to because she was a whore, wouldn't you be at least a little sad? I hate that part, and I think that it was a really dumb way to enforce stupid rules.
Yes I know that they have a huge religious overtone (or is it undertone?) which could help little kids to find it more exciting, and it does make the story more relatable, but there are some parts about the religiousness that I don't like and how it relates to the story. The main one would be the Susan thing. But, I like to view them as just as a fun story line.
(Jen and I said that I was going to talk about something else today, but I decided against it because I just wasn't feeling it.)
Awkward Moments: 19
Pages Read: 511 (W00T I read today)
Something I Learned: Longs doesn't sell good erasers
Song Stuck in My Head: Skyway Avenue by We the Kings
Email Subject of the Day: "questions" (April 27, 2009)
However the chronological order, and possibly better order, is the way that I read them. It goes like The Magician's Nephew, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, The Horse and His Boy, Prince Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair, and The Last Battle. Now let's talk about each one, shall we?
The Magician's Nephew. I actually LOVED this one. (Sorry, I lied, I think I read this one after The Lion...... but that was the only one out of order) It was a great start to the whole story of Narnia. The whole ring thing and how they get to Narnia and how they see it created is just really fun and interesting to see. I also love the references to the rest of the series, such as the White Witch, the guy who adopts Perter, Susan, them, and how the Wardrobe was created.
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Well, yeah. I mean, it's the classic one. Not much else to say about it.
The Horse and His Boy. Crap. 'Nuff said.
Prince Caspian. I think that this was my favorite movie out of them (although that's probably because I loved the song at the end [The Call]). I remember, though, long boring backstories from the Telmarines. Meh, but it was still really good.
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It was sad that they had to not include Peter and Susan, but I understand. I hate Eustace. In this one at least. I hate him. Yup. I also thought that the ending as very thought provoking.
The Silver Chair. I'm gonna be honest. I can't even remember this one. But I do remember that Eustace was in it and I liked him in this one.
The Last Battle. I loved how he wraps up the entire series. It's such a great way to do this since there were so many characters that we met and loved then we get to see them all again and move on together. But here comes my biggest problem with the series. The fact that Susan doesn't get to go to Aslan's country too. The exact words are that she was now interested in only "Nylons and lipstick and invitations" It's basically saying that she became interested in sex. Which, I mean, could be a bad thing if she was like a prostitute or something, but the line is so vague that you don't really know the extent of the situation. The worst part about it though was that Peter, Lucy, and Edmond don't even really care. Think about it, if you were about to go to "Heaven" and your'e sibling wasn't going to come to because she was a whore, wouldn't you be at least a little sad? I hate that part, and I think that it was a really dumb way to enforce stupid rules.
Yes I know that they have a huge religious overtone (or is it undertone?) which could help little kids to find it more exciting, and it does make the story more relatable, but there are some parts about the religiousness that I don't like and how it relates to the story. The main one would be the Susan thing. But, I like to view them as just as a fun story line.
(Jen and I said that I was going to talk about something else today, but I decided against it because I just wasn't feeling it.)
Awkward Moments: 19
Pages Read: 511 (W00T I read today)
Something I Learned: Longs doesn't sell good erasers
Song Stuck in My Head: Skyway Avenue by We the Kings
Email Subject of the Day: "questions" (April 27, 2009)
Enjoy these random tags:
Strawberry Hill
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
This Game We Call "Pretend"
Ohheythere. Okay, I'm feeling much better now. Ready? :)
One of my hobbies is playlist-making. I know what you're thinking: "What the--? That's not a hobby, you pathetic excuse of a blogger!" Oh (again I'm ignoring your nasty comment) but it is--it's something that I do "outside of my regular occupation" and it's something that I "engage in especially for relaxation" (Thank you, Mr. Webster).
I love music and I like to think that music also loves me back. It's a two-way relationship--music evokes specific feelings within me and, call me weird but, I seriously think that I can "cause" a song to "feel" a certain emotion. Trust me, it makes sense in my head.
I'm sure you've experienced this before. Songs can make you feel a certain way. The lyrics can make you cry, the beat can make you want to dance, the sweet melody can set you free. But the same thing also happens, doesn't it, when you listen to a song with which you're familiar and you don't feel the same way that you did when you first listened to the song? Okay, time for an example, um, "The Well and the Lighthouse" by Arcade Fire (because it's what I'm listening to right now). Let's say that when I first listened to it, I was in a good mood. And this good mood, naturally, contributed to the way I immediately liked the tempo, Win Butler's voice, and the overall feel of the song. But, after a really bad day, I could hit play and hear Win Butler and Regine Chassagne (I'm pretty sure it's her, not Sarah because Sarah plays the violin) singing, "You fool, now that you know your end is near / You always fall for what you desire or what you fear," and maybe I won't be as positive about the song as I was the first time. Those lyrics have always been there, but my feelings cause the song's darker qualities to show. Get it?
Anyway, my hobby. I literally just sit down, huddled over my iPod, and make playlists based on a lot of things. I'm sure I've talked about this in a previous post (yups, I have, here it is -- just the Playlists of Summer part near the end). My point today is that I have a "playlist" (it's in quotes because it really doesn't exist in my iPod, but it's in me, and I don't have it memorized) called "Songs that Saved My Life."
I went through a short dark phase when I was in middle school, around 7th-slash-8th-grade-ish. Long story short, life sucked (it still does sometimes, but it's not so bad anymore), and I only got by because I listened to Relient K. There were also a couple of other bands and a couple of other songs here and there, but it was mostly Relient K. And it wasn't just one or two of their songs, it was everything--the songs, what the songs meant, what the band stood for. They're a Christina rock band, and I don't want to make this a religious post or anything so I won't elaborate. "Songs that Saved My Life" are, duh, the songs that saved my life. They were the songs that I listened to when I felt like I was nearing the end or felt that I was close to the edge (nervous chuckle, I was a dark kid). That was when I started making playlists. Essentially, "Songs that Saved My Life" was the first playlist I had ever made. But it's not even a real playlist on my iPod because it just wouldn't be the same if it's saved, would it? No, it wouldn't. So I don't save it on my iPod, and I don't have all of the songs memorized, and this is why: when I come across a song that belongs to that first playlist, it's even more special because it's a surprise to me.
"Hello there, Jen, long time no see. I saved your life that one time..." It's a nice feeling.
Okay, it's past 11:30pm and I still have homework left. I actually planned on putting some songs in my current top playlist at the moment but this post is already lengthier than I expected. So I'll end it here for tonight.
Oh, and quick update: we enabled comments on the List pages so if you have suggestions, leave a comment!
I really loved...Googling panko recipes.
I smiled because...I finished Physics homework after school right on time.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...The pain just makes me wanna stare at the same things I've seen before..."
(Stare by Marjorie Fair)
Hours of sleep last night: 4
Times it got COLD: I'm kind of getting ready for a heat wave while telling myself it's not gonna come at the same time.
Friend of the day: my iPod
--Jen :)
One of my hobbies is playlist-making. I know what you're thinking: "What the--? That's not a hobby, you pathetic excuse of a blogger!" Oh (again I'm ignoring your nasty comment) but it is--it's something that I do "outside of my regular occupation" and it's something that I "engage in especially for relaxation" (Thank you, Mr. Webster).
I love music and I like to think that music also loves me back. It's a two-way relationship--music evokes specific feelings within me and, call me weird but, I seriously think that I can "cause" a song to "feel" a certain emotion. Trust me, it makes sense in my head.
I'm sure you've experienced this before. Songs can make you feel a certain way. The lyrics can make you cry, the beat can make you want to dance, the sweet melody can set you free. But the same thing also happens, doesn't it, when you listen to a song with which you're familiar and you don't feel the same way that you did when you first listened to the song? Okay, time for an example, um, "The Well and the Lighthouse" by Arcade Fire (because it's what I'm listening to right now). Let's say that when I first listened to it, I was in a good mood. And this good mood, naturally, contributed to the way I immediately liked the tempo, Win Butler's voice, and the overall feel of the song. But, after a really bad day, I could hit play and hear Win Butler and Regine Chassagne (I'm pretty sure it's her, not Sarah because Sarah plays the violin) singing, "You fool, now that you know your end is near / You always fall for what you desire or what you fear," and maybe I won't be as positive about the song as I was the first time. Those lyrics have always been there, but my feelings cause the song's darker qualities to show. Get it?
Anyway, my hobby. I literally just sit down, huddled over my iPod, and make playlists based on a lot of things. I'm sure I've talked about this in a previous post (yups, I have, here it is -- just the Playlists of Summer part near the end). My point today is that I have a "playlist" (it's in quotes because it really doesn't exist in my iPod, but it's in me, and I don't have it memorized) called "Songs that Saved My Life."
I went through a short dark phase when I was in middle school, around 7th-slash-8th-grade-ish. Long story short, life sucked (it still does sometimes, but it's not so bad anymore), and I only got by because I listened to Relient K. There were also a couple of other bands and a couple of other songs here and there, but it was mostly Relient K. And it wasn't just one or two of their songs, it was everything--the songs, what the songs meant, what the band stood for. They're a Christina rock band, and I don't want to make this a religious post or anything so I won't elaborate. "Songs that Saved My Life" are, duh, the songs that saved my life. They were the songs that I listened to when I felt like I was nearing the end or felt that I was close to the edge (nervous chuckle, I was a dark kid). That was when I started making playlists. Essentially, "Songs that Saved My Life" was the first playlist I had ever made. But it's not even a real playlist on my iPod because it just wouldn't be the same if it's saved, would it? No, it wouldn't. So I don't save it on my iPod, and I don't have all of the songs memorized, and this is why: when I come across a song that belongs to that first playlist, it's even more special because it's a surprise to me.
"Hello there, Jen, long time no see. I saved your life that one time..." It's a nice feeling.
Okay, it's past 11:30pm and I still have homework left. I actually planned on putting some songs in my current top playlist at the moment but this post is already lengthier than I expected. So I'll end it here for tonight.
Oh, and quick update: we enabled comments on the List pages so if you have suggestions, leave a comment!
I really loved...Googling panko recipes.
I smiled because...I finished Physics homework after school right on time.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...The pain just makes me wanna stare at the same things I've seen before..."
(Stare by Marjorie Fair)
Hours of sleep last night: 4
Times it got COLD: I'm kind of getting ready for a heat wave while telling myself it's not gonna come at the same time.
Friend of the day: my iPod
--Jen :)
I Can If I Want!
Please ignore Jen's successful analogy that basically told us that she was sad, mad, salty, and angry, she will soon get over this seemingly child-like behavior. ANYWAY, the e-mail thing from yesterday was originally just a random e-mail subject line, but I like the idea of having the one from today instead, so that is what will be happening today.
So I literally just sat here for the past 30 minutes, trying to think of something to talk about, seeing as I have absolutely no idea of what to talk about. So what I decided to do is find a random e-mail and talk about it. Hold on while I randomly select an e-mail.
Nope, not gonna do that.
So what do I do then? I could talk about why I love math? Nah, I don't want to. I could talk about random things around my room such as the shirt that I stole from Gavin or the super weird Mrs. Potato Head that I have. Nah.
Wow, I am SO un-insipired. I never really get inspiration, you know? I mean, I guess that there are times when I do feel inspired to do something, but it doesn't really make sense in the way that people explain it. It's not like I'm walking down the street and all of the sudden I know why we have ten toes instead of seven. No, my inspiration I get from opening up a drawer and seeing how messy it is and getting upset at how messy it is then promptly spending the next two hours thoroughly cleaning my room. There's something small and meaningful that sets it off. Not the type of thing that you would find lying on the street, but the type of thing that is personal to you. I don't know, I'm weird.
Okay, well, sorry for the lack of substantial postificationness. Tomorrow, I promise that I will try to do better.
Awkward Moments: 19
Pages Read: 479 (Man, I need to read more)
Why Today Was Awesome: Didn't have to run for P.E. *W00T*
Something I Learned: Some things are heavy
Song Stuck in My Head: Something That I Want covered by Jimmy Wong
Email Subject of the Day: "I know that I'm not supposed to be in contact with Jen," (Fun Fact: There were no e-mails from this day in 2009 and in 2010, so this is an e-mail I sent to Shayne, Jen's sister, on April 27, 2010)
So I literally just sat here for the past 30 minutes, trying to think of something to talk about, seeing as I have absolutely no idea of what to talk about. So what I decided to do is find a random e-mail and talk about it. Hold on while I randomly select an e-mail.
Nope, not gonna do that.
So what do I do then? I could talk about why I love math? Nah, I don't want to. I could talk about random things around my room such as the shirt that I stole from Gavin or the super weird Mrs. Potato Head that I have. Nah.
Wow, I am SO un-insipired. I never really get inspiration, you know? I mean, I guess that there are times when I do feel inspired to do something, but it doesn't really make sense in the way that people explain it. It's not like I'm walking down the street and all of the sudden I know why we have ten toes instead of seven. No, my inspiration I get from opening up a drawer and seeing how messy it is and getting upset at how messy it is then promptly spending the next two hours thoroughly cleaning my room. There's something small and meaningful that sets it off. Not the type of thing that you would find lying on the street, but the type of thing that is personal to you. I don't know, I'm weird.
Okay, well, sorry for the lack of substantial postificationness. Tomorrow, I promise that I will try to do better.
Awkward Moments: 19
Pages Read: 479 (Man, I need to read more)
Why Today Was Awesome: Didn't have to run for P.E. *W00T*
Something I Learned: Some things are heavy
Song Stuck in My Head: Something That I Want covered by Jimmy Wong
Email Subject of the Day: "I know that I'm not supposed to be in contact with Jen," (Fun Fact: There were no e-mails from this day in 2009 and in 2010, so this is an e-mail I sent to Shayne, Jen's sister, on April 27, 2010)
Enjoy these random tags:
I should,
I was told to,
inspiration 101,
wheezy waiter
Monday, April 25, 2011
Believe Me, I'm Lying
Mmmm, I had a bunch of ideas that I wanted to talk about after our Items from the Memory Box(es) Week. And I was really excited about them. But I'm not really feeling up to it right now. And I really wanna feel up to it when I write about things I care about, you know?
But I also feel like I should put a lot of effort into this post, just because Kendall is a big cheating cheater of cheatery for taking his Creative Writing class homework and passing it off as a blog post. He also started a new thing at the bottom part of his posts, "Email Subject of the Day." Kendall has, in his Yahoo! account, every single email between us since we started emailing each other our freshman year. I know, that only makes about three years' worth of emails but, actually, Kendall and I used to send more than thirty emails between each other every night so HA! And being the random people that we are, we always had weird subject titles. And I guess he's just picking a random one every day? Or maybe he's actually going to the matching dates (as in the email thread of April 25, 2010 is the email subject of the day)? I don't know. But yeah, we don't email each other that much anymore (that's what Facebook is for, silly) unless we're sending each other huge files or documents.
Soo....analogy time. Fair warning: I'm not good at analogies. There are a couple of times when I luck out on a good analogy but these moments are rare. So let's try one for why I'm just not in the mood to write awesome posts tonight:
Let's say that you're a book, and you are one of the favorite books of your owner (note that you're only one of the favorites--there are many others--because we have quite the avid reader here). Your owner's taste changes a lot from time to time depending on what he's doing in school, his friends' suggestions, what's popular and all that. So one day, he could pick you up and read you for hours. But then the next day, he could just ignore you on the bookshelf and pick up another book to read for hours. How does that feel? Feels terrible right? Well, one day, he picks you up to read. Then the next day, he reads you again. And then he reads a couple more chapters the next day. This lasts for a couple of weeks and you're so happy that he's finally shown you so much attention after you've been sitting in the bookshelf for such a long time, wishing that he'd pick you up to read at least a couple of your pages. Then one day, your owner throws a party. And so a lot of people come over and one of your owners' friends suggests a book for him to read. And your owner's like, "Oh wait, I think I have that book!" He goes off to search for that book, and sure enough, he does have it, and it's one of his favorite books (a.k.a. one of the "many others"). So he reads that book at the party all night long (yeah, what a nerd). Now how does that feel? Still terrible? Okay, so one of his friends asks to borrow the book and he's all, "Okay!" Then everyone leaves and he gets bored so he looks around and sees you. Then he comes over and picks you up and tries to read a couple of pages. But he can't read anymore because you explode in his hands because you're all, "What the---?! You read me for two weeks, and you're several chapters away from the end, and then you just pick up another book and read that? And then when you get bored, and don't have that other book anymore, only then do you pick me up to try to read a couple of pages?!?!?!?!"
Yep, I hear crickets. Well, that analogy died an unnatural death. Moral? Books don't like it when they're your second choice.
I really loved...golden snitch sillybands.
I smiled because...see that Refresh icon up there? Yeah, it made me smile. Just once though.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...I want you to notice when I'm not around. You're so very special. I wish I was special..."
(Creep by Radiohead----gaahh, one of my favorite songs of all time!)
Hours of sleep last night: 4 hours, 15-ish minutes
Times it got COLD: 5 friggin' times
Friend of the day: Kendall
--Jen :)
P.S. No worries, I'm hoping that this bout of depression will end soon so I can end the month with awesome posts!
But I also feel like I should put a lot of effort into this post, just because Kendall is a big cheating cheater of cheatery for taking his Creative Writing class homework and passing it off as a blog post. He also started a new thing at the bottom part of his posts, "Email Subject of the Day." Kendall has, in his Yahoo! account, every single email between us since we started emailing each other our freshman year. I know, that only makes about three years' worth of emails but, actually, Kendall and I used to send more than thirty emails between each other every night so HA! And being the random people that we are, we always had weird subject titles. And I guess he's just picking a random one every day? Or maybe he's actually going to the matching dates (as in the email thread of April 25, 2010 is the email subject of the day)? I don't know. But yeah, we don't email each other that much anymore (that's what Facebook is for, silly) unless we're sending each other huge files or documents.
Soo....analogy time. Fair warning: I'm not good at analogies. There are a couple of times when I luck out on a good analogy but these moments are rare. So let's try one for why I'm just not in the mood to write awesome posts tonight:
Let's say that you're a book, and you are one of the favorite books of your owner (note that you're only one of the favorites--there are many others--because we have quite the avid reader here). Your owner's taste changes a lot from time to time depending on what he's doing in school, his friends' suggestions, what's popular and all that. So one day, he could pick you up and read you for hours. But then the next day, he could just ignore you on the bookshelf and pick up another book to read for hours. How does that feel? Feels terrible right? Well, one day, he picks you up to read. Then the next day, he reads you again. And then he reads a couple more chapters the next day. This lasts for a couple of weeks and you're so happy that he's finally shown you so much attention after you've been sitting in the bookshelf for such a long time, wishing that he'd pick you up to read at least a couple of your pages. Then one day, your owner throws a party. And so a lot of people come over and one of your owners' friends suggests a book for him to read. And your owner's like, "Oh wait, I think I have that book!" He goes off to search for that book, and sure enough, he does have it, and it's one of his favorite books (a.k.a. one of the "many others"). So he reads that book at the party all night long (yeah, what a nerd). Now how does that feel? Still terrible? Okay, so one of his friends asks to borrow the book and he's all, "Okay!" Then everyone leaves and he gets bored so he looks around and sees you. Then he comes over and picks you up and tries to read a couple of pages. But he can't read anymore because you explode in his hands because you're all, "What the---?! You read me for two weeks, and you're several chapters away from the end, and then you just pick up another book and read that? And then when you get bored, and don't have that other book anymore, only then do you pick me up to try to read a couple of pages?!?!?!?!"
Yep, I hear crickets. Well, that analogy died an unnatural death. Moral? Books don't like it when they're your second choice.
I really loved...golden snitch sillybands.
I smiled because...see that Refresh icon up there? Yeah, it made me smile. Just once though.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...I want you to notice when I'm not around. You're so very special. I wish I was special..."
(Creep by Radiohead----gaahh, one of my favorite songs of all time!)
Hours of sleep last night: 4 hours, 15-ish minutes
Times it got COLD: 5 friggin' times
Friend of the day: Kendall
--Jen :)
P.S. No worries, I'm hoping that this bout of depression will end soon so I can end the month with awesome posts!
Don't Blink
Okay, so this is awkward. This is the first day in a while that I don't have anything to talk about. So what am I going to talk about you ask? Arctic Vampires. Yup. Let's do this.
Arctic vampires, well vampire, just one, not many. He lives in the arctic. Yup, he does.
He sat there alone, and in the cold, thinking about his life. How would it have been different if he turned left? That one fateful day, driving down the road to find someone to eat. He came to an intersection and was going to turn left, but there was a sign that said: "Arctic Adventures --->" He had always liked the cold, so he turned right and ended up here. Everyone else died. Some because it was too cold, and the rest because he ate them. He could handle the cold, it didn't bother him at all, it was the loneliness that got him. He needed a friend, someone to talk to, someone who knew he still existed. But he didn't. He was alone, immortal, and stranded there for the rest of eternity.
He got up and walked out of his igloo, everything was white, there was no sign of civilization in sight. He took one look at his home, turned left and started walking.
I definitely did not steal that from my creative writing homework if that is what you are implying! Gosh get off me! Well, anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. I am off to bed because I am tired.
Awkward Moments: 19
Pages Read: 479
Why Today Was Awesome: Harry Potter Sillybands
Something I Learned: Psh, learning.
Song Stuck in My Head: The Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic! at the Disco
Email Subject of the Day: 89.77% is an A-!!!!!
Arctic vampires, well vampire, just one, not many. He lives in the arctic. Yup, he does.
He sat there alone, and in the cold, thinking about his life. How would it have been different if he turned left? That one fateful day, driving down the road to find someone to eat. He came to an intersection and was going to turn left, but there was a sign that said: "Arctic Adventures --->" He had always liked the cold, so he turned right and ended up here. Everyone else died. Some because it was too cold, and the rest because he ate them. He could handle the cold, it didn't bother him at all, it was the loneliness that got him. He needed a friend, someone to talk to, someone who knew he still existed. But he didn't. He was alone, immortal, and stranded there for the rest of eternity.
He got up and walked out of his igloo, everything was white, there was no sign of civilization in sight. He took one look at his home, turned left and started walking.
I definitely did not steal that from my creative writing homework if that is what you are implying! Gosh get off me! Well, anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. I am off to bed because I am tired.
Awkward Moments: 19
Pages Read: 479
Why Today Was Awesome: Harry Potter Sillybands
Something I Learned: Psh, learning.
Song Stuck in My Head: The Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic! at the Disco
Email Subject of the Day: 89.77% is an A-!!!!!
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