Friday, August 6, 2010

Weird Telephone Conversation

Kendall, your video was AWESOME. Except for the gara-garas on your clone there that totally gave away the fact that it was fake. But other than that, it was AWESOME. I could never make anything like that and you know it, so goood one! How did you do that anyway? Oh, and side note #1: From what I could see, your bathroom is preeeettttyyyyy.

Okay, I promised you guys a story/flashback thing froma couple of posts ago but I'm not exactly in an all-out writing mood today. To tell you the truth, the flashback is just basically a telephone call from when I was in elementary school...maybe first grade. So here's a script-type thing that you know I like to do now and then. Except this one won't be as crazy.

Setting: Where I grew up as a child in Philippines
Approx. Time: Around 7 or 7:30-ish pm on a school night
(Note: This was all in Filipino)

Telephone: Riiing! Riiing!
Me: Hello?
Guy Friend: Hi Jen!
Me: Hi...
GF: Here's my mom.
Me: *confused* What?
Guy Friend's Mom: Hello?
Me: Hello.
GFM: Hi Jen.
Me: *automatic very polite voice and manner* Hi Auntie.
(My mom on side: *whisper* Who is it?)
(Me on side: *whisper, still confused* It's [insert guy friend's name here] and his mom.)
GFM: What are you doing?
Me: We just finished eating dinner, Auntie. I'm helping to clean up the table.
GFM: Oh that's good. Did you do all of your homework.
Me: Yes, Auntie. I finished it when we got home.
GFM: Wow, that's good. When do you go to sleep?
Me: Pretty soon, Auntie. I go to sleep at 8.
GFM: Wow, that's really good. Every night?
Me: No, only on school nights, Auntie.
GFM: Oh, wow, ok, that's good then. Here's [insert guy friend's name here].
GF: Hi.
Me: Hi. *still confused*
GF: Ok, see you tomorrow.
Me: Ok.
GF: Ok, bye.
Me: Bye.
End telephone conversation.

For some reason, I remembered this so suddenly a couple of days ago while I was typing about naps in the afternoon and it made me smile so I thought about sharing it with you. It probably doesn't have much importance but it's one of the few memories I have from when I was little. To this day, this telephone conversation still baffles me.

So it's Friday morning and I feel like I should DO things. I feel like I wanna go to sleep tonight knowing that I accomplished some things. So this will only be a short one so I can get started on those things.

And here's something random with which to end this post:

Today's List - THINGS ON MY DESK RIGHT NOW (only the top level):
My arsenal (to you guys, it's a pencil case)
iPod dock remote
Scientific calculator
Graphing calculator
Clutch purse/handbag
Rubber bands for my hair
Various notepads
Amazingness and Awesomeness (two PaperPro staplers!)
Ortho rubber bands
Two penguins
Rubber cement
Glue stick
Beady kid-made necklace
This small thing with drawers
Another small thing with drawers AND a mirror
Smiley face sticker
Bookmarks from Guam
Tigger folder
Clipboard with paper
Airman Leadership School Volume 1 book
Suckish Samsung phone
Mini DV tapes
Ruler/Hole puncher (all in one!)
Laptop cover

And that's it. Yes, I'm lame. But here are some pics that I found lurking in my computer that I hope are not.

I wanna go to South Africa one day. :)



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