Tuesday, August 31, 2010

GOODBYE BEDA 2010!!!!!

Whew. BEDA was tiring. But it was, indeed, very fun. Super cool. Cooler than the coolest girl in the whole wide world. Or the coolest girl on the planet, the coolest b*&^% on Earth goshdarnit. Which is apparently you. (I thought it was ME!!!!)

Anyway, I wanted to wait until midnight to Facebook you (yay turning nouns into verbs!) and stuff for the official first time in a WHOLE MONTH. But I don't want to, because, after I post this, I will work on my DPs for a bit, then maybe finish my chapter summary (ehh, I'll probably just do that during period 6 tomorrow) then I WILL SLEEP!!! LIKE A FREAKIN' PANDA!!! It's gonna feel good to sleep early (like, around 11:30pm) for a change. Haha.

Yeah, BEDA was super fun, but I seriously think we should change this to April, not August.
Are you excited for NaNoWriMo?! I AM!
I can't get FEC out of my mind---yes, it's official. Until further notice. Because it'd be nice if it becomes a "FRIEND" and not just a FEC. FECs are just so casual.
Mmmm...curly hair.
Hey, may I please have the songs that you bought from AVPM/S? Pweety tweety please?
Okay, so if I DID stay up until midnight, this is what I would have posted:

Dearest Kendall,
FRENCH THE LLAMA!!!! August is over; it is now September!!!! I missed you. But not really because you weren't gone at all.
Bye, Jen

Yeah, not so creative.
You ARE funny.
Nope, I didn't read any of THG today.

Oh, cool thing: we got barbecue pork ribs today. IN THE MAIL.

Okays, immas goes nows. Weres yous thes ones whos was theres whens Is saids thats Is wanteds tos plays as games wheres yous haves tos puts ans s ats thes ends ofs everys words as whiles backs??


-FRUITY SALAD! (yummy yummy...I liked the Wiggles. My favorite Wiggle was...well, I liked all of them. I thought Jeff was especially funny, though.)


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