Monday, August 30, 2010

Dos Mas Dias.

So, two more days left of this BEDA experience. It was fun I guess. Sort of boring from me at times. You better be prepared to write a decent amount tomorrow because you can't give a lame one tomorrow.

So today I was super lazy with homework. I decided that I will study for my history test tomorrow. I will do my chem homework tomorrow. And I will finish my Am lit draft tomorrow. At least I did Alg and Spanish homework today at school. I am starting to think that Am lit will be the bane of my existence this semester, not history, becauseI hate english and I suck at it,

Oh yeah, I need to E-Mail Mr. U. Should I also tell him about how Ms. Tamas wants to be more involved. And how we are gonna have meetings and stuff. 

Math is easy. Gavin was right about how you rationalize a fraction with a cube root binomial on the bottom. You have to multiply the top and bottom by the thing that would be its partner in a difference or sum of cubes. Example:
5/ (3 root of 5 + 8)
You would take this and multiply the top and bottom by (3 root of 25 - 8 * 3 root of 5 + 64) and the bottom would end up as 5 + 8^3. Cool right? I thought so. 

NOT BORING!!!!!!!!!!!



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