Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Jen's Mayflower Week Post #2: This ain't a gossip blog, no siree.

So yes. Because of that "thing" you mentioned in your last post, here's a new rule:

NEW RULE: We cannot mention other people's names on this blog in a way that can be construed to mean something bad.

Like, oh, you know what I mean. Just don't talk about your opinions about people we know and your thoughts on the things that are happening between people and us and just everyone in the whole world in general that's like that or may seem kinda like that. I mean, you can say, "So I spent, like, an awesome day with so and so..." but you cannot be all, "OMG, so and so was totally, like, wearing the most hideous whatever today!" I mean, seriously. This ain't a gossip blog, no siree. If you have to question it, just don't put it on.


Moving on: I actually met my 48-page goal before I slept last night so yesssss. I am on my way. I have about 20-ish more pages to go tonight before I go to bed. Did you know that the Pilgrims did not in fact land in Plymouth Rock??? I was so outraged when I read about that--all this time I've been living a lie!!!

Another thing: I really liked the idea of you putting "In Your Pants" after your summer reading book for USH. John Green did that in a video by the way, if you didn't know....here:

So I did it for the whole summer reading list and here are some of the good ones (I put a star next to the ones I liked and/or are really bad):

Eng 7 - Hope Was Here in Your Pants
Eng 9 - When I Was Puerto Rican In Your Pants or I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings in Your Pants
Am Lit - The Color of Water in Your Pants
AP Eng - Crime and Punishment in Your Pants
CNF - Rocket Boys in Your Pants
*CW - The Book of Other People in Your Pants
Finding Poetry - Sir Gawain & the Green Knight in Your Pants
*Interpersonal Comm - Being There in Your Pants
Lit of Sport - The Ol' Man in Your Pants (Oh, this is pretty bad, but I don't meant anything bad about Father Bray here)
Shakespeare - The Taming of the Shrew in Your Pants
WFM - Fast Food Nation in Your Pants
HMW - Animal Farm in Your Pants
*USH - A Voyage Long and Strange in Your Pants (courtesy of you)
**AP Econ - Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science in Your Pants (haha!)
*AP Euro - A World Lit Only by Fire in Your Pants
*Econ & SE - Our Time is Now in Your Pants

Okay, I'm off to read Mayflower!


P.S. No I didn't buy WGWG. Like my parents would allow it?!

P.P.S. I did see the Twister pics. Some of those were pretty super awkward humping starfish.

P.P.P.S. Stop liking everything that I put on Facebook.

P.P.P.P.S. I'm enjoying myself on the Ed Tech committee meetings.

P.P.P.P.P.S. Okay, bye. For real kine now.

P.P.P.P.P.P.S. Oh wait, one more thing: I got Shann's letter today! I feel special. :)

P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. Last one, I promise: You have to do spell check on your posts and you have to proofread. Seriously. :)


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