Thursday, August 5, 2010

Why is it that once I log in, it goes automatically to NEW POST?!?!?!?!

My title: Is this only happening to me? I hate it. Why does Blogger automatically assume that I wanna post something new when I'm just logging in to check if Kendall has posted anything new. And the only way I could think of getting out of it without posting something new is by clicking Save Draft. And that means that I have to go to edit post and delete that draft.


Anyway, here are some responses to your Thursday post (even if you haven't posted it yet...I just read your draft):
1) You like my phone? Which one...the crappy flip one? Ahh, that one's okay but I like my LG touch-screen one better. Here's a pic...

2) With me, things are only awkward because I purposefully want them to be awkward. With you, it's an innate talent. Name one situation in which my mere presence made things very awkward.
3) OKAY, FINE YOU LIKE ANIME. But you only watched them. And these are the typical anime stuff that EVERYONE likes. To be a full-fledged anime lover, you should read the mangas in Borders or Barnes&Noble OR at least have heard of anime that is not a TV show, like the lesser-known underground ones.
4) You just felt like liking it? Gar, whatever. Just know that it wasn't about you and I'm not about to tell you what or who it was about.
5) I had no choice but to keep the post short! My dad was about to turn the router off!
6) Haha, my dad would never do that. He works, duh. All I know is that he's in charge of the electricity in the new marine base so he has to check out the place, talk to the electric company in Guam. And I hear they (because he goes with a bunch of his co-workers) have public hearings, too, because the people in Guam aren't very happy about the new base and they don't want it there. But I don't know much about it, so....yeah.
7) Not the space bar. The Enter button. And not twice, sorry, my bad. I mean, THREE TIMES. Well, stop whatever you're doing then!

Okay, now for my regular post:

One of the many things that I do not know a single thing about is make-up. So I went to Sterling's today with my sister for her to take her senior portraits. But before that, we went to get her hair done and everything. Side Note #1: I thought she looked very pretty with her curls and everything. So she also got her make-up done at the same place.

I don't know, the whole thing just kind of baffles me. The day before yesterday, Shayne and I were in town and we had to wait for my mom to get done with school so we could all go home together. So we were just cruising around Ala Moana and, on a whim, we entered this alien planet called Sephora. It was weird because there were girls who were waayyyy younger than we were oohhing and aahhing over processed chemicals on the counters that were generally used to dab on blemishes and facial features. I was walking around the store and I was totally surprised to find out that there were so many types of brushes. I was like, "Can't you just use ONE brush?"

Yeah, I don't get one bit of it. It's also weird because I feel like I SHOULD get at least some of it, or at least feel interested in make-up just a little bit, because I'm a girl but I'm so totally not. I mean, I HAVE worn make-up before. When I was like in elementary school and was on my school's annual play every year. And practically all programs and performances I had back in elementary school. And I think I remember hating the fact that I couldn't scratch my face and that I had to drink water through a straw. And the lipstick was just too sticky for my little girl lips. PLUS, and this is the most important reason why I hated the fact that I had to wear make-up, I was not allowed to eat french fries. I remember how my mom had french fries and my classmates and  I were waiting backstage or some other place before we get on and my teacher told me not to eat anything. Yes, I hated make-up. Now, I guess I don't hate make-up and I don't really wear any because, trust me, I never learned how to put it on properly. Oh well, whatever. Why am I talking about hating/loving something again. I'm so boring.

Anyway, I have to keep this short. I wanna have some form of movie night today. But before that, I'm gonna help my brother count all of the times that I appear on my 8th grade yearbook. I'll let you know the final count tomorrow.

Oh, here's a picture of a sign at SeƱor Frog's in Mexico from Shayne's trip. I saw it and I laughed:



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