Saturday, August 7, 2010

Snuggie Des-U KA!?!

Response-i and such:
1) Yeah you told me that you never have been to Mililani, if you ever do, I will show you where the tree's are. (Sorry for only responding to a little bit, I am lazy)
2) Oh, just people, no one important besides Ally.
3) Tell Ashlyn that I said hi.
4) Wait, I think you mean that Angela is playing Scrabble.
5) Son't summer readings suck?
6) Ew, don't you hate heat? The reason why I love the cold.
7) That tech group thing sounds cool, you better get us some cool stuff.
8) Ha ha you would redo your closet that many times.
9) I basically tuned out for the clothes stuff because, even though it is math, it isn't the good type of math.

;lkjadg;knfd Lazy...........

So this morning I had to wake up at 6 because we had to help my crazy grandma (not the good type of crazy) move. It was hot, and boring, and strenuous. I really like el aire acondicionado.  Muy buens. Yeah I should elaborate because this is getting to be really short. Her first house was super jank. It was nasty and stuff, no me gusta. Her new one was better but it was 3 floors up so we ended up basically throwing up the couch and chair. Oh yeah and my Hawaiian uncle and cousin and aunt helped (the aunt is hawaiian), but yeah.

Umm yeah so after we had to go pick up my mom at the airport because she has been in Washington. And guess what she got me? Yups, she got it at costco.

a;skdjf;lkajsdf sorry for the short post, but I can't write words right now. I'm gonna go play Zelda in my lawn chair.


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