Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Psh, I don't gossip......

1) Okay, so I understand what you are saying but I never really did gossip at all on this thing. Mentioning Ally was a fact. Bryan DOES hate Gavin. And I didn't really give an opinion on Taylor and Chelsea. But, yeah, this isn't that one freshman blog from last year.
2) Ha ha don't you hate those things that are supposedly common knowledge, but they are in fact not true? Like, I was mad when I found out that George Washington's teeth aren't actually made of wood, crazy right?
3) Yeah, ha ha,  John is the reason why I did the in your pants thing.
4) Ha ha ha, my favorite was "Being there in your pants".
5) But you said that you got your hands on a copy of WGWG in Borders? Also why wouldn't your parents let you get it?
6) I know right, those pictures were the bees-nees.
7) No, I will like what I want to like.
8) How many more days is that tech committee thing? 

So. What. To. Talk. About. ?.

Umm, so I went to Wal-Mart today, and it was crazy because they re-modled the one in Mililani, and now everything is all out of place and it was confusing. 


Oh well this is kind of gossip, but still. Shan told me that she is gonna break up with Reece, even though they just saw each other for the first time like two days ago. 

Is it Shann, or Shan. I can never remember. She told me a story about that once.

Lately I have been setting my alarm for 8:30 because I don't want to wake up late, and it wakes me up and all. But then I go back to sleep. I need a better system.

I know that you haven't been reading Kristina's blog, but today she posted a really really really good short story.

Yeah I feel kind of ashamed because right before writing this. I watched Secret Life and I don't know if Shayne has been keeping you up to date, but if not here you go:
Ben is being a butt tard because all he can think about is Amy, but Amy doesn't really want anything to do with him because of the baby with Adrian. But then after an ultra sound, he decides that he wants to marry Adrian. I swear he is the most impulsive person alive. 
Then Ricky goes and visits Amy in New York because of her music program and this makes Ashlee jealous because she likes Ricky and they even kissed, which was weird.  So Ricky gets there and then him and Amy kiss, and they end up talking for a really long time and then they talk about having sex and I thought that they would actually make a really good couple. 
I thought that it was really funny that everyone was having sleep overs in this episode. Tom, Jack, Madison, Lauren, and Lauren's boyfriend all sleep in Grace's guesthouse. Ben, Henry, Alice, and Adrian sleep at Ben's. Grant, Grant's gay friend who just came out, and this random chick at Grant's friends house. Ashlee and the dog in her room. And Grace and Griffin (kind of) at Grace's house.
Yeah, that's my life. *Sigh*. I need some 90210. Mr. Cannon is a creeper and Naomi's life sucks. Alot. Like take everything bad that has ever happened in your life. Then multiply it by a billion. Yeah. Ew, Jasper. 

Kay. Bye.........
- CHEwy :0


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