Friday, August 6, 2010

No one thing is important enough to title the post........

So first, in response to your Thursday post:
1) I like the flippy one, because I like the buttons, and I like flip phones.
2) I only push the enter bar TWICE!!!!!!!!!!
3) Ha ha I liked the french fry story, but I'm pretty sure you can where a lot of things and still where french fries, and also aren't like all of the lip glosses, and lip sticks french fry prove now?
4) I like the picture.
5) You forgot to tell us how many times you were in your 8th grade year book. Mine is 7, but I'm sure that you had like 3903

Today's Post:
1) I know, the "gara-garas" ruin it, but I am working on a new one. The problem is the white, so I need to find a non white background.... (Side-Note #1: That's not my bathroom, it's my parents. Mine is not as big/nice.)
2) I like the story, it makes no sense at all. Good Stuff.
3) I know, I have a butt load of things to do, but I do not want to do any of them. 
4) Your skizlepinking (sp, I know) disgusts me. Actually your desk, but I wanted to say that. Your desk is too messy. I am ashamed. 
List of things on my desk:
Summer Reading Book
Sid's B-Day card
iZap wristband
Zelda Game
Robot that Sid got me
Rubix Cube
Two Pokemon Figurines 
5) Hey those are Jacarandas? There is a street in Mililani that has those!!! They only bloom for a short time in the summer, which was a few weeks ago, but still!!!

Now for you regularly scheduled blog post. 

Did you see the latest John Green Video? I thought it was super cool!

Right now I am sitting in my Budweiser lawn chair (Picture!!!) I like it because it has a cup holder. So yeah, I'm just chillin in my chair, writing this post, watching iCarly (The one where Freddy moves out). After I'm done, I'm probably gonna play some Zelda then maybe read the second Diary of a Wimpy kid. (I read the first one yesterday. I hate him. He is very annoying and he has no moral compass. All he cares about it video games. I hope he grows up throughout the series.)

So today I drove all the way to Ala Mona from my house because I had to go get Sid a birthday present. I got her a Lego Set. I wanted to get her a Harry Potter one, but they didn't have so I got her a horse one. Also I got her Lego salt and pepper shakers. 

After that we went to my dad's office and I got four boxes =]. 

Lastly, have you been reading Kristina's blog? I really like how she just stops writing about stuff then freaks out about the spider. I also like how she writes that stuff at the end of each post but I don't want to copy her.
Yeah that's about it.......... HEY THE ICE CREAM TRUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So after we got the Lego stuff, we went to the food court and it appeared as if every single person that I have ever met was there, minus the people that I actually wanted to talk to. Which includes Ally. I swear, one of us is stalking each other.



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