Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Siestas used to be EVIL!!

I just woke up from an afternoon nap. It was delicious.

I always used to hate taking naps in the afternoons as a wee lassie, I mean, as a little girl. I hate-hate-hate-hate-hated it. And I had two good reasons why I did. So, here is (I love lists, so indulge me. Side Note #1: I'm going to include a list on all my posts starting....NOW) a list of why I used to hate taking naps:

1) I used to live in the Philippines. School there is different from school here, of course. One of those differences is that instead of eating in school, students go home for lunch for about two hours or so. Then, they return to school. Right about now, your logic should be all like, "But wait! Doesn't that mean that they spend less hours in school because of that two-hour break?" Oh, but see, that's where you're wrong because school ends around 4-ish (or later?) in the afternoon, waaay later than schools here in the US. My point: Many students and teachers use that two-hour break to squeeze in a little nap after lunch. But never for me. My mom would pick us kids up, drive home, she'd prepare lunch, then we'd eat lunch. The perfect time for a nap would be after eating, right? But by that time, an hour would have already passed. And if I decide to take a nap then, I would be late for class.

See, for some reason, my body doesn't know meaning of a "short" nap. If I decide to take a nap, my body knows that it's not dark outside and, therefore, realizes that it is not the right time to sleep, so something inside of me demands that I shut down for exactly two hours. So even if I tell myself, "Only 30 minutes. Set the alarm; you'll only sleep for 30 minutes," I don't even hear the alarm go off and I wake up two hours later. I have never in my life taken a power nap.

So there's your first reason: naps automatically take away two hours of my life. I don't even have a say in it! I mean that's like one-twelfths of my whole day!

But right now you're probably confused because I said in the beginning that I took naps in the afternoon. But then I just went over how I didn't take naps in that two-hour lunch break. This brings me to reason number two.

2) So, if I couldn't take naps in that two-hour lunch break, and yet I told you that I DID take naps in the afternoon when I was a child, when DID I take my afternoon naps? After school when I get home. Duh. And that totally sucked when I was way younger because we got out of school earlier than the older kids and some of my favorite cartoons were on TV during that time (Inuyasha was always at 4:30pm, I think, and then there was also Rurouni Kenshin after that. Side Note #2: Kendall, I know you don't really care for these but today I am going to take a vow that by the time we graduate, you will be a fan of something anime-related)!!! My mom would always be like (in Filipino, of course), "Just sleep for thirty minutes then, and you can wake up in time to watch." But this reason correlates to reason number one: I can't sleep for thirty minutes, Mom, because my body wants to sleep for at least two hours!

*sigh* You can probably tell how confused I always was as a little girl. So I hated taking a nap after schools because, really, I'd rather be doing something else. I mean, I also had homework. (Hey, I LOVED homework.)

I kinda still do, I guess, but not really. And this brings me to my NEXT point: I absolutely love naps now.


School is stressful. 'Iolani is even more stressful. So, I ended up loving me my naps. I don't even mind now that it takes me two hours to return to reality.

But anyway, I just typed up all of that about hating naps. Why? Well, other than the fact that I just woke up from one, I actually have another reason why I just told you about napping!

It's been a couple of weeks since we decided we'd do NaNoWriMo and I still don't have a good solid light bulb (that means "idea" in Jen-speak). Until this past Sunday when something hit me while I sat in our pew at church. I will write about dreams and sleeping and naps and stuff. But not like Inception. Like I told Kendall already, this will be like a ba-dream. Like in Rick Riordan's The Red Pyramid with all the Egyptian gods and everything. But minus the gods and everything.

Well, I kind of still don't have a solid light bulb right now that's fully formulated. It's more...liquid right now and I'm still deciding how it will take shape because I have a bunch of questions in my head. Here are the stuff that I'm sure about though (OMG a second list!):

1) Girl and Guy1 are best friends. (Of course.)
2) Girl can remember EVERY single dream she's ever had. She can even tell you, in detail, the first dream she ever had.
3) There is always Guy2 in her dreams. I don't know why he's there yet. But Guy2 ages along with Girl. His appearances can last from a couple of seconds to hours.
4) For some reason, I have a feeling that Girl is some sort of target.

Like I said, it's not fully formed yet. I'm still fleshing it out. Hope I have you hooked, at least!

OHH! I just had this memory flashback--all that nap-talk made me remember something. But enough for now. That story will be for tomorrow's post. :)

Yay, I finished my post #3 for BEDA! Bye bye now.

--Fruity :)


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