Monday, August 9, 2010

Jen's Mayflower Week: Post #1

So we talked for about 40 or 45-ish minutes ON THE PHONE (so no texts, yay!) today, so this will be super short.

Note: I will respond to your party post (and other posts after this, for that matter) later on in the week when I have actual time.

Warning: Most of my posts this week will look like this. SHORT.

Point of slight interest: I found it very weird that, in Eragon, Eragon didn't have more of a "WTF?? A DRAGON?!?!?!" moment when Saphira hatched right in the middle of the night in his bedroom.

I mean, weren't dragons believed to be extinct at the time? And am I right in saying that there were no such things as Dragon Riders anymore at the time? Plus, isn't Eragon, like, FIFTEEN at the time of the said hatching?

So shouldn't this mean that, say, if a beautiful yet WEIRD blue dragon that is believed to be, like, gone from the whole entire world (or at least Alagaesia) suddenly comes out of this WEIRD and magical blue rock that a young teenager who lives in a farm and have, therefore, never seen much of the world (or Alagaesia) WEIRDLY finds in a WEIRD and evil forest, sometime in the middle of the night, in the middle of said teenager's bedroom, isn't it REASONABLE to predict that said teenager would be like, "O.M.G. FRENCH THE LLAMA! THERE'S A FUGGING DRAGON IN MY ROOM! AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!"???

He had more of a "Whoa. A dragon....COOLIO! Now, Imma go back to sleep" kind of moment.

But then again, this is one reason why I'm not Christopher Paolini.

Anyway, to the Mayflower!!!


P.S. I meant the book. Not the actual ship. Yeah.


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