Saturday, August 14, 2010


So, wow, you fail at life. 216? How many more pages are there? Right now I am on page, like, 60 and I hope to get to 100 by the end of tonight. Although it did take me forever to get there...... It isn't that bad, it is kind of interesting, only, it takes really long to read.
I know, doesn't that no spark notes thing suck? Mine doesn't have any either and I was mad.

So, now for my stalker story:
Although, before that story, I think we need another one first.
So for all of you non-exsistent people who read this, you may not know that Jen and I attempted to stalk someone for certain reasons last summer. The fail part about it was that the whole time, we were getting confused between the real person, and someone who looked just like her. Long story short: it didn't turn out too well.
So now tonight I went to the Father Bray game with Shann and Shoobstah. Me and Shann met up first and then Shoobstah came a little later. We sat at the bottom of the stadium and Shoobstah comes up and tells us that he saw Reece and said hi to him. (Later I need to fill you in on all the deets of that story). Anyway, Shann freaked out and so we were looking around trying to find him. Shoobstah said that he was wearing a green shirt, so we were looking around, and at the very top of the stadium there was a larger person in a green shirt with a girl. So for like half of the game, she was convinced that that was him, but I wasn't entirely convinced. So I went up there and did my stalkering skills. I couldn't really tell if it was him, so I called him (I had his number for reasons that need explaining, but I don't feel like it) and someone said hello, but it wasn't that guy who we thought it was. So I tell Shann and she freaks out and we spend some time looking for him, but we never find him.
So yeah, that is the second time I have stalked the wrong person.

On a lighter note:
I was in the stadium and in one part, I completely felt as if I was in HP4 when they are going to their seats at the world cup(?) and when they see Malfoy and stuff.


I just remembered that I decided to start watching all of the original Brotherhood 2.0 videos, I'm on February 15. It's pretty cool...

Kay bye.........


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