Thursday, August 26, 2010


First and foremost:
Good song. It is from the Social Network trailer. It looks good.

On to next topic.
Since I can't think of what to talk about, I figure that I will go through my schedule again, now that I hove gotten a taste of what it will be like. 
(Side Note: You know how my left ear is all messed up? Well I can feel it slowly getting better.)

Before School: I still gusta. It is cool.
Homeroom: We still can't really tell because we haven't had long homeroom yet. Did you know that all next week is basic besides friday which is assembly 1?!?
Period 1: Alright I like having Shann and Sid in my class. I like Senora Bailey. She is nice and she seems to teach well. 
Period 2: I do homework this period with Whiney.
Period 3: Rubasch is cool.
Period 4: I like Mr. Macke, I guess. It doesn't help that I suck at english though....
Period 5: Fun stuff.
Lunch: Me gusta.
Period 6: Chem. Meh. Allright so far. I think we are going slower than everyone else though.
Period 7: We have our first project which is like a portrait thing with a answer to a prompt in it. Our class has "My life is.....". So today we went out shooting and my partner is a senior, who is in photo 3, and it was really ox because I had no idea what to do in front of the camera smiling awkwardly. So I figured that mine would be awkward.
Period 8: Crap, but I have Shann to suffer with me.
After School: Me gusta.

Your schedule is:
1 Spanish, 2 Shakespeare, 3 Scholarship, 4 Pre Calc, 5 Physics, 6 Physics, 7 APUSH, 8 P.E.

Okay, now I am going to go read Catching Fire. So far, it is really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really good.


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