Sunday, August 8, 2010


so I Have a reason for Posting so late today, But first: Responsi:    [<-----CLUE???]
1) NOO, I realized it before you mentioned it and I think I get one free pass!
2) As for your story, I am expecting it to be John Green Awesome.
3) You know, I used to do that whole set-a-certain-number-of-words-each-day thing, but it never worked..... so good luck!
4) Lame sauce.
5) Nah, I haven't watched Pretty Little Liars, have you?
6) I like P.S.'s as well.
7) I know right? That's crazy that they actually did those things. (Also, I really didn't like the John in that video. He was very un-John Green like

Now for regular bloginess:
First of all, I would like to apologize for my short post yesterday, I was lazy and tired.

So now, I guess that my post will come to you in 2 parts,
the first of which being Sid's party.
It was fun, it had a Mexican Fiesta Theme. Which meant, tacos, enchiladas, a pinata, and various mexican decorations. Although I get the feeling that you would have hated it because there was half of a hallowed out pineapple......
So yeah, also we played twister which was really fun. The best part about it, though, was Bryan and Gavin battling it out. At one point it was just them too and because Bryan utterly hates Gavin, he did his best to beat him, even though Gavin was making it so they were in REALLY awkward positions [Rebecca posted some good pics]. 
I was happy to see that she freaked out when she opened the Lego set. Other people got her some good stuff, for example Janelle, Kristen, and Angela got her a pregnancy test box, four thongs, and a Beatles poster. 
I thought that it was funny/very Sid to have of developed a relationship with the pinata, therefore, she covered his eyes before we mauled him. 
I never got to give her that hug for you, but I told Shan to, but she didn't either.......

PART TWO!!!!!!!!
So the reason why I am doing this late is because I was bored today. I was bored and playing on my iPad and I decided to buy Paper Towns (Woooo!)
So I have no clue why you said it wasn't that great, honestly, I am LOVING it!
Right now I am at the part where they are piecing together clues and such.
I like it a lot because I really really really like that whole spontaneous, night, crazy excursion. Also I LOVE the fact that Margo is leaving behind clues, I mean, that is just about the coolest thing ever. 
I understand the whole black Santa thing now ha ha.
I have a feeling that John was referencing Catcher in the Rye when he said that one of the teachers was named Mr. Holden. 
I like the more regular feel of it, like how they are in a regular high school, going to school. (Cuz, you know, we can't really relate to a boarding school, and we haven't graduated yet.)
Also I really really really liked how he put that whole THIS MACHINE KILLS FASCISTS picture in it, because I know that that is real and didn't Hank have his guitar before this book? That is a total reference to him right?  
I like how he uses the word "Awesome" a lot.
I like the metaphor when in the beginning she tells him to close the window when they are little and after that they aren't really friends, and then they talk again after she tells him to open it. 
Also I like Margo because she is ballsy like Alaska, but not completely reckless like her. I can see why John likes her the best.

Yeah I think thats it.......

P.S. I am gonna go read.

P.P.S. Today I was watching old Kristina and Luke videos.

P.P.P.S. I feel like I had more to tell you, which I probably did, but I can't remember.

P.P.P.P.S. OH! Did you get my clues in the beginning of the post? You know, cuz Margo is a fan of random capitalization because it is unfair to the words in the middle.

P.P.P.P.P.S. BTW, check out my quotes on FB

P.P.P.P.P.P.S. ...... Kay, bye




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