Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Europeans, greedy as they were, bought, tricked many times, a freshman in order to take your lunch and/or lunch and long rice.

I am ashamed of myself. I can almost imagine you ranting how you're ashamed to call me your friend, how you're super disappointed in me, and how terrible it was that the Europeans tricked many freshmen in order to take your lunch and/or lunch and long rice.

Please forgive me because I didn't post last night. My dad turned the wireless router off on me. I was gonna post. But. You know. I was just distracted by...stuff. On the Internet. Like, other stuff. Yeah.

I'M SORRY! Does this call for a punishment?

Anyway, on to my regular bloginessities:
1) I'm gonna have to do a blog for Physics. I am excited. I hope you (or we) follow it.

2) I'm trying to revise my blank verse, the four-lines that grew into ten-lines by the end of the week. That one has a "Yeah-you-know-I-knew-you-were-cheating-on-me-this-whole-time-so-it's-over-you-bastard-and-no-I'm-not-gonna-waste-my-time-fighting-to-save-our-relationship-because-guess-what-the-girl-your-cheating-with-is-also-cheating-on-you-whaaattt?!?!" kind of feel. And I don't like it anymore, so now I'm trying to come up with a whole new iambic pentameter blank verse that has a more "Do-you-remember-that-one-summer-we-spent-together-catching-dragonflies-in-the-meadow-and-stealing-tangerines-from-Mr.-Kline's-yard-and-we-decided-that-we-weren't-gonna-be-kids-anymore-but-now-we-grew-up-but-we're-still-young-yeah-I-miss-those-days-because-tangerines-taste-bitter-to-me-now" kind of feel to it. But I'm having a hard time trying to get inspired. So I'm listening to Luke's songs.

3) Did I tell you about that wind chime thing that came from Japan that was given to us by Trisha (Shayne's friend) that we decided to hang outside of the house in that hut-slash-gazebo-like thing that we all built as a family project this summer? Well, it keeps tinkling all day and all night. I can hear it now. But it's so not irritating at all. I love listening to it. The neighbors probably hate it though. Oh well.

4) About my title. Okay, so maybe I have never told you this, but back in English 10H we had to write Reading Responses for the chapters that we read every night. For most of the year, I wrote those RRs half-asleep. And the next day, I'd print it out and in class, I'd read along as the students or Mr. B presented the chapter summary. Then I'd come across a super weird sentence that doesn't belong there at all. This is the evidence that I wrote the RR half-asleep, but my fingers kept typing. But the cool thing is, the sentences were always grammatically correct and the words were all spelled correctly. Here's one from one of my RRs from A Midsummer Night's Dream: Hermia and Lysander enter again and they decide to sleep separately in order to be able to perform in theater class. Haha. There are weirder ones but I didn't wanna go through all of my RRs from last year (I think I wrote about 150 of those things!). Anyway, I stayed up pretty late earlier in the week working on my DP for APUSH and the sentence I used for my title was one of my answers to the questions. Yeah. I embarrass myself, even when I'm half-asleep.

5) Assessment of my schedule!!!
HR: I'm glad that I have you in this class. Shayne thinks it's super unfair, though.
Period 1: Spanish 3H. Sra. Melo again. I'm gonna have to start gearing up for this class because I don't want her picking on me ever again. My first quiz was "D"isastrous. I was sad. From the mafia, I have Adrienne here with me.
Period 2: Shakespeare. Except you have to say it more like, Shakespeehre. Or something like that; the last syllable has to be said dramatically. It's cool that way. Dr. Webb is my hero. He's funny. And we're writing poetry. Not my forte. I like The Taming of the Shrew, though.
Period 3: Scholarship. I'm at Main Office for the third consecutive year! YESSSSSSSSS! I work with Drew from the grade below us. It's very quiet.
Period 4: Precalc with Mr. Guillou. We're doing LOGIC, the easiest math that I'll probably ever do in my whole entire life. It will get harder later on though.
Period 5: AP Phys B. Mr. Heyler. He's cool. Our class is big. I think there 20 of us? Which is kinda a lot considering the normal class size. The labs are fun and I'm getting it right now. But, again, it's gonna get harder later on. And we have to do blogs, so that's exciting! And, oh, the most important thing: it's way better than Chem H.
Period 6: I have this period free on Mon, Wed, and Fri. I hang out at chapel with Jaime, Sid, Kelsey with a K, and Shann. I do homework when I can. On Tue and Thurs, I have a lab period for Physics.
Period 7: APUSH with Mr. Reppun. He's different. But he's a new teacher, so. I like that class though. Kinda heavy on the reading, which takes time. That's probably the only bad thing about this class. From the mafia, I have Krislyn.
Period 8: PE! I have Nakoa, not Martin. Sad. But I have Bogs and Shoobie with me so that's a good thing. We're running the mile-and-a-half on Monday. *sigh* I think I'll run the mile, then walk the half.

6) It was a hard first week. It felt like it was the middle of the year.

7) I met a lot of new people, mostly freshmen. Hunter. Jaylene (sp). Schuyler. Aja. Ryan. Jack. I like meeting freshmen. They're cool.

8) Okay, so I guess now is a good time to talk about the status of FECs/FroBros/SECs/JECs. Okay, so FECs. There aren't any. Yeah, I changed my mind after the Friday-after-school incident. I decided to wait and see. Now, SECs (It sounds weird when you say it out loud--I made the mistake of saying, "Do you have SECs? I have SECs," to Tiffany when we were discussing this topic. It was embarrasing.--so from now on, SECs will be said as "SEC-plural"). Acai Cup is still a SEC. The two "conjoined twins" (en mi clase de espaƱol) are still Fro Bros. Except now they're Soph Bros. Doesn't really have that ring to it anymore. I don't have any JECs (Fitzwilliam is dead). Tiff has her TBO, though. As for the older SECs, there aren't any (Yeah, I changed my mind about the one Rachel and I shared, too. She can take it.) And, yeah. That's all.

9) Does Kristina have a "malt liquor video"?

10) The Hunger Games. Like I said, I think it's super depressing. But it's good. the pace is a bit slow in the beginning, though, which is where I'm still at. I like Katniss. Josh asked me if I was on Team Gale or Team Peeta (Btw, what kind of a name is Peeta??) and I said I was on Team Gale. I'm guessing this will be important later on. I'm still struggling with the fact that they use bows, and yet there are cameras. I can't accept the fact that District 12, to me, looks like, you know, all cobblestone-y but they have technology. It has that small, cozy, rustic feel to it. Like, I can imagine a kid running in the rain, puddles on the cobblestones, towards home where his kinda rotund but cheery mom bakes warm bread above the fire. But the cameras during the reaping kinda felt out of place to me. But I guess I'll get used to it later on. I don't think I can finish this weekend. I'm sorry.

11) I made this calendar, kinda like the one that we had last year? With everything on it? Well, this one doesn't have everything on it, just stuff that are related to 11th graders and important stuff. Do you want one? I can give you a copy on Monday. It has the stuff for Fac Rels on it. Oh and my Speech and Debate schedule, too, but you can just ignore it.

12) Luke Conard likes me and Milee. (Dern Milee. Why can't it just be me?) I like the songs that Luke wrote for Kristina. And Milee.

13) I remember I was supposed to say something else, I remembered it during our convo on the phone but I said I was gonna just tell you here. But I forgot what it was. Oh well.

14) Okay, this was super long, so I hope this makes for last night.

15) Oh!! I just remembered! I was gonna say how happy I was that Josh seems to have adjusted so well, so quickly. He has friends. And game (haha!). But more importantly, friends. He has his first speech for English on Tuesday. I was helping him practice earlier. He told me that he feels like he fits in perfectly because his classmates are all exactly like him. I'm not worried about him anymore. And I appreciated your concern this past week whenever you asked how he was doing and everything. Josh thinks you're cool just because I think you are, but I hope that he'll eventually think you're cool because you are.

Okay, I'm done. Yes, I'm coming, homework!

--Fruitaaaayyyyyyiiiieeeeee :D


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