Sunday, August 29, 2010


Well, I was going to wait for you to post, but seeing as I spent all day reading and I still have homework to do, I will post now.

So I finished Mockingjay today. Which means I read all three books in one week. 1,155 pages in one week. I feel drained. They were amazing, but I can't even tell what I think of the books yet. There is one specific thing that I don't like but you will have to wait to hear. It will be extremely emotional for you. Just a warning. But it is rewarding, I think. I hope that you have read more. You need to catch up. Should I give Josh Mockingjay for now? Since he read the others but not that one. 

Ha ha, I still need to write a paper that I have not yet started. And I have a test for Am Lit tomorrow. And I had a dilly problem for math, but I think I got it. Also I did well on Chem homework, except one problem which was converting Fahrenheit to Celsius, that was hard. Oh and I didn't understand one page in the spanish homework so I didn't do it, but I will ask Shann about it tomorrow. 

I think it will be a while before I start on another book because I don't really have much time and reading that much in one week was kind of draining. 


That was all I could think of when I saw Draco last night when I was watching some of Half-Blood Prince. Also I gained sort of a new found appreciation for Harry Potter. I can't really explain it, but I guess that I take Harry Potter for granted. It is one of those things that has always been around so I never really took much consideration to it. But when I was watching last night, I sort of felt like it was something really important. Even though I know that it is something that is really important. Also I have had "Voldemort is Going Down" stuck in my head. I also really like this song and I like how they used it in 5 and 6. (Skip to 1:00)
Hermione's got nice skin. 

Soon you are going to have to teach me the rules of dialogue quotation marks because I do not understand any of that at all and I don't want that to be a issue in November. 

Okay, yeah, I think that that is it. I hope that you didn't post while I was writing this.



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