Tuesday, August 31, 2010

LAST POST EVER!!!! :00000.... Or not...

So I feel accomplished. The two of us posted for practically every single day in August. By tonight we will have a total of 76 posts, a number that I hope will continue to increase. 
I feel like I was super boring throughout this whole month so maybe daily posts aren't the smartest things. Although I definitely will try post every one or two weeks from now on. I enjoyed this whole thing. It feels cool to have a blog and post every day. But not really, but yeah. 
I like how Ashlyn commented and took part in our poll. 
I feel slightly accomplished. Isn't that funny? That we would completely freak out if we had, like, a real follower, someone who we didn't know. I mean, that would be so cool, but we would freak out over only one person, when others have, like, a bagagillion followers. Yups.
(I apologize, but I have become re-obsesed with AVPM. Not that I wasn't obsessed in between now and watching it, but now I am very obsessed. I bought three more songs, The Coolest Girl, Those Voices, and No Way.)
Yup. So, we had our history test today and both Shannon and I got raped. We definitely need to study better for next time.
I like period 5. It is me, Jaime, and Sid. So it is like last years period 1, except minus Chubbie. The three (/four) tend to have rather interesting conversations. 
I feel dumb carrying around my wand. Especially when I went on the elevator, after school, with Kelsey and Coach Look was in there. Although I have to bring it in again tomorrow for my photo project.
Speaking of my photo project, we have two right now. 
1) Self portrait with an answer to a question or prompt. Our class' prompt is "My Life Is...." So I said awkward and you will have to wait to see the picture. 
2) It is this crazy thing. You know those pictures that were in that case outside Dr. Iwashta's office. The ones that were letters and that were sort of like shadows. Well, if you don't know what I am talking about, you will eventually. Well, we have to do that, but as a self portrait. So I have a bunch of cool stuff that I hope works out. You will just have to see it when it is done. 
I am excited to see what is on the September page of my Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince calendar. Draco was starting to get creepy. 
I hope that you read some Hunger Games tonight.
I can be funny!!!!!!!!!
I just can't stop dancing!!!!!
Me gusta mi escritor mucho.
Third floor sucks.
When will this long homeroom drought end!?!?!?
I am the coolest girl in the whole wide world.
I need to start reading something else or something.
Shayne's hair doesn't seem that long.
I don't think that you have been on facebook yet. If you still haven't by the time that you read this, go say happy birthday to Alex Tom.
I think that I am going to switch to Pirate language on facebook.
Ha ha, when Cho Chang introduces herself to Harry, she says "Niaho" (SP, I know).
Ha ha, Pirate language is nuts.
Okay. I think that that last post was sufficient.
Well, until next time I post.


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