Saturday, August 21, 2010

Confessions, Harry Potter and (Oliver!) Wood

When I cut that blog post super short several days, I really did hate you. Like, REALLY.
You can ask Josh and Shayne because, after I posted that, I shut down the computer and I don't think I touched the computer until the next day. Which, seeing as it's summer, is pretty weird for me. I also ranted to BOTH of them for quite a lengthy amount of time. And I ignored all your calls. But by the second one, I put your number on Auto Reject on my phone. I hated you. Seriously.

But I also hated the fact that I was mad at you but you didn't know it. Grr, I hate fighting with someone who doesn't even have a clue that we are in the middle of a fight! Akaksufsdnfksdyvojnjsdfuodfgwkfjldhfasidisdfhasldfjsdylsdgskuas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know I actually counted the total number of times that I was the "rule-breaker."
Number of times I did "something": 4
Number of times that those "something"s counted: 4

You wanna know what your count is?
Number of times you I did "something": 4
Number of times that those "something"s counted: 0

(Note: The numbers may be off but what's important here is the fact that I was always the rule-breaker and you never were.)

You know, I let it go lots of times before when I accused you of breaking the rules and you always said "No, it doesn't COUNT."
But when you commented on my 25 Notes, you were clearly, explicitly and apparently TALKING TO ME THROUGH FACEBOOK. Something that directly violates the no text-based communication.
AND YOU HAD THE AUDACITY TO EVEN SAY THAT YOU HAD LEGIT REASONS TO SAY THAT THOSE TWO DIDN'T COUNT WHEN YOU LEFT ME A VOICE MAIL (which, by the way, were one of the Top Three Stupidest Voice Messages You've Ever Left Me, the other two being...oh yeah, THE OTHER TWO MESSAGES YOU LEFT ON THE SAME NIGHT).

Screw you.

So yeah, I hated you. But I also hated the fact that you didn't know that I hated you at the moment. And I know you didn't because you freakin' kept liking every single thing that I posted on Facebook, freakin' liking every single thing I did (freakin' biter), and freakin' liking my entire conversation with Kylene (what the hell is your problem?).

So I guess I don't hate you that much anymore.

Plus, I realized that this is a bad way of starting the year. And the fact that you're my best friend so it's impossible for me to really hate you forever.

I'm going to cry my eyes out at the very end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2. I just know it. Even worse than when I cried when Cedric, Sirius and Dumbledore all died, all both in the books and the movies. WAY WORSE.

I recently finished watching the Sequel and the last scene just resonated with me. It hit me so hard. And I got so emotional when Harry was talking about how we can always return to Hogwarts. And they started singing Days of Summer which is just so sad but true and happy at the same time because I felt like, not only were they singing about their own summer and end of the year at Hogwarts, but also how Harry Potter is slowly going to end with Part 2 of the Deathly Hallows movie and the fact that it's been such a big part of the world and so many people and our generation and everything and everyone everywhere. And I started crying about how Harry Potter's been such a big part of my life. And how, oh dear God, how I didn't want it to end partly because I felt sad that my children were not going to be able to be a part of something so awesome, but if they ever do because maybe in the future, some other person is gonna come up with the next big thing, I don't think that it will be as good as Harry Potter and my kids won't have the same experiences as I did and partly because I felt like I was losing a wonderful friend who has always been there for me no matter what, made me smile and laugh and cry and dream so many times but not really because that awesome friend won't really exactly die, I know, because it'll be more like that that awesome friend is moving or something and he says that nothing will ever change but you know, oh dear God, you know that nothing will ever be the same again no matter how much the two of you try to stay good friends despite the great distance between the two of you and you can't do anything because every part of your being wants to believe that you will always be friends forever but you know that that's not gonna happen but you don't want to say it out loud because it would hurt more and you probably won't be able to say goodbye anymore when it comes time to say goodbye and also partly because by watching the Musical and the Sequel, I came to realize again what I already knew for such a long time, ever since I started loving Harry Potter, something that the fact that there are Wrock songs and Nerfighteria and the movies and the parodies and the games and the theme park in Florida and and and and so much more and, oh dear God, this just goes to show again how many lives the Harry Potter franchise has touched and changed and how many people are going to be sad that there will be no more books or movies to look forward to, just our memories of everything that's happened for the last decade or so that we've all been part of such an awesome thing and I was just so sad but happy and thankful at the same time so I started crying and crying and I couldn't stop.


Okay, the the title is kind of a lie, but not really.

So, today, my dad and I totally changed the whole plan of making some sort of wooden stool for my locker. Instead, I'm doing the same exact thing you are, except mine is not gonna take up the whole entire thing. Like, there will be a space in front. You probably can't visualize it but you'll see it tomorrow (more details tomorrow when we discuss our Game Plan).

But in order for it not to be a complete lie, I thought I'd share with you something from the books this time because you're always talking about how stuff from the movies are much easier to remember. Okay, so maybe YOU don't remember this but I definitely do. Okay, so when Harry was a first-year, he was super, you have to admit, he was super stupid and ignorant. He didn't even know what a Muggle was?! OMG, come on. So, okay, I didn't really like how dumb he was back then and I didn't realize this until I read the later books because by then he was really smart and he knew a bunch of stuff. So anyway, back to dumb first-year-Harry. Remember the part when he got busted because McGonagall saw him on a broomstick when he was retrieving Neville's Remembrall? They did it differently in the movie because, in the movie, Harry just caught the Remembrall right next to Professor McGonagall's room but in the book, he actually had to do a really wicked dive towards the ground then, like, pull back up so that he doesn't die or anything. So after that when McGonagall told him to go with her, she went to Professor Flitwick's classroom (it was Quirrel's in the movie) and she asked to "borrow Wood." And, this is still so funny to me, because first-year-Harry was so dumb back then he was all, "Wood? Is wood something she's going to use to hit me?" Haha, I found it funny because, duh, that's what he was used to in the Muggle world and I was like, hahahahaha. *sigh* Yeahh....yay Oliver Wood! :)


I went to a family party last night up in Waialua. And I saw this girl who went to middle school with me. I found out in sixth grade that her mom's maiden name was Rasay but I didn't think that we were related. But she was at the same family party as I was...soo??? This other girl in Josh's grade was also there. And she had a sister with whom I also went to middle school. And I was like, "Whoa? Are we related to them, too?" And Josh was like, "Um, I think so. This is, like, the third or fourth family party that I've seen her." And I was like, "What? No way! How come I never saw her?" And, get this. So Josh has a friend from middle school whose last name is also Rasay. And my parents met her parents at their 8th grade graduation and they concluded that they lived near my dad's in the Philippines back when my dad was little when they talked. But then, we saw her aunt and two of her uncles at the part last night, too!

Haha, it's such a small world full of Rasays.

I finished a bunch of stuff today. I'm done with my Mayflower questions, except for one question. The only stuff that's left is my dad's Airman thing, get my bag completely ready, and yeah. I think that's it. Just the NaNoWriMo stuff and transferring songs and reorganizing my iTunes, I guess, but I can hold those off for now. I'll do those after I'm finished with every single possible thing.

Kay, that was a lot.

Something to think about:
What if we had multiple Twister mats right next to each other to make a giant Twister mat and had an epic Twister game with a bunch of people?

Soo many injuries come to mind....

All righty. I'm done.

Oh, wait. Something else to think about:
John's birthday is on Tuesday. I think we should do somethin epically Nerdfighterish in his name.


Oh, good God. Here's another one, sorry:
We are going to submit stuff for The Guide. Period. End of story. No discussion. We're doing it.

ALL RIGHT. I'm done for reals.

-Fruity OUT.


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