Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What does DP stand for? (With ADDED stuff!)

I think I'm pulling an all-nighter tonight. I have a DP due for APUSH tomorrow. Too many acronyms. What is DP?? Hmm. I will look it up. I broke a bowl at dinnertime. Sad. DP means "discussion prompt." I also need to know your schedule because I only know your frees and period 1. Tell me the gossipy thing tomorrow. And, yes, I got the Shoobstah reference even before I read the thing between the parentheses.

For a more serious topic: Dear, I actually didn't know about Esther's passing (how did you find out?) I can't believe it. When I read your post, I was super shocked because I watched several of her first videos for VEDA and she was always so energetic. I agree with you. I always wondered at how positive she was in her videos and I know that I would never pull off something like that if I were in her position. The video that stuck with me, though, was, I think it was the first one, I don't remember, but she was explaining all of the tubes attached to her and how they worked and she was explaining all of them so nonchalantly in her video. I guess I'll always remember her through that video because she was so....strong, especially in her situation. I will pray for her (I was gonna suggest that you do, too, but I wasn't sure if you do that kind of thing).

Esther, may you rest in *Chewy Edit, AWESOME*! She was an inspiration.

With that said, I will now return to my homework.

ADDED after original post:
So I had to write 4 lines of blank verse for Shakespeare tonight. And I just finished it. Here:

When you're with me, do you remember her?
You've never really listened, much less try,
So should I even bother with this plea?
I'm sure that she ignores her boyfriend, too.

I had fun writing it. Now, on to more serious homework.



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