Wednesday, August 4, 2010


So, yesterday, Jen gave us a thrilling list as to why she loves naps. However today, I am going to share with you why I HATE naps, in the form of a list:

1) Just like Jen, when I do nap I can't nap for a little bit. I mean, someone could wake me up or something, but if I am on my own, I will nap forever.

2) Because of this I feel rejuvenated in after the nap because I just got some good sleep.  But wait. Doesn't that mean that I won't be tired when the real time to go to sleep comes around? YES! For example, if I take a nap from 1 to 3, then my "bedtime" is shifted from 11 to 1. Therefore, causing me to wake up in the morning at noon!

3) And as you know, I HATE waking up late.

Moral of this list? NAPS ARE EVIL!

So because Jen shared her NaNoWriMo story with you guys yesterday, I thought I would too.
1) Four friends: 2 guys and 2 girls.
2) They meddle where they aren't supposed to and girl 2 gets kidnapped. 
3) Guy 1 and girl 1 are the love interests. 
4) Lots of plot twists!
So yeah, I am excited.

So today I had my 3rd driving sesh with my driving instructor. It went okay, however the interesting part of this episode took place afterwards when I was waiting to get picked up at autoline. So like a minute after I sit down, Pinochs (one of our awesome student teacher for our leadership class) and Tue (a cool dude) come out because they had a proconsuls meeting. Alex sits next to me and starts talking to me and its awkward, then he leaves. Then Tue (who is sitting on the bench next to me) starts talking and its also awkward until Zobian comes and starts talking to him. Then Ally (Matt's Ally, [the real one, not the evil one]) Comes for some reason then leaves and it was weird because I never saw her as the blast-my-music-in-my-car type of person.
So the moral of this story? I make un-awkward situations awkward.

Also, yesterday Jen said that I don't like anime stuff, well that is a LIE! I just never really watched the super asian stuff that she likes. I watched Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, Yuyu Hakasho, Case Closed, Full Metal Alchemist, Avatar (that counts right?), Pokemon (that counts too....right?), and Digimon. In fact, last night I was watching old, awesome episodes of Digimon. Good times. Pictures below =].

Lastly, I think that we need to review the rule "No Textual Communication" for two reasons 1) you like rules, and 2) we have been breaking it.
1) Absolutely no form of textual communication, whatsoever.
2) No indirectly talking to each other (i.e. Me commenting on Shann's page 'Jen isn't cool') none of that business.
3) No talking to each other through editing posts or editing each others post.
4) Likeing things on Facebook counts! Because it is not a form of textual communication.
5) Business related things are ok.

a;kg;kfbn;wkeng;lkasng;slkfd because of a;odskfj;slkfn-ness, I just had to type this entire post a second time. Fun. 


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