Monday, August 2, 2010

Diversity Books :/

AHHH CRAZY NEW BLOG FORMAT!!!!!!!!!!!! I really like the whole thing with the tabs and the transparentness and the books and the about us, my only problem is the pinkish color on top the top the page.........

So today is monday and first I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of our best friends SID!!!! (Even though she probably will never read this......) Any way I just woke up and its like 11 o'clock. I HATE waking up so late for two reasons: 1) it usually gives me a headache and 2) its like half of the day is gone by the time you are ready to do stuff, like, if I wanted to waste half of my day I would just read a lame book about black people and stuff. Wait. That is how a spent my day yesterday.....


So yesterday I was reading my summer reading book for my American Literature class next year. It was called The Color of Water. Now let me give you a little bit of backstory: in the 9th grade our summer reading book for english was When I was Puerto Rican, a book about a Puerto Rican girl, coming to America. Fast forward one year to our 10th grade summer reading book, There Eyes Were Watching God, a book about a black lady in America (and some other diversity based stuff that I can't even remember). So in following the common theme of diversity, racism, and crappy books, you can guess what The Color of Water is about. Yup. A Jew who has 12 black kids. In America. *Sigh* Why must they give us all of these color based books, I mean, seriously, how are we even supposed to relate to these books? That type of racism definitely doesn't even exist today! Thanks 'Iolani english department! Oh and I still have my history summer reading book to read. A Voyage Long and Strange. Exciting.

Hmm. What else is there to talk about?

I really like how we are doing this. I guess that this could be considered practice for NaNoWriMo. (For those of you who don't know [if "you" even exist] it stands for National Novel Writing Month and its in November and you have the entire month to write a 50,000 word novel. Me and Jen are doing it this year. Wish us luck?) Anyway, yeah it could be practice because it is making us get in the routine of writing a blog post everyday, which for right now isn't that hard because it is summer. So maybe we should continue into september or something? Or maybe at least frequently update, not necessarily every day.

Geez this isn't very long. Well Kristina's blog is really skinny so that contributes to her novel length....

Okay, I have nothing else.......

WAIT!!!! I just realized that I can talk about my phone situation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait. I think I will leave that for tomorrow.......... (Enjoy this picture for now)

(P.S. Like that cliffhanger?)


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