Saturday, August 14, 2010

Jen's Mayflower Week Post #6: EPIC FAIL

Yep, I have failed. It's 9:20pm on Saturday, the day I'm supposed to be finished, and I'm still on page 216. I was supposed to be at page 216 on WEDNESDAY.


Anyway, I'm still going to have to go and read soon. Especially because Darwin just posted on my wall that there are no SparkNotes for Mayflower. I mean, I wasn't planning on using SN for it anyway, because I am reading the book; it's just that I hoped that I could use SN afterward just in case I miss something (because I'm only paying attention to what I'm reading about 75% of the time) and I thought it would help me when I have to answer the questions and stuff. I'm screwed.

And I'm sad.

Okay, here's a list to remember to talk about in my first real post (which will be AFTER I finish Mayflower):
1) Game
2) Wisconsin
3) Hair (maybe not...because I'd rather message you about it, but I can't because I'm not allowed)
4) NaNoWriMo
5) AVPM and AVPS

Yeah...being lame again.

BTW, you might not want to wait for me to post for realz because that might not be for a couple of more days.



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