Sunday, August 15, 2010

Jen's Mayflower Week Post #7: I. CAN. DO. THIS.

I have done nothing but read since this morning. I'm reading in my parents' room and I occassionally take breaks every hour or so to use the bathroom and drink water. I CAN DO THIS!! I'm on page 264.

Yeah, what you wrote on your previous post was borderline gossip. And really, I don't wanna know any of it if you're gonna continue to post it on this blog. Why can't you just call or wait until tomorrow when we actually see each other?

Which brings me to something else, when I say that we can all probably work for a couple of hours after the seminar, I mean, like, stay on campus. Because my mom won't let me go anywhere and she'll be picking me up. I just hope that she stays late in school so we can actually get some stuff done if needed.

So, I'm gonna go and read, read, read some more.




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