Saturday, August 28, 2010

You SHOULD Be Ashamed

I am extremely disappointed..... Ha ha, no it isn't really a big deal. If you want to punish yourself, you can, but I won't administer one.

1) Umm yeah I guess so.

2) Ha ha that second one sounds....very specific. But I know what you mean. I can't write poetry either.

3) Pictura desu ka

4) Ha ha ha that's super funny. I was wondering what it meant. But the title actually doesn't really make grammatical sense. Or maybe it does. But to me it doesn't.

5) Your schedule doesn't sound toooo bad. I think you will survive. (Side note: What!?! Mr. Nakoa is 10000000000 times more cool than Mr. Martin. I don't like him at all.)

6) Yeah, I know what you mean.

7) Were those all the people with Josh yesterday? That's cool I guess. Although I still want him to be BFFs with Daniel.

8) Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I love how that entire thing was basically written in code and I could understand all of it.

9) It sounds familiar. But I don't really remember....

10) Yeah, it continues to get even more and more depressing. But rewarding. In response to the technology thing, I get what you mean, but there is a reason for that. Technology is sort of a luxury that the capitol likes to keep to themselves. They are really technologically advanced actually, they like hovercrafts and stuff. It's just that the capitol doesn't really care about any of the districts so they work with what they have, which is why Katniss uses a bow and arrow. I don't really like how Josh says the team stuff because it makes me think too much of Edward and Jacob, even though it is completely different. But yeah, for now you can't have too much of an honest opinion because Gale isn't even in most of the first book. I don't expect you to finish, but I expect you to finish part 1 and then promptly after, you must blog about it or call me. That will be your punishment. 

11) Umm I want to see it first.

12) Umm I have no idea what you are saying but me too........

13) Okay.

14) No.

15) I am glad to see him adjusted. I think that we can easily change that coolness opinion thing though.

So yeah. I have nothing really else to talk about except for one thing and I bet that you can probably guess what it is. 

So last night, I finished Catching Fire and basically, my mind was continuously f!@#ed. Over and over and over. I have no clue how anyone could have waited for Mockingjay to come out. Today I got through the first part of Mockingjay. Again. My mind was rapped.

-Chew Y


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