Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Look upon me and see a new face. I stand before you a new woman for I have conquered the despised enemy that is Mayflower. However, I have not yet fully tasted victory. Although the main battle has been won, the war is not over yet. Mayflower proved to be a worthy opponent. But it possesses the ability to resurrect itself, only in a different form. Now, after a tiring week or so of combat against the Mayflower, I must now battle another fiendish foe: the Summer Reading Questions. Fear not for my faith will stand strong. I will not fail because I am armed with courage, full of determination, and aided by the teachings of all my mentors. I say to this evil beast, this vile Summer Reading Questions, the same exact words senior master ninja extraordinaire, Master Shaolin, taught me to say whenever faced with a great challenge: “BRING IT.”


Okay so, weird ninja-slash-nerdfighter-like bit aside, I am finished with Mayflower! Yesssss...let's all HAPPY DANCE, everyone!!!


Whew, that was tiring. Okay, back on track. Just to let you know, this will be the LONGEST post EVER. Yups, check the tags. It says so.

Right. Well then, on to the points of varying levels of interest to you, but all of significant interest to me:

I. ResponsesI don't have much except for some major ones in general and a couple that are specific to your
post yesterday, August 16. I will organize this post as an outline (minus the indentations so pay close attention to the marks!) because I'm Jen. Let's begin.

A. White open spaces! Again and again! Okay, are you working on your posts on Word then copying and pasting it on here? 'Cause if you are, then that would explain the huge white spaces. If you continue to do that, you'll have to manually delete all of the white spaces on here after you paste it to get rid of the white spaces. Or you can be a normal blogger and just type it straight on here. But get rid of you white spaces, darn it!

B. As to what is "in that food" as you so eloquently put, I think I see some cheese, tomatoes, onions, queso, are those chives?, sour cream, lettuce, and even more cheeeeessssyyyyyy queso. Mmmmm, cheese. Who cares what else is in there? Look at all that cheese! I haven't had dairy in a long time. *tear*

C. I, myself, also like the song Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars.

D. I'm also having a hard time for NaNoWriMo. I haven't told you yet, but I totally scrapped the whole dream idea and came up with a new one that I'm so in love with right now. But the problem is it's not fully formed yet. I have EVERYTHING except for a good plot. Which is basically what I need in order for everything to work and have meaning and gah. So, my new idea revolves around the perfect friendship. But I don't really wanna give anything away. So yeah.

E. I am working on setting SMART goals for junior year (more on this later on in the post) and I think that improving your spelling should be one of yours. It's good that you noticed that those particular words are the ones you misspell all the time because now you know what to work on. You should do daily exercises where you write out all of your problematic words correctly spelled, maybe three times everyday and by Christmas, you'll be able to spell them correctly without even thinking. You should totally do it! I'd be happy to help.

II. Tasklist

Okay, so this week is crunch week because we go back to school on Monday! So here's how it looks for me right now (I'm just gonna type it here because I haven't actually mapped out the stuff that I have to do just yet; these are not in order):
Wednesday - ortho and opto appointments; study/review Spanish 2 stuff because I've forgotten everything, finish up chapter one of Physics (I already started and I finished the first half on Sunday night); begin Mayflower questions; prep my locker box thing; write up of Imua features brainstorm
Thursday - finish Matt's cat and possibly work on 3-page project; Josh has orientation and lockers are open so have to go to school to dump stuff; work on my dad's airman thing (I won't even bother to explain)
Friday - (MAJOR WORK DAY) Clean up and reorganize all flashdrives, computer files and my Yahoo! Inbox; finish Mayflower questions; finalize PSAT vocab list; clean up trig binder/stuff; I think I have a family party up in Waialua; transfer Wrock songs
Saturday - finish wrapping boxes for Miss Tamas; everything NaNoWriMo related on my to-do list; finish reading Policy debate topic overview; actually fix up my bag and stuffs; wash my shoes; help my dad make my locker thing
Sunday - do anything I did not finish and sleep early
Oh and I have to blog everyday of course. And those will probably be just updates on what I've accomplished.

III. Soundtrack of My Summer(s)
So, I started doing this last summer because last summer was quite a memorable period of my life. Well, you now how I love to make playlists. Just this summer I have made a total of 31 playlists.

Now I base all of my playlists on a specific person, place, thing, time, feeling, food, etc. The thing is that once a song is related to a person, place, thing, time, feeling, food, etc. I rarely every think of it as not being related to a person, place, thing, time, feeling, food, etc. So if my feelings about a certain person, place, thing, time, feeling, food, etc. changes for some reason, I am stuck in a weird position when I listen to the same song again.

This sounds kind of confusing so let me provide you with an example: Let's say that I like the smell of wood. So, the song "My Best Friend Plank" is placed in my playlist appropriately titled "Wood." But then one day, I am walking along the street when suddenly, I hear a loud crack. And BOOM. A huge branch falls on the pavement right behind me, exactly where I was a split second ago. I think that it's weird, but I keep walking. And I hear another loud crack. And BOOM. It happens again. Then I come to a sudden realization: the trees are trying to kill me. And I run all the way home. I take refuge in my room and grabp my iPod, searching for comfort. I hit play and, yes, a man starts singing about his best friend who is actually a plank of wood and is therefore named Plank. And suddenly, my love for wood transfoms into fear. And I think wood is evil. Many years pass and my love for wood returns. I listen to the same song again and I can't help but remember that, years ago, two trees had tried to kill me. And I feel sad. You know what I mean, now?

Okay, well regardless of whether you understand or not, I'm just gonna go ahead. So I had quite an extensive list for my unofficial Soundtrack of Summer '09 and it included:
-Thunder and Go by Boys Like Girls
-Crush by Cute Is What We Aim For
-Come Right Out and Say It by Relient K
-Sweet Pea by Amos Lee
-Don't Forget by Demi Lovato
-Nothing Lasts Forever by Maroon 5

Anyway, that's just a part of it. So here are some songs from my extensive and unofficial Soundtrack of Summer '10:
-Your Love by Nicki Minaj
-Ridin' Solo by Jason Derulo
-Your Song, Me and Milee, and I'll Be Your Dashing Knight by Luke Conard
-Summer of '09 (Weird, right?), Hey Kristina, You Kissed Me at the Dundies by ALLCAPS
-Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars
-Cooler than Me by Mike Posner
-California by Hawk Nelson (This song is in every playlist inspired by school breaks)
-OMG by Usher feat. will.i.am

Yeah. I don't really find a recurring theme in the Summer '10 one. But here is another list of some of the playlists that I created this summer:
An Ode to Great Hair/Fitz (about "Fitzwilliam")
My Kind of Christmas (my fave Christmas songs)
Quieres Bailar? (dance party mix)
X (an extension of my Aftermath playlist, I think)
Ready, Set, Jump! (about jumping in love)
iPod Tears (self-explanatory)
Ever Been...? (this one's weird, it's based on the fact that we can all learn from all the relationships that we have or had with others and how the ones that end make us stronger and those that endure make us happy)
Poof (heartbreak that comes suddenly...but not really because everyone around you saw it coming except you)
Nostalgia (missing not "what was," but "what wasn't")

Okay, let's move on!

IV. What I've Been Watching
Okay, so lately I subscribed to two more vloggers on YouTube: Toby Turner and Dan Brown. I think I stumbled upon Dan Brown's videos in the early weeks of summer when I watched an episode of Who Wants to be a Millionaire with him on it. So I checked his videos out and I liked him so I subscribed. Anyway, I really liked the song that he recorded with Hank. I also just recently started watching Toby Turner's videos when he was mentioned by either Hank or John, I can't remember which, on a vlogbrother video earlier this summer. So I checked out his videos and I love, love, loved him. I thought he was super funny and I always like what he does to his iPhone at the beginning of each video. Here are some links, you should check them out:

Dan Brown: http://www.youtube.com/user/pogobat
Toby Turner: http://www.youtube.com/user/TobyTurner

Another thing that I totally found awesome were A Very Potter Musical and A Very Potter Sequel. I watched the parody of Ke$ha and 3Oh!3's song, "My First Kiss," that was made by Kristina, Alexander Carpenter and some other guy (gah, I forgot his name--sorry, Other Guy) and then I went on Alexander's channel and he talked about an HP play called A Very Potter Sequel. So I checked it out and I spent two whole nights watching AVPM. Right now, I'm about to begin watching Act 2 of the Sequel. It's super funny. I mean, for the first one, some parts are just gross and disturbing and it's totally not kid-appropriate but, dude, did you know that these two plays existed?! I think they're pretty cool.

But right now, I think the second one is much better because it fills in some questions I had when I watched the first one. And the songs on the Sequel are much better. I got Shayne and Josh watching them, too, haha.

I especially love Ron, Snape, and Quirell, I'm kinda put-off about how Hermione and Ginny are portrayed, and I can't stand some of the characters (namely, Bellatrix, Molly, etc.) I think the people that play Harry and Draco are just perfect for their parts. And I have great respect for the guy who plays Voldemort. Like, a lot of respect. You'll get it once you watch it the first one and part of the second one.

But, anyway, just watch it all here; go to the Playlists section: http://www.youtube.com/user/starkidpotter?blend=2&ob=4

V. WisconsinShayne's friend from Wisconsin, Margo, whom she met at her Mexico trip, came to visit the island with her family and we took them out a couple of days ago. Yeah. We just drove around and we went to a bunch of places.

VI. The Hair that Triggered Nostalgia

Observe how I tell you a story that doesn't involve any names, so it's not gossip. So I saw this picture on Facebook because it came up on my News Feed (I wasn't creeping; If I was, you know I'd tell you), and I decided to get a closer look at the other pics on the same album and I saw a couple of pics of someone. And yeah. now observe how I didn't finish because I realized that I can't tell the story to its full effect without revealing names of facts about the person that would totally give away to who the person is. So, now observe how I'm going to tell you all about it when I actually see you next week.

VII. My SMART Goals for Junior Year
I haven't worked out the details yet, so these are pretty rough-draft-ish:
-Go to Nationals for debate
-Be faithful to my planner
-Speak fluently in Spanish toward the end of the school year
-Committ to Imua
-Maintain a healthy weight of 103-107 lbs.; decrease dairy intake
-Use all of my free time (free periods, lunch, before and after school) in school wisely
-Fac Rels Indiv Comm Goals
-NaNoWriMo Goals
-Make a person's day every day
-Write a total of 50 thank you notes
I have more, but I'm only putting these up. You should make your list.

VIII. We'll Be a Dream and Poetically Pathetic
I don't quite remember why this was in my list. But, anyway, these are songs that I love. I liked listening to "We'll Be a Dream" by We the Kings feat. Demi Lovato even before it was on the radio. And "Poetically Pathetic" by Amber Pacific is just awesome, too. Again, I don't remember why these were on my list, but oh well.

VIX. More Nostalgia
I miss my elementary friends from the Philippines. Or maybe I don't miss them, technically, because I was pretty young when I left and I only remember bits and pieces of people. So maybe I miss the idea of their friendship? Nah, I think I miss them. I guess. Maybe. But I definitely miss Stef.

X. I Remembered Something...But then I Forgot
Darn, I remembered something else that I was supposed to tell you while I was typing up item number eight but I totally forgot what it was! But I remember that it was good and it was important! Ahhh, darn it. Okay well, maybe tomorrow.

That is all for now. WOOT--longest post ever!!!

Okay, I am tired. I wanna go to sleep because I have to wake up early tomorrow.
Anyway, you are awesome. I am awesome, especially for this post. Because it's the longest.

Kay.....oh! One more thing (I don't think this was item #10, thought): Yeah, we should definitely
discuss what to talk about when we do the same thing on some days.

Imma proofread and then...

All right, done. That's it for reals now. Good night. I will read your post in the morning (or right after I post, if you already did) because you're still editing, I think. Oh wait, no, I think you abandoned it and then you'll probably finish it later. Well, time for sleepy time.



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