Monday, August 2, 2010

My shoulders hurt now...

Yup, my neck and my shoulders basically hurt whenever I'm on the computer for a long time because I have a laptop and it's not exactly at a very comfortable level on my desk.

Unlike Kendall, I actually woke up pretty early today although not as early as I would have liked. But anyway, I got up today at around 7:30-ish, worked out, then ate breakfast. After I took a shower, I sat down in front of the computer and basically stared at the new format that we came up with last night. And I hated it (Sorry!). So I fiddled for a couple of hours and came up with this. TAA-DAAAA!!!

I actually really like it. And, no, I will not change the dark pinkish banner for the title on top, Kendall, because I purposely chose that color because it is NOT blue NOR purple. I thought that we should save those colors for our posts (Side note #1: Kendall's fave color is blue and mine is purple).

Which leads me to my next topic: NEW FORMAT, NEW "RULES"
I'm a rules kind of person. But not the strict kind of rules, more like bendable rules and rules that are enough to keep some measure of non-chaos.

1) So, like I said, it would be easier to have our posts color-coded based on our respective personal colors.
2) Keep the font size Normal and the font Arial. Uniformity can be good.
3) No double line breaks! I hate the white spaces that you create in your posts whenever you hit Enter twice. So...NO! Also, check that you don't have extra lines after your name at the very end of your post because, again, NO WHITE SPACES!!!
4) This was your idea: always add labels.
5) Even if our posts are color-coded, I still think we should end each one with our respective Fruity/Chewy names.
6) No more fiddling.
7) Try to add pictures even if they're pics that are not related to The List.
9) Go for loooooong posts.

And I guess that's it...for now, I mean, until something comes up that is totally unacceptable and we just have to put it down in the rules. So, I expect full compliance in your next post.

Moving on...I like hats. I don't wear them much. I think I probably only have 2 or 3 normal hats (I say "normal" because I have a handful of other ones--sombrero, pimp hat, purple Santa hat, etc.). This summer, I've taken to wearing my sister's Seattle Mariners baseball cap around the house. At first I just did it because my summer short hair was too short to pull back into a pony tail and I wasn't in the mood at the time to wear a heaband because it makes that dent on my hair of which I am not a big fan. But now, I basically wear it just to wear it. I actually expected one of my parents to call me out on it right away. But they didn't; they kind of just let me wear it around the house. Which is pretty weird. But, oh wells, no one has said anything. Not even my sister who usually doesn't like other people touching her stuff. So I guess I'm wearing it for this summer.

I'm sitting on our avocado tree
That's what I like about summer. Other than the fact that it gives us a sense of freedom, of course.

Yeah, there are some stuff that suck that just can't be helped, like, summer school and summer reading books to which we cannot even relate. (Side note #2: The only reason that we can't relate to the summer reading books that always have themes of racism and such that we're always assigned to read is because we live in Hawaii, the melting pot of the US. We don't experience much racism around here. Another reason to love the islands.)

But at the same time, summer comes with so many surprises and unexpected stuff. And it's a time for spontanaeity. I mean, if we had been in school, I don't think that we would have decided to do NaNoWriMo this year. Summer gives us a sense of "I can do ANYTHING." Again, freedom.

Summer also means food to me. I usually gain a couple of pounds during the summer time because 1) I'm bored and have not much to do, and 2) Summer treats are always delicious. One of my favorite things to eat every summer (or whenever my mom makes it) is fruit salad with agar. So I didn't exactly know what it was. So I Wikipediad it and this came up:

"Agar or agar agar is a gelatinous substance derived from red algae."

Then I realized that this is the same kind of agar that the bio teachers used to fill up the plates that we worked with whenever we had to do a lab about bacteria back in ninth grade. =O

Fruit salad with agar

Agar used in biology labs
Mmmm, algae. It tastes a lot like regular jello. =)

Okay, so I think that's about enough for now. I actually have to do some stuff on my own summer to-do list.

--Fruity :)


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