Wednesday, August 18, 2010


For some reason, your last two posts just made me laugh so hard. Yeah.

Anyway, I really don't like how you mess up the posting pattern of me going first, then you. Because then that means that I have to respond to a total of two posts from you.

Okay, I will now attempt to tackle this new form:

Responses to your Aug 17 post (the looooooong one):
1) I would totally do John's birthday video but I don't have a webcam. Will it work the same way if I connect a video camero to the computer? See, even if it works, it'll probably still be different if I do it that way. We'll see. I wanna do it, though.
2) Shut up (about the horseradish). You should do it because then that would make all three of us who have tasted it. And hated it. :)
3) Well, of course I took a long time--it's the LONGEST POST EVER! It's even longer than yours.
4) You still have white spaces, btw. Figure out what you're doing. Then stop doing it. Easy as that.
5) In addition to questions (which are, like, "essay prompt" style of questions), we also have IDs for key characters and terms. Gar.
6) You should be excited about my NaNoWriMo story. Nah, you shouldn't be. I don't think I'll let you read it.
7) You should totally do my spelling suggestion!
8) Etapa Preliminars go by pretty fast. I don't want to go back empty-headed.
9) Is the "Jen-ness" comment about the Physics thing? 'Cause that was totally not my idea. Dude, my mom's a Physics teacher. Who do you think told me to do it?
10) Love the Hermione moment.
11) I don't like you. Only one thing!?!?!?!
12) Yes, I am a freak for music. Haha, I liked the paradoxical comment about my playlistmania. Haha, I think I know what type of things you relate music to.
13) See later on in this post for my assessments on the portrayals of characters in AVPM and AVPS.
14) Aw, you don't think I can do them, do you? (my goals)
15) Okay, I am not even going to attempt to try and look up all of the people that you subscribe to because...well, because you have so many people! And it sucks because I really wanna see some samples because you keep saying that they're awesome and cool but I just don't wanna waste my time when I have so much more to do. I will in the near future though. Like, maybe in college. Speaking of which...
16) You know how we decided to vlog in college? Well, I don't know about you but my videos will probably be like TobyTurner's daily videos. I don't think I'll have much time to edit them and be all clever like the Greens.
17) Some of the stuff you subscribe to....sorry, I just had to laugh at some of them. Haha.

Okay, on to your Aug 18 post:
18) Congrats. For the waking up and the reading, both.
19) Haha, I love Malfoy and his rolling around, too.
20) OMG, I got the Pigfarts joke right away. Haha, you're slow.
21) I don't like all of the characters. I agree with your number 4, reproduced here: "I really like how they mashed things up into a plot and made it run so smoothly. It was very well done."
22) Okay, so I just took that Which Hogwarts Student Are You? Quiz on FB and I got Ginny. Ehh...
23) Really, I love Hermione's solo in the Sequel.
24) I thought the Quirrel-Voldy thing was weird, but cute.
25) Okay, every scene with Bella in it was just terrible. I didn't like them. I mean, that back-to-back thing was funny. But that part was the only good thing about that scene.
26) I LOVE how Ron is always eating, too! And that part where he didn't have any food but then that guy in the back gave him Red Vines!
27) It's "bagels," dear.
28) I thought that whole scene where Draco was writing his father a letter was super cute. And kind of sad.
29) I didn't realize this until Josh pointed it out to me: the guy who played Cedric in the first one is the same guy who played Lucius in the second one.
30) Speaking of Cedric, I don't understand the Hufflepuff=finders joke in the first one...
31) Wait, why do you like the original better? I think the Sequel is better.

Okay, now on to regular blog stuff!

HP characters assessments based on portrayals in AVPM and AVPS:
Harry - Awesome voice, kind of a jerk but not really in the sequel
Ron - I want to marry him. And his food.
Hermione - I don't know, I don't like how they kind of overdo they being-mean-to-her part. I mean, I guess I get what you're saying about how her knowledge could be annoying at time. But I think it's because I can relate to Hermione (I'm not being conceited or anything because I'm talking about more than just smartness) that I really don't think that they portrayed her character very well. Throughout the whole thing, I'm crying along with her and feeling sorry for her.
Draco - I thought it was weird how he liked Hermione but I went along with it. The girl playing him is super perfect.
Goyle - One of my faves.
Voldy - He's kinda weird. But he's really good.
Quirrel - Same thing as Voldy.
Dumbledore - Kinda uncomfortable with the gay thing because I never really fully accepted that.
Ginny - I like the real Ginny. It's the same thing with Hermione, too, I guess. Some people don't like her at all--do you? I don't know, I like the real her so I don't like how she was treated in the plays.
Cho Chang - The fact that she's not Asian is so funny.
Snape - Love, love, love.
Everyone else: I couldn't care less. They were all terribly done. I thought Bella was gross, Molly was too loud and not very caring-mother-like, Arthur was idiotic, and yeah.

So what did I accomplish today?
1) Opto and ortho appointments
2) I prepared my planner for the first week, which I named "Hey Junior!" Week. With all the post-its and stuff.
3) I prepped that box that I always keep in my locker.
4) I prepped my books for tomorrow. I'm not going to school tomorrow--my sister's going for me. I think my mom felt sorry how I've been getting up at 5 am for 6 days out of the past 10 days so she wants me to sleep in tomorrow. Thanks, Mom! (No, she's not really reading this.)

I am also working on that 25 things on FB. I've been tagged at least, like, four times and I thought that it would be fun. But I'm taking forever.

I watched Made of Honor today. Maybe you already know that because I posted it on Tiff's wall. But, anyway, I liked it. Like I said when we talked on the phone earlier today, I was at my aunt's house in Kalihi (that's why there were chickens in the background) and I was watching TV. So yeah.

So, because I have a lot of time tomorrow, I've got a bunch of stuff planned and I want to finish them all.

Whew, that was a lot. Okay, I'm gonna go and finish watching the rest of AVPS now. Bye bye.



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