Thursday, September 9, 2010

THIS BIG!!!! I--------------------------------------I

Okay, so it has been 9 days since the end of BEDA and we haven't posted, so I think I am going to do the honors since you still haven't added to your draft. 
I probably should be doing homework right now, I need to finish my history paper and do a reading response for english, but I guess that I will finish it luegos.
So I was eating tortilla chips while procrastinating like 20 minutes ago. And this HUGE piece of chip gets lodged into my gums!!! Like this big I----I. Now that may not seem big, but in terms of stuff getting lodge in your gums, it is. So I was freaking out because it hurt. Also, it was the top of my mouth, so I had to use a mirror to see it. Now, the problem was that I didn't know which way it went in, so I didn't know what way to push it out. So after like 10 minutes of mindless poking, I got my toothbrush and fiddled with it and I think I got it out. I can't entirely tell, but I think that I did. 
So yeah, today I showed you my math homework, and the purpose of that was to show you that I learned about imaginary numbers. That was exciting.... Yeah, it's interesting. Also, I got a 93 on my quiz. That's alright. Oh, but I got a 71 on my chem test!!!!!! That sucks!!!! Now I am getting a C in chem. But the good news is that I think that I will poon (do real people still say that?) the anion quiz. I think that I get all this business of ions and such, but if I ever need help, you know the first person that I will come to. Oh, and I am failing Captains class. But I think that I can get it back through this paper and our test on monday. Wait, I think I have a math quiz tomorrow. Hmm, what would it be on??? Oh, easy stuff. 
Sorry for boring you with school stuff.
So I sort of want to be in spanish honor society, because I am kind of jealous because it sounds prestigious. So I want to do well this year in spanish. 
I haven't been able to read more WGWG but yeah, I like John's Will better, even though he still is kind of an idiot. I am 98% sure that John's next book is gonna be about someone stranded on a desert island. Exciting.   
Ha ha, I just looked at the title again, and it looks a little sexual. Well, lets just hope that it isn't then. 
Luisa es comida. 
Ask me about that up there, because it is slightly gossip. Not bad or anything though. 
So what was this I heard about you listening to new music or something? I think it's your story time. Or not, if you do not wish to tell, but whatevers...........
Am I the only one who wants to be apart of DA??? Because that would be so totally awesome. 
Tiff+Ping Bday in 3 days. (Sunday). Just a reminder. 
I like Josh's picture for photo, if he didn't tell you, he through leaves in the air to make it look like they were levitating. You know. Like those other ones.
Also I can tell that he was paired with Asa (SP????) because she is doing the same thing. 
Okay, I believe that this has been a successful post. 


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