Monday, October 18, 2010

What? Abandon you? Nooooo...

Haiiiiiiiii. YOU doin'?

Please don't hit me. Or Kendall, either.

Ok, fine, so it kinda-sorta-maybe-not-really-but-okay-fine-we-did seemed like we abandoned this blog after a whole August full of tender loving, but in our defense, we were really busy dying under this thing called "school" and "work" and, most of the time, "school work." Well, at least I was.

Anyway, we're really sorry for not posting for so long, whoever you are (seven views from Latvia?!?!).

There are several reasons why I wanted to post tonight:
1) I finished Physics homework extra early. THAT'S HOW WE DO.

2) The first quarter of our junior year is slowly coming to a close (two more days!). Sadness. But we're really glad for the one-day-long (One day!?!?!) fall break after the past seven or eight grueling weeks of school.

3) This also means that November is coming up. And you know what that means!
IT'S ALMOST NANOWRIMO!!! This is the first year Kendall and I are doing it together and we want to win. Like, really. This is serious business. It's going to be very interesting.

And finally, 4) I originally intended for my next post to be like a Throwback Post in which I provide you with a little summary of how far we've come in this blog and take you on a walk down Memory Lane.

It's been a little over a year since we started this blog. I still remember it like it was yesterday...

It was Summer of '09 (ALLCAPS!) and Kendall and I were taking summer school. I believe he took Write Right! while I took Geometry B to get ahead in math. Anyway, Kendall only had class in the early mornings while I had class later in the mornings before lunch. So, naturally, being the cool and nerdy and awesome person he is, he hung out a lot in the library during his free time. I was walking from my classroom to our Morning Bench when, I think, he came to meet me halfway and he gave me a piece of paper. On that piece of paper was a print out of the first post of this blog (I think).

I think we threw that paper away.

Kendall had decided to create a blog because, I think the day before, I showed him my Bucket List, a list of things I wanted to do before I died, and one of the tasks was to create a blog. So we built this blog around the idea of sharing a kinda-Bucket List.

But, this is not the time for me to elaborate on these hazy (did you notice I said, "I think," TWICE?!) memories. I still have an APUSH chapter just dying to be read.

Once November starts, however.....OMG, I can't believe I forgot it!
So, Kendall and I are extreme Potterheads--although, because of our nerdyness, you probably already knew that. So....wait, hmmm, should I be typing this up in a blog?....wait, maybe it's supposed to be a secret. Ah, never mind them. Just erase everything I just said.

Anyway, what was I saying?...Oh, so once November starts, I, or Kendall, or whoever, will definitely post in order to officially announce our pariticipation in NaNoWriMo. Aren't you excited? I AM!!! I mean, WE ARE!!!

Okay, I guess that's it for now. Again, we're really sorry for "abandoning" you (18 views from Malta?! MALTA?!?!?!).


P.S. Where IS Malta?


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