Tuesday, August 31, 2010

GOODBYE BEDA 2010!!!!!

Whew. BEDA was tiring. But it was, indeed, very fun. Super cool. Cooler than the coolest girl in the whole wide world. Or the coolest girl on the planet, the coolest b*&^% on Earth goshdarnit. Which is apparently you. (I thought it was ME!!!!)

Anyway, I wanted to wait until midnight to Facebook you (yay turning nouns into verbs!) and stuff for the official first time in a WHOLE MONTH. But I don't want to, because, after I post this, I will work on my DPs for a bit, then maybe finish my chapter summary (ehh, I'll probably just do that during period 6 tomorrow) then I WILL SLEEP!!! LIKE A FREAKIN' PANDA!!! It's gonna feel good to sleep early (like, around 11:30pm) for a change. Haha.

Yeah, BEDA was super fun, but I seriously think we should change this to April, not August.
Are you excited for NaNoWriMo?! I AM!
I can't get FEC out of my mind---yes, it's official. Until further notice. Because it'd be nice if it becomes a "FRIEND" and not just a FEC. FECs are just so casual.
Mmmm...curly hair.
Hey, may I please have the songs that you bought from AVPM/S? Pweety tweety please?
Okay, so if I DID stay up until midnight, this is what I would have posted:

Dearest Kendall,
FRENCH THE LLAMA!!!! August is over; it is now September!!!! I missed you. But not really because you weren't gone at all.
Bye, Jen

Yeah, not so creative.
You ARE funny.
Nope, I didn't read any of THG today.

Oh, cool thing: we got barbecue pork ribs today. IN THE MAIL.

Okays, immas goes nows. Weres yous thes ones whos was theres whens Is saids thats Is wanteds tos plays as games wheres yous haves tos puts ans s ats thes ends ofs everys words as whiles backs??


-FRUITY SALAD! (yummy yummy...I liked the Wiggles. My favorite Wiggle was...well, I liked all of them. I thought Jeff was especially funny, though.)

LAST POST EVER!!!! :00000.... Or not...

So I feel accomplished. The two of us posted for practically every single day in August. By tonight we will have a total of 76 posts, a number that I hope will continue to increase. 
I feel like I was super boring throughout this whole month so maybe daily posts aren't the smartest things. Although I definitely will try post every one or two weeks from now on. I enjoyed this whole thing. It feels cool to have a blog and post every day. But not really, but yeah. 
I like how Ashlyn commented and took part in our poll. 
I feel slightly accomplished. Isn't that funny? That we would completely freak out if we had, like, a real follower, someone who we didn't know. I mean, that would be so cool, but we would freak out over only one person, when others have, like, a bagagillion followers. Yups.
(I apologize, but I have become re-obsesed with AVPM. Not that I wasn't obsessed in between now and watching it, but now I am very obsessed. I bought three more songs, The Coolest Girl, Those Voices, and No Way.)
Yup. So, we had our history test today and both Shannon and I got raped. We definitely need to study better for next time.
I like period 5. It is me, Jaime, and Sid. So it is like last years period 1, except minus Chubbie. The three (/four) tend to have rather interesting conversations. 
I feel dumb carrying around my wand. Especially when I went on the elevator, after school, with Kelsey and Coach Look was in there. Although I have to bring it in again tomorrow for my photo project.
Speaking of my photo project, we have two right now. 
1) Self portrait with an answer to a question or prompt. Our class' prompt is "My Life Is...." So I said awkward and you will have to wait to see the picture. 
2) It is this crazy thing. You know those pictures that were in that case outside Dr. Iwashta's office. The ones that were letters and that were sort of like shadows. Well, if you don't know what I am talking about, you will eventually. Well, we have to do that, but as a self portrait. So I have a bunch of cool stuff that I hope works out. You will just have to see it when it is done. 
I am excited to see what is on the September page of my Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince calendar. Draco was starting to get creepy. 
I hope that you read some Hunger Games tonight.
I can be funny!!!!!!!!!
I just can't stop dancing!!!!!
Me gusta mi escritor mucho.
Third floor sucks.
When will this long homeroom drought end!?!?!?
I am the coolest girl in the whole wide world.
I need to start reading something else or something.
Shayne's hair doesn't seem that long.
I don't think that you have been on facebook yet. If you still haven't by the time that you read this, go say happy birthday to Alex Tom.
I think that I am going to switch to Pirate language on facebook.
Ha ha, when Cho Chang introduces herself to Harry, she says "Niaho" (SP, I know).
Ha ha, Pirate language is nuts.
Okay. I think that that last post was sufficient.
Well, until next time I post.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Please standby for my system reboot.

Okay, this is gonna be fast.
I'm doing two night's worth of Physics homework.
Then I have to study/review because I have a quiz tomorrow.
I will try to write a good one for our last day tomorrow.
Yay last day!
Well, not that this was not fun or anything.
It kinda was.
But I think we should make the A stand for April (like it was before it became August).
Because we're freer around that time.
Nice email to Mr. U.
I hope I got a good grade on my Spanish quiz today.
I'm just typing whatever comes to my mind for the whole five minutes that I'me going to write this blog.
One more minute to go. Kinda.
I like Hunger Games still. So far.
I'm getting excited.
That math stuff was boring, of course.
I'm gonna print out your 25 things and post it on my locker.
'Cause it makes me smile.
You should post it here, too.
I should do 25 things for you too. Hmmm....
Then we can both post it under "About Us" instead.
Or create totally new pages for them.
Okay, gotta go and find out the average acceleration of spaceship number 2 so that it stops at the exact same position and and at the same time as spaceship number 1.
Yay physics.

--Fruitay (baybaaaay!)

That ended up sounding super terrible.
P.S. I had an awesome time at the plant box/not-really-a-bench/we need to christen our place today after school. Full recap tomorrow! :)

Dos Mas Dias.

So, two more days left of this BEDA experience. It was fun I guess. Sort of boring from me at times. You better be prepared to write a decent amount tomorrow because you can't give a lame one tomorrow.

So today I was super lazy with homework. I decided that I will study for my history test tomorrow. I will do my chem homework tomorrow. And I will finish my Am lit draft tomorrow. At least I did Alg and Spanish homework today at school. I am starting to think that Am lit will be the bane of my existence this semester, not history, becauseI hate english and I suck at it,

Oh yeah, I need to E-Mail Mr. U. Should I also tell him about how Ms. Tamas wants to be more involved. And how we are gonna have meetings and stuff. 

Math is easy. Gavin was right about how you rationalize a fraction with a cube root binomial on the bottom. You have to multiply the top and bottom by the thing that would be its partner in a difference or sum of cubes. Example:
5/ (3 root of 5 + 8)
You would take this and multiply the top and bottom by (3 root of 25 - 8 * 3 root of 5 + 64) and the bottom would end up as 5 + 8^3. Cool right? I thought so. 

NOT BORING!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, August 29, 2010


Well, I was going to wait for you to post, but seeing as I spent all day reading and I still have homework to do, I will post now.

So I finished Mockingjay today. Which means I read all three books in one week. 1,155 pages in one week. I feel drained. They were amazing, but I can't even tell what I think of the books yet. There is one specific thing that I don't like but you will have to wait to hear. It will be extremely emotional for you. Just a warning. But it is rewarding, I think. I hope that you have read more. You need to catch up. Should I give Josh Mockingjay for now? Since he read the others but not that one. 

Ha ha, I still need to write a paper that I have not yet started. And I have a test for Am Lit tomorrow. And I had a dilly problem for math, but I think I got it. Also I did well on Chem homework, except one problem which was converting Fahrenheit to Celsius, that was hard. Oh and I didn't understand one page in the spanish homework so I didn't do it, but I will ask Shann about it tomorrow. 

I think it will be a while before I start on another book because I don't really have much time and reading that much in one week was kind of draining. 


That was all I could think of when I saw Draco last night when I was watching some of Half-Blood Prince. Also I gained sort of a new found appreciation for Harry Potter. I can't really explain it, but I guess that I take Harry Potter for granted. It is one of those things that has always been around so I never really took much consideration to it. But when I was watching last night, I sort of felt like it was something really important. Even though I know that it is something that is really important. Also I have had "Voldemort is Going Down" stuck in my head. I also really like this song and I like how they used it in 5 and 6. (Skip to 1:00) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVZNdUn0yrA&feature=related.
Hermione's got nice skin. 

Soon you are going to have to teach me the rules of dialogue quotation marks because I do not understand any of that at all and I don't want that to be a issue in November. 

Okay, yeah, I think that that is it. I hope that you didn't post while I was writing this.


No relationship should start with a drunken kiss. No. Just...NO.

Really. Just...NO. It can start on a kiss, but the two people have to be completely sober. Not drunk. Okay, maybe a sip of something like champagne is acceptable. But that's it! Basically, if they shouldn't drive, they shouldn't kiss either. Or do anything questionable that might follow the kiss. Gah--anyway, I'm getting off topic, here!

Moving on...

So, my subscription box for YouTube is just overflowing now. Yeah. I will watch all of them when I have time! I haven't even seen Hank's make-up tutorial yet! Sad.

Anyway, so I was reading THG (I'm on page 86) and it suddenly hit me why I was feeling depressed at the beginning of the book and why I was so excited and awesome and o-eme-ge I can't even explain the feelings of reading this book. It was because Ms. Collins decided to write the book in first person, present tense. So instead of reading, "Katniss this, Katniss that" and feeling like, "Oh yeah, that's Katniss and yada yada yada," I was reading, "I did this, I did that," which of course makes me feel, oh I don't know, EXACTLY LIKE HOW KATNISS IS FEELING. It's easier for a reader to put their feet in the character's shoes when the reader reads "I feel this" or "I do this" instead of having the feeling of watching the character do it. WE HAVE BECOME THE CHARACTERS.

Anyway, I might or might not finish part one. Depending on how much homework I finish so yeah. I have to get back to that. Anyway, you asked for a picture of our creation this summer so here's how it looks like from Josh's window:

 Can you see the wind chime in the top left corner? Maybe not. It's super windy over here. I wrote my blank verse and read chapter two of my APUSh textbook here this weekend. It's been super windy lately so the wind chime has been going non-stop and I felt awesome sitting there and just doing my work. We haven't painted it yet, though.

Anyway, my Physics blog will be up and running by tonight, so I guess you'll just have to wait for me to post about it tomorrow or something because this is my Sunday one. Unless you call me and ask for the URL or something. Which I don't expect you to do.


Ciao, man. (an example of "clash of cultures")

--Mucho fruta-ish??

Saturday, August 28, 2010

You SHOULD Be Ashamed

I am extremely disappointed..... Ha ha, no it isn't really a big deal. If you want to punish yourself, you can, but I won't administer one.

1) Umm yeah I guess so.

2) Ha ha that second one sounds....very specific. But I know what you mean. I can't write poetry either.

3) Pictura desu ka

4) Ha ha ha that's super funny. I was wondering what it meant. But the title actually doesn't really make grammatical sense. Or maybe it does. But to me it doesn't.

5) Your schedule doesn't sound toooo bad. I think you will survive. (Side note: What!?! Mr. Nakoa is 10000000000 times more cool than Mr. Martin. I don't like him at all.)

6) Yeah, I know what you mean.

7) Were those all the people with Josh yesterday? That's cool I guess. Although I still want him to be BFFs with Daniel.

8) Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I love how that entire thing was basically written in code and I could understand all of it.

9) It sounds familiar. But I don't really remember....

10) Yeah, it continues to get even more and more depressing. But rewarding. In response to the technology thing, I get what you mean, but there is a reason for that. Technology is sort of a luxury that the capitol likes to keep to themselves. They are really technologically advanced actually, they like hovercrafts and stuff. It's just that the capitol doesn't really care about any of the districts so they work with what they have, which is why Katniss uses a bow and arrow. I don't really like how Josh says the team stuff because it makes me think too much of Edward and Jacob, even though it is completely different. But yeah, for now you can't have too much of an honest opinion because Gale isn't even in most of the first book. I don't expect you to finish, but I expect you to finish part 1 and then promptly after, you must blog about it or call me. That will be your punishment. 

11) Umm I want to see it first.

12) Umm I have no idea what you are saying but me too........

13) Okay.

14) No.

15) I am glad to see him adjusted. I think that we can easily change that coolness opinion thing though.

So yeah. I have nothing really else to talk about except for one thing and I bet that you can probably guess what it is. 

So last night, I finished Catching Fire and basically, my mind was continuously f!@#ed. Over and over and over. I have no clue how anyone could have waited for Mockingjay to come out. Today I got through the first part of Mockingjay. Again. My mind was rapped.

-Chew Y

The Europeans, greedy as they were, bought, tricked many times, a freshman in order to take your lunch and/or lunch and long rice.

I am ashamed of myself. I can almost imagine you ranting how you're ashamed to call me your friend, how you're super disappointed in me, and how terrible it was that the Europeans tricked many freshmen in order to take your lunch and/or lunch and long rice.

Please forgive me because I didn't post last night. My dad turned the wireless router off on me. I was gonna post. But. You know. I was just distracted by...stuff. On the Internet. Like, other stuff. Yeah.

I'M SORRY! Does this call for a punishment?

Anyway, on to my regular bloginessities:
1) I'm gonna have to do a blog for Physics. I am excited. I hope you (or we) follow it.

2) I'm trying to revise my blank verse, the four-lines that grew into ten-lines by the end of the week. That one has a "Yeah-you-know-I-knew-you-were-cheating-on-me-this-whole-time-so-it's-over-you-bastard-and-no-I'm-not-gonna-waste-my-time-fighting-to-save-our-relationship-because-guess-what-the-girl-your-cheating-with-is-also-cheating-on-you-whaaattt?!?!" kind of feel. And I don't like it anymore, so now I'm trying to come up with a whole new iambic pentameter blank verse that has a more "Do-you-remember-that-one-summer-we-spent-together-catching-dragonflies-in-the-meadow-and-stealing-tangerines-from-Mr.-Kline's-yard-and-we-decided-that-we-weren't-gonna-be-kids-anymore-but-now-we-grew-up-but-we're-still-young-yeah-I-miss-those-days-because-tangerines-taste-bitter-to-me-now" kind of feel to it. But I'm having a hard time trying to get inspired. So I'm listening to Luke's songs.

3) Did I tell you about that wind chime thing that came from Japan that was given to us by Trisha (Shayne's friend) that we decided to hang outside of the house in that hut-slash-gazebo-like thing that we all built as a family project this summer? Well, it keeps tinkling all day and all night. I can hear it now. But it's so not irritating at all. I love listening to it. The neighbors probably hate it though. Oh well.

4) About my title. Okay, so maybe I have never told you this, but back in English 10H we had to write Reading Responses for the chapters that we read every night. For most of the year, I wrote those RRs half-asleep. And the next day, I'd print it out and in class, I'd read along as the students or Mr. B presented the chapter summary. Then I'd come across a super weird sentence that doesn't belong there at all. This is the evidence that I wrote the RR half-asleep, but my fingers kept typing. But the cool thing is, the sentences were always grammatically correct and the words were all spelled correctly. Here's one from one of my RRs from A Midsummer Night's Dream: Hermia and Lysander enter again and they decide to sleep separately in order to be able to perform in theater class. Haha. There are weirder ones but I didn't wanna go through all of my RRs from last year (I think I wrote about 150 of those things!). Anyway, I stayed up pretty late earlier in the week working on my DP for APUSH and the sentence I used for my title was one of my answers to the questions. Yeah. I embarrass myself, even when I'm half-asleep.

5) Assessment of my schedule!!!
HR: I'm glad that I have you in this class. Shayne thinks it's super unfair, though.
Period 1: Spanish 3H. Sra. Melo again. I'm gonna have to start gearing up for this class because I don't want her picking on me ever again. My first quiz was "D"isastrous. I was sad. From the mafia, I have Adrienne here with me.
Period 2: Shakespeare. Except you have to say it more like, Shakespeehre. Or something like that; the last syllable has to be said dramatically. It's cool that way. Dr. Webb is my hero. He's funny. And we're writing poetry. Not my forte. I like The Taming of the Shrew, though.
Period 3: Scholarship. I'm at Main Office for the third consecutive year! YESSSSSSSSS! I work with Drew from the grade below us. It's very quiet.
Period 4: Precalc with Mr. Guillou. We're doing LOGIC, the easiest math that I'll probably ever do in my whole entire life. It will get harder later on though.
Period 5: AP Phys B. Mr. Heyler. He's cool. Our class is big. I think there are....wait...um...maybe 20 of us? Which is kinda a lot considering the normal class size. The labs are fun and I'm getting it right now. But, again, it's gonna get harder later on. And we have to do blogs, so that's exciting! And, oh, the most important thing: it's way better than Chem H.
Period 6: I have this period free on Mon, Wed, and Fri. I hang out at chapel with Jaime, Sid, Kelsey with a K, and Shann. I do homework when I can. On Tue and Thurs, I have a lab period for Physics.
Period 7: APUSH with Mr. Reppun. He's different. But he's a new teacher, so. I like that class though. Kinda heavy on the reading, which takes time. That's probably the only bad thing about this class. From the mafia, I have Krislyn.
Period 8: PE! I have Nakoa, not Martin. Sad. But I have Bogs and Shoobie with me so that's a good thing. We're running the mile-and-a-half on Monday. *sigh* I think I'll run the mile, then walk the half.

6) It was a hard first week. It felt like it was the middle of the year.

7) I met a lot of new people, mostly freshmen. Hunter. Jaylene (sp). Schuyler. Aja. Ryan. Jack. I like meeting freshmen. They're cool.

8) Okay, so I guess now is a good time to talk about the status of FECs/FroBros/SECs/JECs. Okay, so FECs. There aren't any. Yeah, I changed my mind after the Friday-after-school incident. I decided to wait and see. Now, SECs (It sounds weird when you say it out loud--I made the mistake of saying, "Do you have SECs? I have SECs," to Tiffany when we were discussing this topic. It was embarrasing.--so from now on, SECs will be said as "SEC-plural"). Acai Cup is still a SEC. The two "conjoined twins" (en mi clase de español) are still Fro Bros. Except now they're Soph Bros. Doesn't really have that ring to it anymore. I don't have any JECs (Fitzwilliam is dead). Tiff has her TBO, though. As for the older SECs, there aren't any (Yeah, I changed my mind about the one Rachel and I shared, too. She can take it.) And, yeah. That's all.

9) Does Kristina have a "malt liquor video"?

10) The Hunger Games. Like I said, I think it's super depressing. But it's good. the pace is a bit slow in the beginning, though, which is where I'm still at. I like Katniss. Josh asked me if I was on Team Gale or Team Peeta (Btw, what kind of a name is Peeta??) and I said I was on Team Gale. I'm guessing this will be important later on. I'm still struggling with the fact that they use bows, and yet there are cameras. I can't accept the fact that District 12, to me, looks like, you know, all cobblestone-y but they have technology. It has that small, cozy, rustic feel to it. Like, I can imagine a kid running in the rain, puddles on the cobblestones, towards home where his kinda rotund but cheery mom bakes warm bread above the fire. But the cameras during the reaping kinda felt out of place to me. But I guess I'll get used to it later on. I don't think I can finish this weekend. I'm sorry.

11) I made this calendar, kinda like the one that we had last year? With everything on it? Well, this one doesn't have everything on it, just stuff that are related to 11th graders and important stuff. Do you want one? I can give you a copy on Monday. It has the stuff for Fac Rels on it. Oh and my Speech and Debate schedule, too, but you can just ignore it.

12) Luke Conard likes me and Milee. (Dern Milee. Why can't it just be me?) I like the songs that Luke wrote for Kristina. And Milee.

13) I remember I was supposed to say something else, I remembered it during our convo on the phone but I said I was gonna just tell you here. But I forgot what it was. Oh well.

14) Okay, this was super long, so I hope this makes for last night.

15) Oh!! I just remembered! I was gonna say how happy I was that Josh seems to have adjusted so well, so quickly. He has friends. And game (haha!). But more importantly, friends. He has his first speech for English on Tuesday. I was helping him practice earlier. He told me that he feels like he fits in perfectly because his classmates are all exactly like him. I'm not worried about him anymore. And I appreciated your concern this past week whenever you asked how he was doing and everything. Josh thinks you're cool just because I think you are, but I hope that he'll eventually think you're cool because you are.

Okay, I'm done. Yes, I'm coming, homework!

--Fruitaaaayyyyyyiiiieeeeee :D

Friday, August 27, 2010

Lame Sauce.

So we we did in history was this:
It was cool, we shoot at a cardboard buffalo. I hit it it once. Shann made it stick out of the ground. 
Hmm. I honestly have no idea what to talk about. It's probably a good thing that we only have four more days like this. 
I like juice boxes. They are rather delicious. 
Did you start Hunger Games yet? If not, you should really soon. Like really soon. 
I am gonna go and read some more Catching Fire. It is crazy. Sorry for talking about it so much, but I am sure that once you start, you will realize why I am talking about it so much. 
This is a very lame post. I can't think of much more to talk about. 
Math is fun. Chem is easy (for now), I am happy that I understand the measurements and such. 
Today I listened to a lot of AVPM songs. 
I can still feel the watch on my wrist, even though I am not wearing it.
Not entirely sure what to talk about. 
I is lame.
Oh yeah. You are creepy. 
I find that cool how Josh already seems to be adjusted and have good friends and such. 
Shayne's year seems to be super chill.
Oh, today did you happen to see Tu'e and Alex. In 7th and 8th period (at least) they were walking around (Alex in a santa suit and rainbow hat. Tu'e in like a super hero suit with like a sheet cape thing that I don't remember.) Anyway, the point is that they were giving out candy and I got some it was good. 
Entropy. Good stuff. 
I think that that is it. 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Laughter took the place of everything we knew we were not

First of all, WHO IN THE WORLD IS WHINEY????

Haha, yeah, I'm kidding. I know who you meant.

I'm in the middle of doing homework. It's 10:03pm. I finished Precalc and Spanish homework at school as usual. Well, no, I lied. I did part of Spanish in school but I finished it at home. I finished about one-third of Physics homework and I still have to read for APUSH (maybe even revise my stuff for the DP tomorrow). Oh, and I have to write 10 lines of blank verse. I was thinking maybe I should just come up with six that relate to the first 4-line one that I wrote last night but I don't think I'm in the mood of writing a poem about sadness and stuffies. But if I run out of time tonight, I'm gonna have to settle for that. Ew, it's gonna be sappy. And cheesy. Yay.

Umm. Okay, I actually love that song, Creep by Radiohead, that was in the trailer for The Social Network. It's on my iPod, I think in the emo playlist or the crying playlist. Or both. And, BTW, the original lyrics actually say, "I feel so special, so f&%#^ing special." Good stuff.

You got my schedule right. I am proud.

Okay, I'm gonna go now. I have a lot to read for Physics. I think.


Previous phone conversation #1 earlier today (well, the gist of it anyway):
Jen: Hey, so for Big Brother Big Sister, the application, can you be like a reference for me?
Kendall: Sure, I guess. But what should I say if they call me?
Jen: I don't know. Just tell them that I don't do drugs or that I'm a good role model or something.
Kendall: Okay, I'll just tell them that you're good with kids--
Jen: Especially the ones with creepy hands.
Kendall: Right. And that....you don't eat them.
Jen: Or stuff them in my backpack.
Kendall: You do.
Jen: No, I don't.

Phone conversation #2 earlier today (I think it went kinda like this, but I could be wrong):
Jen: I need you address.
Kendall: Like, which one? My real one?
Jen: You have a fake address?
Kendall: No, I mean, like, you mean my home address?
Jen: Uh, what other address do you have? A fake-home address or something?
Kendall: Ok, fine. 95...
Jen: 95...*writing*
Kendall: 210...
Jen: 210...*writing*
Kendall: There's a dash between the 95 and 210.
Jen: Oh my gosh, I KNOW that there's a dash!!!



First and foremost:
Good song. It is from the Social Network trailer. It looks good.

On to next topic.
Since I can't think of what to talk about, I figure that I will go through my schedule again, now that I hove gotten a taste of what it will be like. 
(Side Note: You know how my left ear is all messed up? Well I can feel it slowly getting better.)

Before School: I still gusta. It is cool.
Homeroom: We still can't really tell because we haven't had long homeroom yet. Did you know that all next week is basic besides friday which is assembly 1?!?
Period 1: Alright I like having Shann and Sid in my class. I like Senora Bailey. She is nice and she seems to teach well. 
Period 2: I do homework this period with Whiney.
Period 3: Rubasch is cool.
Period 4: I like Mr. Macke, I guess. It doesn't help that I suck at english though....
Period 5: Fun stuff.
Lunch: Me gusta.
Period 6: Chem. Meh. Allright so far. I think we are going slower than everyone else though.
Period 7: We have our first project which is like a portrait thing with a answer to a prompt in it. Our class has "My life is.....". So today we went out shooting and my partner is a senior, who is in photo 3, and it was really ox because I had no idea what to do in front of the camera smiling awkwardly. So I figured that mine would be awkward.
Period 8: Crap, but I have Shann to suffer with me.
After School: Me gusta.

Your schedule is:
1 Spanish, 2 Shakespeare, 3 Scholarship, 4 Pre Calc, 5 Physics, 6 Physics, 7 APUSH, 8 P.E.

Okay, now I am going to go read Catching Fire. So far, it is really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really good.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What does DP stand for? (With ADDED stuff!)

I think I'm pulling an all-nighter tonight. I have a DP due for APUSH tomorrow. Too many acronyms. What is DP?? Hmm. I will look it up. I broke a bowl at dinnertime. Sad. DP means "discussion prompt." I also need to know your schedule because I only know your frees and period 1. Tell me the gossipy thing tomorrow. And, yes, I got the Shoobstah reference even before I read the thing between the parentheses.

For a more serious topic: Dear, I actually didn't know about Esther's passing (how did you find out?) I can't believe it. When I read your post, I was super shocked because I watched several of her first videos for VEDA and she was always so energetic. I agree with you. I always wondered at how positive she was in her videos and I know that I would never pull off something like that if I were in her position. The video that stuck with me, though, was, I think it was the first one, I don't remember, but she was explaining all of the tubes attached to her and how they worked and she was explaining all of them so nonchalantly in her video. I guess I'll always remember her through that video because she was so....strong, especially in her situation. I will pray for her (I was gonna suggest that you do, too, but I wasn't sure if you do that kind of thing).

Esther, may you rest in *Chewy Edit, AWESOME*! She was an inspiration.

With that said, I will now return to my homework.

ADDED after original post:
So I had to write 4 lines of blank verse for Shakespeare tonight. And I just finished it. Here:

When you're with me, do you remember her?
You've never really listened, much less try,
So should I even bother with this plea?
I'm sure that she ignores her boyfriend, too.

I had fun writing it. Now, on to more serious homework.


Slightly Deps

So today was better in terms of work. 
I managed to finish my Chem and Spanish homework at school and I got home earlier today so I was finished much earlier. I need to learn your schedule because I only know periods 1, 2, 5, and  6. I was about to say something that was very gossipy, but I stopped myself. Math is fun, but one problem that sort of stumped me was a grouping problem, but it only had three terms. Very tricky Mr. Rubasch. 

So on a much sadder note, do you remember Esther from some of John's videos? Well I'm not sure if you know this already, but last night she passed away. Like a week ago I watched her videos and was so impressed by her amazing attitude towards the whole situation. The craziest thing about it though is that she is our age. That could have been anyone of us and I would like to think that we would handle it like she did, but we couldn't. She is definitely someone that we should look up too. 

Okay, that was my one and only depreimido paragraph that you will see.
So I have to go eat and I don't want to leave and come back so I will just stop here. 
Sorry for being lame again today even though I have the time to post, I just don't really have much to talk about today.

-Chewbstah!!! (Get it, you know, like, Shoobstah....)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hermione Can't Draw

That song has been stuck on my head for the whole day. :)
And it doesn't help that I have the AVPM/S Playlist on YouTube on repeat the whole night, haha.
Anyway, I feel very proud of myself because I finished all of my Physics homework for tonight! Yay! I only have APUSH now. Whew, second day and I'm already up until...what time is it?...umm...it's 11:08pm. WOW. Yeah.

Okay, ummm, just a reminder, Kendall, before I forget: remember to email Mr. U the pictures from the first day of school and give him an update. Okay, coolio.

For some reason, I don't feel sleepy yet. I think it's because I worked out when I got home. Is that just me or is it normal to feel not sleepy late at night if you work out? If this is true and if it happens all the time, I'm gonna start doing it every day.

Okay, I think the fact that you gave me a tidbit of the blurb for The Hunger Games and the fact that I haven't actually touched the book (yet) together have made me super excited to read it.

Okay, that is it. I am lame. But LESS lame than you are tonight/today.

On to APUSH homework!!!


P.S. I think this is the first blog in which you sound very depressed.


What is wrong with the world!?!?!?! It is 9:30 and I am still doing work....... I know that isn't that late for you but it is an anomaly for me!!!!!!!!!
I am stuck on writing a reading response for am lit. He told us that we have to write one, but he didn't say on what. We have a quiz on chapters 10-20 on our summer reading tomorrow, so I guess it could be that. But that is SOOOOO long, and that is way too much work. So I just decided to do 2 chapters. Ahh.
Okay, I need to get back to work and hopefully tomorrow won't be so lame.


Monday, August 23, 2010

I have homework to do. And my test tomorrow.

Your day seemed really cruise. I don't like how you mentioned names negatively. Bad Kendall.

Anyway, I just finished Physics homework. I'm surprised that I actually understood more than half of the material. I still have Shakespeare and APUSH homework. And it's 10:53 pm. Yay school.

Anyway, so the first day wasn't that bad I guess. It was okay. My legs hurt but that happens every First Day of School. I saw lots of people. I like my classes and my teachers. It's different, yeah, but oh well, I'll get used to it.

Okay, I promise, again, to have a full analysis of all of my classes later on. Maybe in the weekend.

Yeah, yeah, I know I'm making a lot of promises. But what can I do? I have my first test tomorrow.

So back to homework.


First day = Not so bad

So I thought that I would give a general summary of my day today:

Morning: Fun. We got things done. We made someone happy (remind me to send pictures to Mr. U). I had happy socializing time.

Homeroom: Dr. Hall doesn't seem too bad. (I just noticed today that all three of my homeroom teachers are doctors). I don't like the current seating arrangement. The people in it seem good. I resent the fact that it is on the third floor.

Period 1: Spanish. Allright. It will be a crazy class with all the people in it. It will be fun though, with Shann, Sid, and Shoobstah. 

Period 2: Free. I am a loner. But that is good so I can get work done. I need a loner period. 

Period 3: Alg. Mr. Rubasch (SP?) is my hero. I am going to have fun in that class. Except that they are all 10th graders. And I only know one or two of them.

Period 4: Am Lit. Mr. Macke seems cool. I have an alright class. Shann is in it. And Kekoa. 

Period 5: Free! Sid and Jaime. 

Lunch: Alright, I guess. With everyone coming here, I mean. The only bad thing is that the other Asian group wasn't there which is a problem for Sid. 

Period 6: Chem. I was already falling asleep. Nuff' said.

Period 7: Photo. I am a loner. Tom Hartwell is in my class. We partnered for the thingy that we did. I am the only Junior. Tai and his older sister are in the class. 

Period 8: History. Miller. Terrible. Class = meh. Although I have Shann. He gave a buttload of homework and he doesn't make much sense. This will be one of my hell classes. 

After school: Fun. I sort of like this new spot. It isn't as hot as morning bench, because morning bench was right in the sun. 

Walmart: I got two compasion books for 47 cents each and some pens.

Home: I got home a 6. Way too late. Finished homework at 9. Math homework was really easy. I think I am going to go do tomorrow's homework. Me and Shann basically did our homework together through texting because we have a lot of the same classes. I like working at my desk. I now need to go watch YouTube videos. 


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Game Plans, Going Back to Hogwarts and How It's Gonna Be Totally Awesome

Game Plans
We already discussed this on the phone.

Going Back to Hogwarts
Kind of. Because we're done with summer. Except, instead of Hogwarts, we're going back to 'Iolani.

How It's Gonna Be Totally Awesome
I have a feeling that it will be. :)

I'm truly and deeply sorry for the extremely short post. I promise a well-thought-out one tomorrow. As a JUNIOR. :)


So yeah, um I read your post yesterday, but now I don't remember it enough to respond so yeah.

Yesterday was cool because I was just chilling and such then out of the purple I decided to re-arange/organize my room. Before, all of my books were in a drawer, but I wanted them on a book case, so we went to walmart and I got a book case (fully furnished picture of facebook), siscors, and the book The Hunger Games. So Shayne said that Josh read it and it is really good and also, I heard Kristina and Hank talk about it before and on the back of the book, there is a little except of John. So yeah. You have to read it next. 

Then today we went to Bed, Bath and Beyond, and then target and I got a really cool desk lamp and I got the second book in The Hunger Games series. Yeah.

So yeah, tomorrow is the first day of our Junior year and I am excited, but I also sort of feel like that this year is comparable with the Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts. After his fourth year, everything starts to change because Voldemort is back right? So that is sort of what is going on now, because of the whole transition to Wienberg and such. 
It is best explainable through the last scene in the fourth movie, reproduced below. 

Harry, Ron, and Hermione are standing around after saying goodbye to the students of Beubatenx (spelling, I know) and Dumbstrang. Hermione says "Everything is going to change, isn't it". The trio contemplates this and then Harry says "Yeah". They start walking. Excitedly Hermione says "Promise me you'll right this summer". "I won't, you know I won't," Ron says. Turning to Harry, Hermione says "You will, won't you Harry?" "Yeah, every week," Harry says forcibly. They all laugh. The camera pans to the ocean and we see the Dumbstrang boat go under water and the Beubatenx chariot fly away.  And scene. 

Good right? All from memory.

So yeah, that is about it......

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Confessions, Harry Potter and (Oliver!) Wood

When I cut that blog post super short several days, I really did hate you. Like, REALLY.
You can ask Josh and Shayne because, after I posted that, I shut down the computer and I don't think I touched the computer until the next day. Which, seeing as it's summer, is pretty weird for me. I also ranted to BOTH of them for quite a lengthy amount of time. And I ignored all your calls. But by the second one, I put your number on Auto Reject on my phone. I hated you. Seriously.

But I also hated the fact that I was mad at you but you didn't know it. Grr, I hate fighting with someone who doesn't even have a clue that we are in the middle of a fight! Akaksufsdnfksdyvojnjsdfuodfgwkfjldhfasidisdfhasldfjsdylsdgskuas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know I actually counted the total number of times that I was the "rule-breaker."
Number of times I did "something": 4
Number of times that those "something"s counted: 4

You wanna know what your count is?
Number of times you I did "something": 4
Number of times that those "something"s counted: 0

(Note: The numbers may be off but what's important here is the fact that I was always the rule-breaker and you never were.)

You know, I let it go lots of times before when I accused you of breaking the rules and you always said "No, it doesn't COUNT."
But when you commented on my 25 Notes, you were clearly, explicitly and apparently TALKING TO ME THROUGH FACEBOOK. Something that directly violates the no text-based communication.
AND YOU HAD THE AUDACITY TO EVEN SAY THAT YOU HAD LEGIT REASONS TO SAY THAT THOSE TWO DIDN'T COUNT WHEN YOU LEFT ME A VOICE MAIL (which, by the way, were one of the Top Three Stupidest Voice Messages You've Ever Left Me, the other two being...oh yeah, THE OTHER TWO MESSAGES YOU LEFT ON THE SAME NIGHT).

Screw you.

So yeah, I hated you. But I also hated the fact that you didn't know that I hated you at the moment. And I know you didn't because you freakin' kept liking every single thing that I posted on Facebook, freakin' liking every single thing I did (freakin' biter), and freakin' liking my entire conversation with Kylene (what the hell is your problem?).

So I guess I don't hate you that much anymore.

Plus, I realized that this is a bad way of starting the year. And the fact that you're my best friend so it's impossible for me to really hate you forever.

I'm going to cry my eyes out at the very end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2. I just know it. Even worse than when I cried when Cedric, Sirius and Dumbledore all died, all both in the books and the movies. WAY WORSE.

I recently finished watching the Sequel and the last scene just resonated with me. It hit me so hard. And I got so emotional when Harry was talking about how we can always return to Hogwarts. And they started singing Days of Summer which is just so sad but true and happy at the same time because I felt like, not only were they singing about their own summer and end of the year at Hogwarts, but also how Harry Potter is slowly going to end with Part 2 of the Deathly Hallows movie and the fact that it's been such a big part of the world and so many people and our generation and everything and everyone everywhere. And I started crying about how Harry Potter's been such a big part of my life. And how, oh dear God, how I didn't want it to end partly because I felt sad that my children were not going to be able to be a part of something so awesome, but if they ever do because maybe in the future, some other person is gonna come up with the next big thing, I don't think that it will be as good as Harry Potter and my kids won't have the same experiences as I did and partly because I felt like I was losing a wonderful friend who has always been there for me no matter what, made me smile and laugh and cry and dream so many times but not really because that awesome friend won't really exactly die, I know, because it'll be more like that that awesome friend is moving or something and he says that nothing will ever change but you know, oh dear God, you know that nothing will ever be the same again no matter how much the two of you try to stay good friends despite the great distance between the two of you and you can't do anything because every part of your being wants to believe that you will always be friends forever but you know that that's not gonna happen but you don't want to say it out loud because it would hurt more and you probably won't be able to say goodbye anymore when it comes time to say goodbye and also partly because by watching the Musical and the Sequel, I came to realize again what I already knew for such a long time, ever since I started loving Harry Potter, something that the fact that there are Wrock songs and Nerfighteria and the movies and the parodies and the games and the theme park in Florida and and and and so much more and, oh dear God, this just goes to show again how many lives the Harry Potter franchise has touched and changed and how many people are going to be sad that there will be no more books or movies to look forward to, just our memories of everything that's happened for the last decade or so that we've all been part of such an awesome thing and I was just so sad but happy and thankful at the same time so I started crying and crying and I couldn't stop.


Okay, the the title is kind of a lie, but not really.

So, today, my dad and I totally changed the whole plan of making some sort of wooden stool for my locker. Instead, I'm doing the same exact thing you are, except mine is not gonna take up the whole entire thing. Like, there will be a space in front. You probably can't visualize it but you'll see it tomorrow (more details tomorrow when we discuss our Game Plan).

But in order for it not to be a complete lie, I thought I'd share with you something from the books this time because you're always talking about how stuff from the movies are much easier to remember. Okay, so maybe YOU don't remember this but I definitely do. Okay, so when Harry was a first-year, he was super, you have to admit, he was super stupid and ignorant. He didn't even know what a Muggle was?! OMG, come on. So, okay, I didn't really like how dumb he was back then and I didn't realize this until I read the later books because by then he was really smart and he knew a bunch of stuff. So anyway, back to dumb first-year-Harry. Remember the part when he got busted because McGonagall saw him on a broomstick when he was retrieving Neville's Remembrall? They did it differently in the movie because, in the movie, Harry just caught the Remembrall right next to Professor McGonagall's room but in the book, he actually had to do a really wicked dive towards the ground then, like, pull back up so that he doesn't die or anything. So after that when McGonagall told him to go with her, she went to Professor Flitwick's classroom (it was Quirrel's in the movie) and she asked to "borrow Wood." And, this is still so funny to me, because first-year-Harry was so dumb back then he was all, "Wood? Is wood something she's going to use to hit me?" Haha, I found it funny because, duh, that's what he was used to in the Muggle world and I was like, hahahahaha. *sigh* Yeahh....yay Oliver Wood! :)


I went to a family party last night up in Waialua. And I saw this girl who went to middle school with me. I found out in sixth grade that her mom's maiden name was Rasay but I didn't think that we were related. But she was at the same family party as I was...soo??? This other girl in Josh's grade was also there. And she had a sister with whom I also went to middle school. And I was like, "Whoa? Are we related to them, too?" And Josh was like, "Um, I think so. This is, like, the third or fourth family party that I've seen her." And I was like, "What? No way! How come I never saw her?" And, get this. So Josh has a friend from middle school whose last name is also Rasay. And my parents met her parents at their 8th grade graduation and they concluded that they lived near my dad's in the Philippines back when my dad was little when they talked. But then, we saw her aunt and two of her uncles at the part last night, too!

Haha, it's such a small world full of Rasays.

I finished a bunch of stuff today. I'm done with my Mayflower questions, except for one question. The only stuff that's left is my dad's Airman thing, get my bag completely ready, and yeah. I think that's it. Just the NaNoWriMo stuff and transferring songs and reorganizing my iTunes, I guess, but I can hold those off for now. I'll do those after I'm finished with every single possible thing.

Kay, that was a lot.

Something to think about:
What if we had multiple Twister mats right next to each other to make a giant Twister mat and had an epic Twister game with a bunch of people?

Soo many injuries come to mind....

All righty. I'm done.

Oh, wait. Something else to think about:
John's birthday is on Tuesday. I think we should do somethin epically Nerdfighterish in his name.


Oh, good God. Here's another one, sorry:
We are going to submit stuff for The Guide. Period. End of story. No discussion. We're doing it.

ALL RIGHT. I'm done for reals.

-Fruity OUT.

Summer = Meh (Pst I added stuff, so if you just read it then read it again)

Okay, so today I woke up and read the second to last chapter of A Voyage Long and Strange, now all I have left is the last chapter, which is 20 pages, entitled "Mayflower", so yeah. 
In the past few days I have had the three songs, "Goin' Back to Hogwarts", "Granger Danger", and "Days of Summer" stuck in my head. Those three were my favorites. 

Because we only have two days of summer left I thought that I would talk about how I thought that this summer went. This summer, basically went exactly like any other summer. Me sitting in my room, doing nothing 79% of the time. And now that school is almost back, I am very excited. Don't get me wrong, I like summer and, just like everyone else, at the end of school I am excited for it to end and for summer to start. But by now, I am completely tired of summer. 

However, this is the last year that I think that things will be like this. Next summer will be a completely different experience because by then (I hope) I will be driving and having the freedom to hang out with friends much more often. 

I haven't every really had a spectacular summer. My best one was coming into 9th grade and even that one wasn't that great. And prior to that I didn't really have a summer.

Also, I'm not really infatuated with summer like everyone else is. I like order and schedualizationess, and the routine of getting up at noon and doing nothing isn't much order for me. I like having to routine of having to go to school everyday. I like to rest and stuff, but too much makes me way too lazy and disinclined to even move. Yeah, I understand why summer is so idolized, I just don't love it the way others do. Oh and I despise the heat. A lot. I have noticed that if I were to be put in two exactly identical situations, but in one it is hot and in one it is not, I will act much more angry and other bad adjectives in the hot one. 

And you are probably just thinking that I don't like summer because I don't do stuff, which I guess is kind of true, but even if I were to be going out with friends and stuff every single day then I wouldn't like that because in that, there is no order. Going day to day just hanging out with friends with ultimately nothing getting accomplished is way too disorderly.

Okay, I got to go finish my book. Yeah. Kay. Bye. I. Think........... What. If. We. Put. A. Period. After. Every. Word............. That. Would. Suck.................. Although. Margo. Would. Like. It.............. Hey. Are. You. Supposed. To. Put. Two. Spaces. After. Every. Period.........


Friday, August 20, 2010

I fail. At life.

I suggest that you watch this video before reading this post: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FX73zfyf1aU.

So today I woke up and I was feeling sick and such but then I ate food and I felt better. I read a chapter of the book which means that I have two more chapters left to read. And hey, we have two more days of summer break. How convenient....... So then for the rest of the day I was being lazy and such. 

Umm, I don't think that I am going to go to my locker pre-monday. Hey, I can put the books in the boxes when I go to school. Yesterday I finally got the rest of my books. They are heavy and large and not fun. Except the Math book of course. Also I still don't get what type of wrapping I have to get. Also who is bringing scissors and tape?

So yeah, I tried to make one of those bracelets in the video and these were the results. 

Yeah, I didn't keep it in long enough so when I tried to bend it, it broke. Yeah, I fail. 
We should try this again though. 

Do you have the same U.S. History book as us? Because I have an extra paperback version of the book...... Thought you ought to know.
Oh, and I was excited that this year I got those plastic flash card things that come with the spanish workbook. Last year I didn't get any. I was upset. 

Hmm. I suppose that that is it......


Update on What I Have Already Done:
-Ms. Tamas Boxes
-Clean-up/Organize all flashdrives and computer files
-Fix-up/Organize PSAT stuff
-Finalize PSAT vocab list
-Fix up/Take out school backpack
-Prep planner for first week

What's Left:
Lots more


Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Hate How EVERYTHING I Do Counts But ANYTHING You Do Doesn't.

Responses to 25 Cosas:
2. Haha, subliminal messaging. I did that too.
3. I probably like school mora than you do.
6. The kid was Israeli, you weirdo.
14. Doesn't make sense.
15. Haha.
18. Nerdfighters!
19. Do pictures of your room count?
21. MEANIE. But I beat you at the 15 kids things. HA!
23. Me neither. Actually, I've only been to Yogo Krazy (sp?). Thanks to Ash.
24. Nah, man. Hogwarts is better than Pigfarts. But Rumbleroar is better than Dumbledore. Hogwarts was my first choice though.

On to regular blogginessities:
I am on a mission today. And that mission is to complete as many things as possible.
Right now, it's 11.26 AM and I'm gonna come back later on. Like tonight. Or maybe later, earlier than tonight. To update you on what I have accomplished.

Ready...set...GO, GO, GO!

12:39 PM
OMG, I just realized something: the FB quizzes said that you were Ron and I was Ginny. Wait, isn't that backwards from the original-plan-that-should-not-be-mentioned-here-or-ever-for-that-matter-because-we-should-just-not?!?! I hope you know what I'm talking about. Think back and remember! Yeah. I just realized it. And I just wanted to let you know. WEIRDNESS.

Kay, back to work!

3:53 PM
My locker's at the bottom! :(

4:27 PM
I hate you. I don't even wanna finish this post anymore. See title.

I Am No Good At Titles Like Pham Child.

Hmm well, sorry for breaking the flow yesterday, I suppose that we should makes this the new flow just to keep things simple. 
So first, I would like to inform you that I finished A Very Potter Sequel just now. I like it more now, but still I overall like the first one better. My favorite part was future Draco. Good stuff. I especially like the last video in general. Oh, and now I get what you mean about respect for Voldemort, you know, because he also played Umbridge. I also like how my computer counts Voldemort as a word.

So responses. 
1) Ha ha, funny of you to think that I will try horse radish.
2) I'm not doing anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I do is press the enter bar twice after each paragraph. I am sure that you do the exact same thing.
3) No, we are reading each others NaNoWriMo stories.
4) Your Jen-ness is because of the billion unesicary things that you have to do before school starts, including studying for spanish. 
5) Too big of words for the music thing.
6) NO!!!!!!! It is NOT BAGELS!!!!!!! He said Beuguls, or however you spell it. He was talking about those things that you put on your fingers to make them like witch hands, you know????? 
7) Yeah I don't get the finders joke either. There are a couple of jokes that I don't get. Oh, like, you know when Ron tries to take down the Taylor Launtner poster and he can't and then they are all trying to hide their laughter, and then later when they go into the next room he's like "Oh, there is a Taylor Launtner poster in here too.". Is that cause in real life he couldn't get it down or something?

Oh and by the way, that Facebook thing did not count at all. 

Umm what else. 
I downloaded the songs off of the website. Only like 4 songs from the sequel are up there so far. 
The reason, I think, why the first is better is because the plot is better. I mean, I like the whole going-back-in-time-thing, but the whole first-getting-to-Hogwarts-and-doing-all-the-first-year-stuff has gotten really old, that's why I don't really like the first and second books and movies really.

Okay, I read one chapter today and now I have 100 pages left which is equivalent of 3 chapters. I am going to try and get one chapter out of the way today, but it is 35 pages. Bleh. Yeah, I actually maneged to read 100 pages yesterday, but that was crazy. Okay, I am going to go righhhhhttttttttttt NOW!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


For some reason, your last two posts just made me laugh so hard. Yeah.

Anyway, I really don't like how you mess up the posting pattern of me going first, then you. Because then that means that I have to respond to a total of two posts from you.

Okay, I will now attempt to tackle this new form:

Responses to your Aug 17 post (the looooooong one):
1) I would totally do John's birthday video but I don't have a webcam. Will it work the same way if I connect a video camero to the computer? See, even if it works, it'll probably still be different if I do it that way. We'll see. I wanna do it, though.
2) Shut up (about the horseradish). You should do it because then that would make all three of us who have tasted it. And hated it. :)
3) Well, of course I took a long time--it's the LONGEST POST EVER! It's even longer than yours.
4) You still have white spaces, btw. Figure out what you're doing. Then stop doing it. Easy as that.
5) In addition to questions (which are, like, "essay prompt" style of questions), we also have IDs for key characters and terms. Gar.
6) You should be excited about my NaNoWriMo story. Nah, you shouldn't be. I don't think I'll let you read it.
7) You should totally do my spelling suggestion!
8) Etapa Preliminars go by pretty fast. I don't want to go back empty-headed.
9) Is the "Jen-ness" comment about the Physics thing? 'Cause that was totally not my idea. Dude, my mom's a Physics teacher. Who do you think told me to do it?
10) Love the Hermione moment.
11) I don't like you. Only one thing!?!?!?!
12) Yes, I am a freak for music. Haha, I liked the paradoxical comment about my playlistmania. Haha, I think I know what type of things you relate music to.
13) See later on in this post for my assessments on the portrayals of characters in AVPM and AVPS.
14) Aw, you don't think I can do them, do you? (my goals)
15) Okay, I am not even going to attempt to try and look up all of the people that you subscribe to because...well, because you have so many people! And it sucks because I really wanna see some samples because you keep saying that they're awesome and cool but I just don't wanna waste my time when I have so much more to do. I will in the near future though. Like, maybe in college. Speaking of which...
16) You know how we decided to vlog in college? Well, I don't know about you but my videos will probably be like TobyTurner's daily videos. I don't think I'll have much time to edit them and be all clever like the Greens.
17) Some of the stuff you subscribe to....sorry, I just had to laugh at some of them. Haha.

Okay, on to your Aug 18 post:
18) Congrats. For the waking up and the reading, both.
19) Haha, I love Malfoy and his rolling around, too.
20) OMG, I got the Pigfarts joke right away. Haha, you're slow.
21) I don't like all of the characters. I agree with your number 4, reproduced here: "I really like how they mashed things up into a plot and made it run so smoothly. It was very well done."
22) Okay, so I just took that Which Hogwarts Student Are You? Quiz on FB and I got Ginny. Ehh...
23) Really, I love Hermione's solo in the Sequel.
24) I thought the Quirrel-Voldy thing was weird, but cute.
25) Okay, every scene with Bella in it was just terrible. I didn't like them. I mean, that back-to-back thing was funny. But that part was the only good thing about that scene.
26) I LOVE how Ron is always eating, too! And that part where he didn't have any food but then that guy in the back gave him Red Vines!
27) It's "bagels," dear.
28) I thought that whole scene where Draco was writing his father a letter was super cute. And kind of sad.
29) I didn't realize this until Josh pointed it out to me: the guy who played Cedric in the first one is the same guy who played Lucius in the second one.
30) Speaking of Cedric, I don't understand the Hufflepuff=finders joke in the first one...
31) Wait, why do you like the original better? I think the Sequel is better.

Okay, now on to regular blog stuff!

HP characters assessments based on portrayals in AVPM and AVPS:
Harry - Awesome voice, kind of a jerk but not really in the sequel
Ron - I want to marry him. And his food.
Hermione - I don't know, I don't like how they kind of overdo they being-mean-to-her part. I mean, I guess I get what you're saying about how her knowledge could be annoying at time. But I think it's because I can relate to Hermione (I'm not being conceited or anything because I'm talking about more than just smartness) that I really don't think that they portrayed her character very well. Throughout the whole thing, I'm crying along with her and feeling sorry for her.
Draco - I thought it was weird how he liked Hermione but I went along with it. The girl playing him is super perfect.
Goyle - One of my faves.
Voldy - He's kinda weird. But he's really good.
Quirrel - Same thing as Voldy.
Dumbledore - Kinda uncomfortable with the gay thing because I never really fully accepted that.
Ginny - I like the real Ginny. It's the same thing with Hermione, too, I guess. Some people don't like her at all--do you? I don't know, I like the real her so I don't like how she was treated in the plays.
Cho Chang - The fact that she's not Asian is so funny.
Snape - Love, love, love.
Everyone else: I couldn't care less. They were all terribly done. I thought Bella was gross, Molly was too loud and not very caring-mother-like, Arthur was idiotic, and yeah.

So what did I accomplish today?
1) Opto and ortho appointments
2) I prepared my planner for the first week, which I named "Hey Junior!" Week. With all the post-its and stuff.
3) I prepped that box that I always keep in my locker.
4) I prepped my books for tomorrow. I'm not going to school tomorrow--my sister's going for me. I think my mom felt sorry how I've been getting up at 5 am for 6 days out of the past 10 days so she wants me to sleep in tomorrow. Thanks, Mom! (No, she's not really reading this.)

I am also working on that 25 things on FB. I've been tagged at least, like, four times and I thought that it would be fun. But I'm taking forever.

I watched Made of Honor today. Maybe you already know that because I posted it on Tiff's wall. But, anyway, I liked it. Like I said when we talked on the phone earlier today, I was at my aunt's house in Kalihi (that's why there were chickens in the background) and I was watching TV. So yeah.

So, because I have a lot of time tomorrow, I've got a bunch of stuff planned and I want to finish them all.

Whew, that was a lot. Okay, I'm gonna go and finish watching the rest of AVPS now. Bye bye.
