Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day Two: It's A Secret!

Hello, Official and Non-Official Creepers of the Blog (yes, we know you pretend not to, but you DO!), and welcome (back)!

I was pretty stressed today because I had so much Gov homework and I hadn't started on my English paper which was kinda-sorta-but-not-really "due" today. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night either. 

But I took a risk today! I was running out of time so I decided to wear a skirt in school. Yeahh. I know, I know, I've taken this risk before, but I still haven't gotten to the point where it's not a risk for me anymore, you know. I don't wear skirts or dresses in school or unless I really have to because I don't feel comfortable in them. I rarely ever do. I just feel insecure and weird and asdfusdfbadsfnkjsdf. So stepping out of my comfort zone in this case meant that I had to ignore what other people thought and just be comfortable and confident in my own skin. Success? Success. I feel energized.

After school, I made origami ninja stars with Kei at Big Brothers/Big Sisters. We also made a kite. He is so imaginative and clever and energetic. I will never get tired of hanging out with this kid. 

So, yesterday's gift-giving left me feeling so amazing and I was super excited this morning because I was set to do a spontaneous act of giving for today, February 2. It's funny because Thursdays, I guess, have always been "giving" days. I have 1) volunteer tutoring for Spanish during lunch, and 2) Big Brothers/Big Sisters (with Kei)! But I had no idea what to do spontaneously, so I kept my eyes open. Then, during lunch time, as Kendall and I were walking back from Sra. Melo's class back to Senior Benches, he asked me, "So have you done your Gift yet?" And then BOOM. I knew what I had to do.

BUUUUUUUUUT (yep, there's a big rear end to this story, sorry)...I can't tell you all about it just yet. Yes, I tried my best to give someone something today. It came to my attention that one of my friends did not receive something that I thought she really deserves and would appreciate and love. So I went on to try and get it for her. It's not tangible. That's all I'm saying for now. I did it anonymously and I kind of want it to be a surprise for her. 

I really hope that things work out and that the special someone "receives" my gift. But I won't find out until maybe a couple of days from now, so I'm keeping everything crossed--my eyes, my fingers, my toes, you name it! And, I promise, as soon as I find out the outcome of my little attempt today, I will let you all know about it.

Anyway, it didn't seem to be such a big deal when I thought of it today. I knew that my friend should have received something, but she didn't. So I went out and tried to make sure that she gets it. It's so simple, yes? It didn't even take a long while--just maybe five minutes max. Nevertheless, as I was doing it, it felt so right. There are so many instances in life when we have to choose between what is easy and what is right. But giving to others--you can always count on it to be both easy and right.

Risks taken: 13
Hugs: 4
Current food cravings/obsessions: just water (*gasp*)
Playlist(s) of the Week: "Add 30 Years and Some Free JD's Ice Cream" (again.............................)


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