Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day Twenty-Three: Note Adventures!

Not gonna lie, today was a lamer. Lame lame lame sauce all over. But that's alright, because I still had a very give-y day! Let's talk about the better gifts of the day first. This morning, my friend asked if she could have a ride to school. So when I got there, she came out of her house with a piece of cinnamon toast. I must say that it was delicious. 

Second, during Leadership today, Mr. U told the kids about how our school's Special Programs Office was having a really rough day. Summer school registration opened up for the public (outside schools) today, and that's a very crazy and hectic time for them. However, their system in which people signed up with, shut down. Therefore, they had angry parents calling like crazy, parents were freaking out, everything was going wrong. 

Mr. U noticed that they were super stressed and instead of doing what we had planned for today, he decided that it would be better to help them out. So, they spent a good part of the class, making posters and little notes and other awesome things to give to the office. When we went to deliver them, they looked so happy that there was something to be happy about. It was a really awesome moment. 

On a much more lame note, my gift was just a simple, yet heartfelt, post-it note for our friend Adrienne, who I believe deserves way more recognition for how incredibly awesome she is. All I can really say is that I hope that she enjoys it!

Books Read: 3 
Why Today Was Awesome: Surprising the SPO!
Today's Gift: Small note to Aid
Song Stuck in My Head: "Cough Syrup" by Young the Giant


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