Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day Five: Videos, Trailers, and Funny Pictures

This blog comes to you in 4 parts.

Part 1: Lazy Day
I woke up at 10ish, ate food, then did my chores up until 1. I did not eat lunch. I did nothing today but sit down in front of my computer, scroll through tumblr, watch YouTube videos, and blog. I didn't get to watch my online shows though....hmmmm, maybe later on. Anyway, after yesterday, I felt like I needed a break and that I owed it to myself to do nothing. Though I didn't, really, because I had to do my Saturday chores today because I was at the speech tournament yesterday...

Anyway, from where I sit now, it doesn't look like such a good idea anymore since I have yet to start homework and I have a math test and a Spanish quiz tomorrow. But, for some reason, I don't feel so bad. I think I'll be okay. Hopefully, I get to finish my English, Math and Spanish homeworks soon so I can watch my shows.................................*big and heavy sigh*..........

I also haven't been feeling well. Like, not really sick, but just...not well. It's those types of depressions that have no sane reason to be here, lodged in my brain and body. I tried taking a cold shower to wake myself up but I couldn't handle it. IT IS SO COLD. And, by cold, I mean like mid 60s or low 70s in Fahrenheit...which is pretty warm in some places but here in Hawaii, it's COLD.

But there's school tomorrow and there's nothing like going to school that will break this bout of sadness! (No sarcasm intended.)

Part 2: Today's Gift
Like Kendall, what I did today wasn't really much, I guess. I knew that I wanted to do something for my brother though because of how proud I was for his accomplishment yesterday. But I didn't know what to do. I thought of baking for him but when I asked him what he wanted, he didn't seem so enthusiastic about it. So I asked him what he wanted me to do for him and he just told me to sit right next to him in front of his computer and keep him company. I already knew that he likes to watch a lot of things on the Internet: weird and funny videos, movie trailers and clips, blooper reels, pranks, etc. But I hadn't known that he also likes reading NPR articles. Or that he has Tab for A Cause installed on his Chrome (I had told him about it weeks ago when I installed it myself). Or that he regularly checks several tumblr blogs. So we sat there and watched clips from his favorite videos, trailers for upcoming movies, trailers for parodies of upcoming movies, etc. He showed me the Narnia, Jurassic Park and Harry Potter blogs that he regularly checks. And, of course, we scrolled through my friend Rachel's hilarious tumblr. Good times.

Generally, my brother has always been used to kind of keeping to himself sometimes. Even when he was a kid and we weren't really that close, he was perfectly fine playing with his dinosaur toys all by himself while my sister and I played with our dolls and stuff. But Josh has always been the type who knows that doing something that you love with someone else makes doing that something that much better. When he was younger, he'd always ask me to sit right next to him while he played video games so that I can be all, "Wow, Josh you're so good, you slew that orc so easily!" and "HOW DO YOU MOVE YOUR FINGERS LIKE THAT?!" He would never let me play, but he always insisted that I praise his skills. Which was cute, I have to admit. 

So I gave my brother my time today. I sat with him and patiently watched videos and scrolled through pictures that I probably would never have looked up on the Internet up until today. And it was fun.

Part 3: 13 Little Blue Envelopes Update
I completed the task on Envelope #2 on Friday! Whooo! 

So, Kendall's instructions told me to reconnect with my past. I had to talk to someone whom I met back in freshman year. So I invited this girl named Mari to lunch. I had known of some people in my grade before I started school in Iolani but Mari was the first person I did not know at all but met on the very first day of high school. Over the years, we've kind of just drifted apart and now hang out in different groups. I've seen her around and said hi a couple of times but I was still nervous about sending her a note in homeroom asking her to text me so that we can make plans to have lunch and catch up.

Thankfully, she didn't think I was weird for randomly asking her to have lunch with me at all! She was really cool about it when I explained to her my awesome scavenger hunt and I think she felt really special that I chose her for my task. We talked about the very first day of freshman year--computer class where we met, the classes and teachers we had, whether we remembered anything from the first month of school, etc. We also talked about what we'd been up to these past years. I've actually seen her name printed on the playbills as the Assistant Director for a couple of the school plays, so I asked her about that, and we talked about the upcoming spring musical with which she's helping out. We also talked about having Dr. Webb as a teacher last year--we just gushed about how much of a genius he is. Then we drifted off to the topic of college--apps, scholarships, dream schools, goals, etc. 

It felt so good to be able to talk to her and still realize that she is still just as cool and nice and sweet as she was back when I first met her four years ago. Maybe even more so. Thank you, Kerms, for giving me the opportunity to realize this. I will definitely seek her out and give her a lei at the very end of the musical.

On to the third envelope. The task? Be a "mysterious benefactor".....

Part 4: Risk Taking "Adventures"
I am now officially a rule breaker. Now, of course, I've broken rules before. But this is different. Now it's official because...*gulp*...I have to do detention tomorrow after school. *EVERYONE GASPS*

I know, I'll live. But still. I am a Second Semester Senior and I was going to graduate without  having had detention at all in my life. And then Thursday-Friday happened.

So you all know that, last week, I was desperately trying to take a risk before yesterday's tournament so that I would be more passionate and powerful in performing my Risk Taking speech, "High Dive." So I decided to wear a skirt to school on Thursday. Now, skirts are perfectly okay as long as they follow dress code which states that all skirts and dresses must reach the top of the knee. Mine did not. I wasn't thinking of it as a risk because it was against dress code. I considered it a risk because I am always so self-conscious whenever I wear skirts and dresses. That's why I don't wear them often to school and/or when I don't really have to wear them. So the risk in wearing a skirt to school wasn't that I would probably get busted for it, but that I would have to not worry myself about what others think and that I would have to steel myself to be comfortable and confident in my own skin.

I say that it was a success because for each compliment I got from others about how cute it was or how nice I looked that day, I grew more confident about having taken that risk. However, it wasn't much of a success because a teacher turned in my name to the Dean of Students who sought me out on Friday and asked me which one would fit better in my schedule: lunch or after school detention?


I am not complaining. I know I deserve it. I just thought it was interesting that everyone I told seemed to be elated that I got busted for dress code. The reactions I got ranged from "REALLY?!" faces to hysterical laughter. Kendall gave me a high five and was all, "I'm SO PROUD of YOU!" Really, people, so much schadenfreude...I think it stems from my usual Goody Two-Shoes image...

So, yes, after school tomorrow, I have to work detention for an hour. (Shayne, if you're reading this before I tell you about my having detention, please don't say anything to Mom and Dad. They don't have to know....)

I will never break dress code again. Ever.

On another note, I kinda also took a risk on Saturday. Mr. U, Wifey and Kendall all came to watch me at the speech tournament. To be honest, it was nerve-wracking. I've never had anyone but a couple of teammates watch me speak and/or debate. Not even my parents or coaches have seen me compete live! I seriously thought to myself, "What was I thinking?" but I immediately scolded myself for even thinking it because I don't think I would have done as well if they hadn't come. 

Risks taken: 14
Hugs: 1
Current food cravings/obsessions: water (again)
Playlist(s) of the Week: "Like an 'N,' But Not Really" (again)


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