Friday, February 17, 2012

Day Seventeen: Red Paperclip Adventures!

¿Cómo estás? 

This is gonna be a short one because it is late and I am tired. Today, for my gift, I decided to give to one of the most awesome 10th graders that I know, and her name is Alex. Alex is freaking amazing, always caring and thinking about others. She took leadership class last semester, and in that class, they/we taught/teach this story about a guy who basically trades a red paper clip for a bunch of different things, and ends up with a house. This story is basically a symbol of how little things make a big difference, of which Alex is a master. Therefore, I took a red paper clip, put it on a post-it note, and then put it in her locker because she is awesome. 

Also, today was LGO day (Let's Get Organized) which is always a fun time. Also, my voice has been wavering because I'm kind of sick, so it's cracking every five seconds and it sounds super embarrassing, but that's alright. I'm tired and I want to sleep. Bye. 

Books Read: 3 
Why Today Was Awesome: Just a generally good day
Today's Gift: Red Paper Clip to Alex
Song Stuck in My Head: "This Year" by Megan Tonjes


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