Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day Twenty-Eight: Fun with Second Graders

I may have already told this story, but whatever. Several weeks ago, I had to go talk to Mrs. Keefer about something for the Family Fair but she was on the phone for something really important. It was a Tuesday and there was a class of second graders in there, just drawing and basically artsy-ing it up. Some of them had taken the summer swimming classes that I "babysat" for my summer job last June, so I knew some of them and they didn't think I was weird for randomly sitting in their class or anything. So, I spent most of my free period in there that day, just watching the kids complete their Chinese New Year art projects and giving them some fraction problems to solve in their heads.

This is the first Tuesday is weeks, now, in which I didn't really have pressing homework to do so I dropped by the SAO to say hi and I mentioned to Mr. U that I intended to walk over to Lower School after so  I can hang out with the kids. We walked there together because he had to talk to Mrs. Keefer, too. When we got there, the kids were wrapping gifts for their parents (they had taken pictures of their families and gotten them framed last week, so these were their gifts). I sat with them and talked to them, making sure that they did most of the work and only helping them out when they really needed it. They were doing lots of folding and taping and tying of ribbons and writing cards and it was just so much fun hanging out with them. I helped them out with the taping and the tying of the ribbons, a pretty tricky task for seven-year-olds.

Like, I said, I love kids because their always so enthusiastic about everything. And they're never too afraid to say what they feel and think and that frankness is so genuine and unbelievably amazing. We talked about pets, siblings, books, dragons, and fractions all in a matter of half an hour or so. And the speed at which they switch from one topic to the other! So hilarious. They all had a fun time being silly about guessing my age--I kept giving them math problems with the answer 18 so that they would get it right, but they were having fun guessing that I was, like, 19566 or a million years old.

So that was my gift, today: time, laughter, help and jokes with second graders in art class.

Now, Mrs. Keefer says that she has TWO first-grade classes after lunch on Fridays and that I would be welcome to sit in on those whenever I have the time....hmmmm.... :)

Risks taken: 15 
Hugs:  1
Current food cravings/obsessions: butter mochi
Playlist(s) on Repeat: "LIFE IS S***"


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