Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day Sixteen: Smores Rescue

Gonna be a long night tonight. All right, here we go:

Today, my gift was, again, very simple. Our school has a makeshift Big Brother/Big Sister program. Last year, when we were juniors, we were paired up with seventh-graders and so we served as their "mentors" all year. Now that we're seniors and they are now eighth graders, our relationship has continued. Every once in a while, we have Big Brother/Big Sister Lunches where the entire Class of 2012 and the entire Class of 2016 gets together to have lunch, and today was one of those days. The student co-chairs of the program try to plan special things for these days and today was Smores Day! So when the lunch bell rang, a line of 12th grade-8th grade duos began to form outside of the SAO where they had a table set up with a microwave for the smores magic to happen. The problem was that the microwave wasn't working. I watched Tiffie, one of the student co-chairs struggle with the cord and plugging it in and out, trying to get the microwave to respond to no avail. Then I suddenly realized, "Wait, why am I watching?" So I went up to the front and tried plugging and unplugging the cord myself while Tiffie examined the back of the appliance to see if there was something that we were supposed to push or switch on. Nada. By this point, I could tell that Tiffie was starting to get worried because the line kept on getting longer and her partner, Jordy, the other student co-chair was off by Seto Hall, manning the mic and the speaker, trying to make sure that the siblings found each other. So I looked at Tiffie, told her that I would be back with help and left her to set up the marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate. I ran to Seto Hall and found Mr. U and promptly told him the problem. Apparently, we had to get an extension cord and use the outlets inside the SAO, not the ones by the water fountain. Problem solved! The microwave worked, Tiffie calmed down and Jordy quickly showed up to help her, everyone got their gooey microwave smores and I got to give Tiffie (and, indirectly, the people in line) a gift today. It's not just a win-win's a win-win-win situation. 

Risks taken: 15 
Hugs: 3
Current food cravings/obsessions: Just ate.
Playlist(s) of the Week: "MmMmMmMm"


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