Friday, February 3, 2012

Day Three: Paper Towel Adventures!

Greetings? I am allowed to say that? Is that even a real thing? Nope. It isn't. Never mind...

Anyway, I'm beginning to write this blog during school (period 4 to be exact) because I just finished my gift and I figured that since I still had some time left, now would be a good time to talk about it, even though I probably won't post this until tonight. 

Today was another spontaneous day. The way that I was trying to approach it was by finding a person who was completely awesome, yet still had some form of a problem. After going through tons of candidates in my head, I finally realized that our friend Kelsey would be an awesome choice. Kelsey is one of the coolest, friendliest, most awesome people whom I know. She plays soccer and right now she, and the rest of the girls in the varsity soccer team, are advancing through the state tournament, and are almost at the state championship. Kelsey is another master of the little things and I really wanted to do something awesome for her. 

A little inside joke that she and our other friend Jaime have is that Kelsey will get a butt load of paper towels and hide them all around Jaime's stuff, so that Jaime continues to find said paper towels weeks later. That's what I did, I got a bajillion paper towels, wrote little nice/encouraging notes, and hid them throughout Kelsey's books and bag so that she will be finding them for a long time. 

I just want to say that so far, Jen's gifts have been way more awesome than mine. Those are definitely the types of gifts that I want to be doing and I will strive towards gifts that matter. Speaking of Jen, she has a lot to tell you guys (day 3 gift, task 1, and her little surprise from the risk she took the other day). Get excited for those. 

That's all I have for now, I'm tired and I need to wake up early tomorrow, hopefully a day full of giving. NIGHT!

Books Read: 2
Why Today Was Awesome: Free Food!

Today's Gift: Paper Towels for Kelsey
Song Stuck in My Head: "I'll Run" by The Cab


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