Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day Eleven: Concerto Concert

Today's gift definitely counts as a prepared one because I had been planning it for a week. I went to an 'Iolani Orchestra 4 and 5 performance for the first time (I got back home an hour ago) and I am really glad that I did. I had never been to one before so I was very excited. But I was especially excited for this one because it was our school's annual concerto concert in which select senior soloists perform! Three of the eight soloists are good friends of mine: Iris, Cole, 
and Daniel. This gave me all the more reason to want to go to the concert--I wanted to support them.

I couldn't get out of the house to buy some flower leis so I dug up my mom's lei-making supplies (she puts them away and only takes them out during graduation season, the high time of the year for lei-making) and made three black and red ribbon leis during the day. Kirsten, Max and I sat together, along with Max's brother, Jake, my brother, Josh, and his friend, Jordan. While we were waiting for the concert to start, the three of us had a bit of fun trying to wave at people we knew onstage, trying to grab their attention and everything, but we only got a couple of waves back. We saw Winney!!! And Yun Ji!!! I love those two. I also saw Krislyn, Katie, Eun Ah, BChen and more peopel.

All of the soloists were AMAZING. I sat and listened to all of the pieces, marveling at their virtuosity the whole time. I also felt so inadequate because the only instrument I can play is the ukulele. Nevertheless, I was filled with so much pride in being able to say that I go to school with these fabulous musicians every day. And being friends with three of them to boot! Gah, so much love and respect for the inspiring eight!

After the concert, they had the soloists line up in front of the stage so that everyone can meet and congratulate them. I quickly gave Iris, Cole, and Daniel their well-deserved congratulations, leis and hugs, and then left them to their other equally amazed fans and admirers. 

Josh and I jetted off outside where our mom was already waiting. We had to go to a birthday party--my dad's good friend's daughter's. That was also fun. Mostly because of the food. VERY fun.

Kendall has been very busy lately because of the wrestling tournaments of which he is co-in-charge every weekend. The poor guy sounds pretty dead tired in his blog posts. It's amazing that he still finds a way to give though, right? Get some much needed rest buddy!

Risks taken: 15 
Hugs: 5
Current food cravings/obsessions: I'm pretty full from the birthday party...
Playlist(s) of the Week: "Add 30 Years...and Some Free JDs Ice Cream"


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