Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day Twelve: Small Adventures!

Today, after getting my long needed and awaited haircut, I went to Costco with my mom. Now, Costco on a Sunday was busy as always, which meant crowded and lethargic times. After getting to the check out lines and eating some ridiculously hot Doritos, I asked my mom for some money so I could go and get something to eat at the Costco snack bar thing outside. 

So I went outside and got in line at the food counter area. When I was almost next, I looked at the counter and noticed that there was a giant stack of mismatched and crumpled up receipts. All from people who were too lazy to do something with them. This annoyed me a little. Why are people this lazy and uncaring? I mean, it is a little thing, it won't really matter in the grand scheme of things, leaving a receipt on a counter, but as I have learned time and time again, little things make big things happen. 

So after I got my food and grabbed the handful of receipts and proceeded to take them to the trash. On my way there, my mom noticed that I did this and she scolded me saying that it wasn't my job and to let someone else take care of that. No. It's my job to make other people's jobs easier. 

Anyways, I watched the last two episodes of Sherlock tonight and OH MY FREAKING FLKD:JF:ALKHG:BG:EWLKTJH:LAKFJ:LK........ no words. FREAKING MOFFAT!!!!

Okay, enough of this. Time for homework. Bye.   

Books Read: 2
Why Today Was Awesome: SHERLOCK!
Today's Gift: Doing the Little Things
Song Stuck in My Head: Sherlock Theme Song!


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