Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day Four: Hug Adventures!


So today, I think I have the best gift I've given so far, but to talk about that, I need to talk about the rest of my day first. This morning, I went to one of Jen's speech tournaments for the very first time. It was incredibly terrifying and intense, but it was still cool. I accompanied Mr. U and Wifey--Mr. U and I in horrific school shirts. Horrific because we are supposedly not supposed to support our school because it might bias-ify the judges... Anyways, I thought that Jen did a really good job and she deserved the first place that she got.  

Then, I booked it over to school to help with the end of Admission guiding. At first, I helped with reception for a little, also for the first time. Then, once that was done, I helped finish up with the escorts and gave the speech that wasn't supposed to be given by me, but nonetheless, it was fun.  

After that, there was a wrestling tournament at school. That went how it usually does, but the exciting part of that today was picking up Robi. One of my fellow managers, Robi, was lost nearby and called me for directions. Instead of giving them to her, I immediately said, "Stay where you are, I'm coming" and then proceeded to pick her up. I thought that this was my gift for today, but I was wrong.  

A little bit into wrestling, I had to leave again because of the award ceremonies for the Scholastic Art Awards. It was cool to be able to see my picture and everyone else's work up in a legit museum. I even got a little gold key pin to celebrate the achievement.  After this, I concluded my evening with our Girls Soccer Championship game. I have two really good friends on the varsity team and this would be the first (and last) game of theirs that I would be watching. It was an exciting game, but unfortunately, they lost 1-0. However, the juicy stuff happened after the game.  So right after the game, everyone was going down to console and hug the players. They were all pretty emotional and hurt. (At this point in the story I need to introduce some characters, but to keep their identities a secret, I will use fake names: Jerry is a soccer player and Sarah is one of my friends who came to the game. Jerry and Sarah used to be best friends for years, until a few months ago when they had a silly argument and haven't spoken to one another since).  

So it was after the game and we were down in the field hugging and greeting the players. A good amount of time passed and we all gave our gifts and said our things, all but Sarah and Jerry. I wanted Sarah to go up and hug her and I know that she did too, but she didn't. So Sarah, a few others and I were leaving the soccer field, and the entire time, I was thinking about how disappointed I was in Sarah for not doing anything. I said my goodbyes to Sarah and walked in the opposite direction toward my car. About halfway to my car, I stopped and said, "No, I can't let this happen." And I turned around and ran toward Sarah to stop her. Once I reached her, I said "Sarah, I think you should go hug Jerry". 

"Really? I wanted to but I wasn't sure." 

"Yes, if we hurry, we can still catch her. It would mean so much to her." 

So Sarah and I walked back from the parking lot to the field and Sarah gave Jerry a hug. This was my gift, doing the right thing, and I just want to say that it felt really really good. 

Books Read: 2
Why Today Was Awesome: Doing the Right Thing

Today's Gift: Hug Promoting

Song Stuck in My Head: "I'll Run" by The Cab


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